Carlo Salvinelli, PhD

  • Faculty Fellow
  • Associate Teaching Professor

Carlo Salvinelli is an Associate Teaching Professor at the Mortenson Center in Global Engineering & Resilience at the University of Colorado Boulder where he teaches courses on humanitarian aid, international development project management, and field methods for development engineers. 

He has a BS in Industrial Engineering and a MS in Engineering Management from the University of Brescia, Italy, and a PhD in Geological Engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology where he conducted research on household water treatment systems for underserved communities. 

Dr. Salvinelli spent six years working as a practitioner for international NGOs and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, especially in Central America, where he designed and implemented international development projects, coordinated emergency response efforts, and facilitated international policy dialogues. The projects he managed addressed key development challenges including rural livelihood, water and sanitation access, rural electrification, disaster risk reduction, and natural resources management. 

His research interests include monitoring and impact evaluation of water service delivery solutions, the development of tools for disaster risk reduction and disaster management, and the coherence between humanitarian and development efforts in response to forced displacement-related crises.

Office: SEEC N292A


  • B.S. in Industrial Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy (2007)
  • M.S. in Engineering Management, University of Brescia, Italy (2012)
  • Ph.D. in Geological Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology (2016)

Honors and Distinctions   

  • Distinguished Thesis Award, appropriate technologies for environmental management in developing countries. M.Sc. Thesis. CeTAmb - University of Brescia, Italy.


  • Falcone, M., Salvinelli, C., Bah, M., Thomas, E., 2023. Effectiveness of a Water-Vending Kiosk Intervention Toward Household Water Quality and Surveyed Water Security in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Sci. Total Environ., 875, p.162447. DOI:
  • Tisdale, J., Bielefeldt, A., MacDonald, L. and Salvinelli, C., 2022. Sustainability Inclusion Efforts in Three Unique First-Year Engineering Courses. 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Excellence Through Diversity, Minneapolis, MN, June 26-28.
  • Siller, T.J., Marti, E.J., Budischak, C., Gordon, M. and Salvinelli, C., 2022. An International Design Project for First Year Engineering Students at Multiple US Institutions. 2022 First-Year Engineering Experience, ASEE, East Lansing, MI, July 31-August 2.
  • MacDonald, L., Thomas, E., Javernick-Will, A., Austin-Breneman, J., Aranda, I., Salvinelli, C., et al., 2022. Aligning learning objectives and approaches in global engineering graduate programs: Review and recommendations by an interdisciplinary working group. Development Engineering, p.100095. DOI:  
  • Thomas, E., Salvinelli, C., Harper, J., MacDonald, L., Klees, R., Platais, G., Javernick-Will, A. and Linden, K., 2021. A Body of Knowledge and Pedagogy for Global Engineering. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship, 16(1), pp 37-57. DOI:
  • Obrist-Farner, J., Brenner, M., Curtis, J. H., Kenney, W. F., Salvinelli, C., 2019. Recent onset of eutrophication in Lake Izabal, the largest water body in Guatemala. J Paleolimnol, pp 1-14. DOI:10.1007/s10933-019-00091-3
  • Mutungwa, W., Pieper, Z., Macharia, S., Salvinelli, C., 2019. Rainwater Catchment Systems to Increase Water Access in the Rural Area of Northern Province, Rwanda. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE, Pittsburgh, PA, May 19-23. DOI: 10.1061/9780784482322.016
  • Salvinelli, C., Merfeld-Langston, A., Elmore, A.C. 2018. Comparison of Field-Measured Ceramic Pot Filter Performance and Users' Perception of Performance in Coastal Guatemala. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE, Minneapolis, MN, June 3-7. DOI: 10.1061/9780784481394.020
  • Dobias, J., Salvinelli, C. 2018. Linear Regression Analysis and Statistical Models Using Oceanic and Atmospheric Variables for Streamflow Forecasting in Chixoy River, Guatemala. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE, Minneapolis, MN, June 3-7. DOI: 10.1061/9780784481417.028
  • Goodwin, J., Elmore, A.C., Salvinelli, C., Reidmeyer, M.R. 2017. An optical method for characterizing carbon content in ceramic pot filters. J Water Health, 15(4). DOI: 10.2166/wh.2017.049
  • Salvinelli, C., Elmore, A.C., García Hernandez, B.R., Drake, K.D. 2017. Ceramic Pot Filters Lifetime Study in CoastalGuatemala. J. Water Health, 15(1) 145-154. DOI: 10.2166/wh.2016.082
  • Salvinelli, C., Elmore, A.C., Reidmeyer, M.R., Drake, K.D., Ahmad, K.I. 2016. Characterization of the relationship between ceramic pot filter water production and turbidity in source water. Water Research, 104, 28-33. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2016.07.076
  • Salvinelli, C., Elmore, A.C. 2015. Assessment of the impact of water parameters on the flowrate of ceramic pot filters in a long-term experiment. Water Sci. Technol. Water Supply, 15(6), 1425-1432.                           DOI: 10.2166/ws.2015.107
  • White, E. P., Langenfeld, J. K., Bradford, E. L., Haywood, H. G., Salvinelli, C., and Elmore, A.C. 2015. Assessment of Flow Rate as a Quality Control Test for Ceramic Pot Filters. World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, ASCE, Austin, TX, May 17-21. DOI: 10.1061/9780784479162.136