Portrait of Andy Cain
Professor • Chair

HUMN 392

Andy Cain (PhD Cornell University 2003) specializes in the Greek and Latin literature of Late Antiquity (3rd-7th c. CE).

He has authored eight books which span a broad range of topics, ancient literary genres, and Greek and Latin authors: The Letters of Jerome: Asceticism, Biblical Exegesis and the Construction of Christian Authority in Late Antiquity (Oxford 2009); St. Jerome, Commentary on Galatians (Catholic Univ. of America Press 2010); Jerome’s Epitaph on Paula: A Commentary on Jerome's Epitaphium Sanctae Paulaewith an Introduction, Text and Translation (Oxford 2013); Jerome and the Monastic Clergy: A Commentary on Letter 52 to Nepotian, with an Introduction, Text and Translation (Brill 2013); The Greek Historia monachorum in Aegypto: Monastic Hagiography in the Late Fourth Century (Oxford 2016); Rufinus, Enquiry about the Monks of Egypt (Catholic Univ. of America Press 2019); Jerome’s Commentaries on the Pauline Epistles and the Architecture of Exegetical Authority (Oxford 2021); and Athanasius and the Invention of Monastic Hagiography: A Commentary on the Life of Antony, with an Introduction, Text and Translation (Oxford 2025). He also has published dozens of journal articles and book chapters and four co-edited volumes. Works in progress include five co-edited volumes and several single-author book projects, including a monograph exploring the emergence of monastic hagiography as a literary phenomenon in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.

Prof. Cain is Editor Emeritus of the Journal of Late Antiquity and Associate Editor of the journal Vigiliae Christianae. He also serves on the editorial board of three book series, Writings from the Greco-Roman World (Brill/Society of Biblical Literature), Writings from the Greco-Roman World Supplements (monograph series) (Brill/Society of Biblical Literature) and Fathers of the Church (Catholic University of America Press).