Elisa Stern

  • Graduate Student in Clinical Psychology

Faculty Advisor:  Soo Rhee


  • BA, Colby College (Psychology, concentration Neuroscience), 2017
  • MRes, University College London/Yale University (Developmental Neuroscience and Psychopathology), 2020
  • PhD, University of Colorado, Boulder, Expected 2027

Research Interests

  • Adolescent substance use initiation and persistence factors
  • Intergenerational transmission of parental health characteristics
  • Genetic and environmental influences on psychopathology onset and risk of comorbidity

Publications and Presentations

Zaboski, B., Stern, E., Pittenger, C. (2021) What can EEG reveal about the electrophysiology of OCD? A narrative review of the literature. Paper solicited by Frontiers in Psychiatry. 

Pushkarskaya, H., Stern, E., Tolin, D. F., & Pittenger, C. (2020). Excessive acquisition of information during simple judgments in individuals with hoarding disorder. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 24, 1-7. 100505. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocrd.2020.100505

Lichenstein, S. D., Manco, N., Cope, L. M., Egbo, L., Garrison, K. A., Hardee, J., Hillmer, A. T., Reeder, K., Stern, E., Worhunsky, P., Yip, S. W. (2021, September). Systematic Review of Structural and Functional Neuroimaging Studies of Cannabis Use in Adolescence: Evidence from 90 studies and 9,441 participants. Accepted for late-breaking poster presentation at the FLUX 2021 Virtual Congress, Virtual Meeting.

Kelmendi, B., Stern, E. (2020, December). Examining the acute effect of psilocybin in the treatment of treatment-resistant OCD symptoms. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 

Stern, E. (2020, July). The psychosocial and neurodevelopmental impact of prenatal cannabis exposure: insights from a computational approach. Yale Child Study Center Colloquium Series, New Haven, CT.