On Friday, Nov. 3, 2017, 2017 George Norlin Award Recipient Professor and Department of English alum Yusur Al-Madani visited Boulder to deliver her talk:  'Such a Transformation!' Shakespeare Re-made, Sulayman Al-Bassam's Richard III, an Arab Tragedy

For more than three decades, Professor Yusur Wajih Al-Madani of Kuwait University has made extraordinary progress for students in her country.  But first, she gleaned inspiration in Boulder. Professor Al-Madani came to CU in the late 1970s and was the first Kuwaiti to earn a PhD in English literature with an American emphasis.

Working from the premise developed by theorists and critics that the meaning of a text is not bound to its authorial intent or its unique historical context, but rather to the context of its reception, Professor Al-Madani will present a reading of The Arab Shakespeare Trilogy: The Al-Hamlet Summit; Richard III, An Arab Tragedy; The Speaker's Progress, written by Kuwaiti playwright and director, Sulayman Al-Bassam. Professor Al-Madani argues for a new perspective for understanding adaptations.

Read her interview with the College of Arts and Sciences, Kuwaiti citizen, English grad wins top alumni prize.

Poster for event. All details of the poster are presented on this page as content.