CU Museum will remain closed from Monday, December 23 through through Monday, January 13 for CU’s official winter holidays and planned construction activities nearby. 
The Museum will resume normal operating hours (10 AM-4 PM) on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Thank you!

Construction updates, accessibility, and parking information 

Life in Colorado's Freshwater

Colorado freshwaters begin in high mountain peaks as rain or snow that spills over granite slabs and gathers in wet subalpine meadows. They cascade through forests of spruce, fir, and pine on their irrepressible flow to the sea. Along the way, they form meandering rivers, ecologically rich wetlands, lakes and ponds. Each habitat is home to unique lifeforms and contributes to the rich biodiversity of the Southern Rockies.

The specimens presented in this poster series were chosen by the curators and collection managers of the CU Museum of Natural History to highlight the diversity of life in Colorado freshwaters. The collection includes nearly 5 million specimens, some of which are on display in the Museum housed in the Henderson Building.

Featuring the photography of Felix Salazar.

View the exhibit

The Life in Colorado's Freshwater poster exhibit is on display online, at the Museum, and in the MCOL building on campus. These posters may also be loaned out as a traveling exhibit. If you are interested in hosting this series, please contact