Colorado MetroLab, a partnership between CU Boulder and Colorado city governments, organized a design workshop where CU Boulder environmental design (ENVD) students, neighborhood residents and elementary school students gave their ideas for revitalizing Boulder's University Hill area.
Second-grade English language learners from Whittier Elementary saw their suggestions for upgrading the HOP bus implemented, their input made possible through the CEDaR program Growing Up Boulder (GUB), a youth-friendly initiative.
Professors Emeriti in CEDaR, Louise Chawla and Willem van Vliet, co-authored a chapter on “Children’s Rights to Child-friendly Cities," which was published in the latest edition of the Handbook of Children’s Rights (Routledge, 2017).
The University of Colorado Boulder and the city of Boulder together have joined the MetroLab Network, a nationwide collection of 35 city-university partnerships focused on bringing data, analytics and innovation to local government.