Mortenson Center Logo

A Commitment From the Mortenson Center

June 10, 2020

The Mortenson Center in Global Engineering community recognizes the pain and frustration caused by the systemic and unrelenting violence against Black communities. We denounce these acts and the systems that perpetuate them, and we stand in solidarity with all those speaking out against racial injustice and police brutality. This statement...

two women carrying jerry cans on their head in the evening sun

The Catastrophic Intersectionality of WASH, Climate Change and the Coronavirus

May 13, 2020

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has caused social and economic disruption worldwide and a reckoning of the balance in our priorities between public health and the economy. Our global response is heartening, and demonstrates our potential to work collectively to protect each other. Yet, the public health impact and economic effects...

four people standing around a water pump superimposed on the ocean

Water for People, Water for Agriculture: Using Earth Observations and Networked Sensors to End Drought Emergencies

May 8, 2020

The challenge : Millions of people living in the drought-prone Horn of Africa face persistent threat from a lack of safe, reliable, and affordable water year-round. The arid regions of Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia are experiencing increasing frequency and severity of drought conditions. Drought emergencies occur when reduced rainfall, exacerbated...

Developing World Technology logo

World Changing Ideas Awards 2020: Developing-World Technology Finalists and Honorable Mentions

April 28, 2020

Products designed specifically for the developing world, both ones intended for the bottom of the pyramid and those intended to help create leapfrog innovation. Read about the winner: a kit that can still fill a prescription in places where there are no optometrist.

Global Engineering Award winners, staff and faculty

2020 Global Engineering Award Winners

April 14, 2020

On March 4th 2020, the Mortenson Center hosted the second annual Global Engineering Awards, recognizing two professionals and one student whose work aligns with the Mortenson Center’s mission and vision. These awards seek to highlight the work of individuals who contribute to the field of global engineering. This encompasses not...

Mining site affected by acid mine drainage

Sustainable and Innovative Techniques for Heavy Metal Reduction

Mining activity in developing countries like Ecuador is mostly artisanal. This type of mining is very invasive and results in a series of environmental impacts, especially on aquatic ecosystems. Mortenson Center Affiliate Faculty Dr. Paola Almeida-Guerra is currently investingating rivers in the Andean region of Ecuador which have been severely...

Water collection in Turkana, Kenya. (Credit: CU Boulder)

MacArthur Foundation honors drought emergency strategy

Feb. 19, 2020

A CU Boulder and Millennium Water Alliance-led program committed to ending humanitarian drought emergencies in the Horn of Africa has been named one of the Top 100 in the prestigious John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation 100&Change competition , and remains in the running for the competition’s award of...

Professor Karl Linden laughing with students in a lab.

Linden wins water treatment innovation prize

Feb. 3, 2020

Karl Linden of environmental engineering has been selected to receive the Borchardt-Glysson Water Treatment Innovation Prize. Linden is the Mortenson Professor in Sustainable Development at the University of Colorado Boulder. His research investigates novel water and wastewater treatment systems, including advanced and innovative UV systems; the efficacy of UV and...

Stock photo of the earth from space.

2020 Global Engineering Awards Nomination Deadline: Jan. 31, 2020

Jan. 16, 2020

The Mortenson Center is hosting the second annual Global Engineering Awards recognizing a professional and a student whose work aligns with the Mortenson Center’s mission and vision. The nomination process is now open, and nominations will be accepted until January 31, 2020. The Global Engineering Awards seek to highlight the...

Alice and Mort Mortenson (seated) with staff and graduate students of the Mortenson Center

Remembering 'Mort' Mortenson, a dedicated CU Engineering alumnus

Nov. 19, 2019

Mauritz “Mort” Mortenson (CivEngr’58), who passed away Nov. 9 at his home in Minneapolis, Minnesota, at age 82, leaves behind a deep personal and professional legacy. As chairman of M.A. Mortenson Co. from 1960 to 2015, he was known as a “humble servant-leader.” His company built several buildings on the...
