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Hungry Birds: The Photography of David Leatherman

David Leatherman

Knowing what food birds eat is critical for bird conservation efforts. Obtaining more specific data about bird food habits has been a passion of David Leatherman for many years. With high-resolution digital photography and a bit of luck, it is sometimes possible for specialists to identify insects to the species level and to capture information about the plants that sustain birds through the seasons.

David Leatherman writes a column called The Hungry Bird in Colorado Birds, the journal of the Colorado Field Ornithologists. He is retired from the Colorado State Forest Service where he served as the forest entomologist, studying  and conducting outreach about the Mountain Pine Beetle. He is a frequent speaker to bird and insect groups and plans to write a book, Life Among the Headstones, a summary of over 1700 visits to an old cemetery in Fort Collins.
© 2020 David Leatherman. All rights reserved.