- The Test Report can be found here: Service Life Assessment of Internal Replacement Pipe: External Load Testing of I-MainTM
- This document reports on a testing program performed on 12-in.- (300-mm) diameter specimens repaired with ALTRA10TM internal replacement pipe (IRP). Five specimens were tested, including those with steel (4) and CI (1) host pipes.
- The intent of this study is to impose external loading conditions to test specimens that are representative of the significant deformations possible during earthquake-induced ground motions such as landsliding, fault rupture, and liquefaction-induced lateral spreading, characterizing the pipeline system capacity.
- Report by H.L. Parnell, L. Guerrero, B.A. Lucero, and B.P. Wham.
- The first in a series of testing programs at CU Boulder CIEST investigating performance of critical lifeline systems under extreme loading conditions.