As part of a Libraries’ Innovation Grant, we are planning a Living Library event to be held at Norlin on Thursday March 1, 2018 from 3-5PM.
Living Library events are opportunities for people to engage with one another around stories in a supportive environment which encourages questions and open mindedness. “Books” -- people who are willing to share stories about their lives and diverse personal backgrounds -- and small groups of “Readers” will engage in brave, in-depth, authentic conversations across gender, race, nationality, religion, and ability. This event will allow students and campus community members to experience positive, authentic conversations, learning about themselves and others.
We have a number of classes committed to attend the event as Readers and are seeking more Books to ensure that the event has enough people willing to share their stories.  We would love to tap into the network and stories that people within the Libraries have.
If you or someone you know may have an engaging personal story to share, we would love to be connected to encourage them to participate as a Book.
Please either connect them with the participation form, or we are happy to reach out to individuals whom you recommend.