Doug Smith is the Assistant Dean for Programs and Engagement at the College of Engineering and Applied Science. He works at a strategic level with the dean and other leaders to improve the effectiveness of the school with a focus on the development and leadership of student and faculty programs to support college growth and excellence; the engagement of alumni and industry partners; and development and implementation of college marketing and communications. Doug Smith is an alumnus of the College of Engineering and Applied Science with a master’s degree in civil engineering. He has a longstanding history with the college via a post as adjunct professor in sanitary engineering, volunteer and fundraising roles, service on the Engineering Advisory Board, and engagement as a member of the Dean’s Club. After serving in executive roles within the engineering and construction industries since 1989, including as executive vice president and president of engineering and architecture services at Tetra Tech, Inc., he returned to the College of Engineering and Applied Science in fall 2013. His professional and educational history includes organizational leadership in the U.S. and abroad, law school at the University of Denver, and the Senior Executive Program at the London Business School.