Dr. Hutchison explains how the study of brain size and daily marijuana use indicates "there's not a lot of evidence to suggest that you have these gross volume changes [in the human brain]."
Kate Jonuska reports on Stevens' findings that women with affect-oriented goals (happiness, quality of life) exercised more than those with performance-oriented goals (carolies burned, distance run).
My Health News Daily interviews Hollis Karoly on the findings reported by the CUChange Lab's team on the effect of exercise to migitate bain changes caused by alcohol.
Mary MacVean interviews Hollis Karoly on findings among 60 people aged 21-55 who variously experienced brain changes due to drinking depending on their exercise levels.
Jason Koebler interviews Hollis Karoly on the findings in a recent manuscript in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research regarding brain changes, exercise, and heavy drinking.
CU Boulder Today features Hollis Karoly, Dr. Bryan, and the CUChange Lab's research findings, which demonstrate the protective factor of exercise against white matter changes due to heavy drinking.
Clay Evans reports for Colorado Arts & Sciences Magazine on the CUChange Lab's members' call for exercise "rebranding" in the American Journal of Health Promotion.