2018 Community Building Colorado-Style Conference

Three views of different creative districts.

More than 130 participants attended our 2018 Community Building Colorado-Style Conference, which brought together leaders from neighborhoods, towns, cities and the University of Colorado Boulder to build bridges between local governments, practitioners and CU Boulder researchers. The conference opened with two visionaries, Dana Crawford, award-winning preservationist and recipient of the Vanguard Legacy award of the 2018 Colorado Governor’s Citizenship Medal, and Marilee Utter, president, Citiventure Associates, speaking about what they envision for the future of Colorado communities. Expert speakers and panelists covered topics such as innovations in university engagement, Denver's green roof ordinance, smart city technologies and citizen and youth engagement in city design. ​The event was sponsored by CU Boulder’s Community Engagement, Design and Research Center (CEDaR), the Colorado Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) and Downtown Colorado Inc. (DCI).

Whether you attended or missed the conference, please feel free to review our 2018 agenda, bios and presenter slide shows. 

And check out the winning poster from the Student Poster Challenge held during our conference. The winner was Matthew Bossler, master’s student, program in urban design, University of Colorado Denver. Matthew received a $100 Amazon gift certificate on behalf of his team.

Colorado communities continue to face an array of challenges: rapid population growth; demand for vital and green neighborhoods; affordability; adaptation to climate change; emerging transportation technologies; and aging infrastructure. Join us October 25, 2019 for our annual Community Building Colorado-Style conference, Squeezed Out: Challenges of Diversity and Affordability in Colorado Communities, ​ where we will discuss creative solutions to these ongoing issues as well as opportunities for university partnerships. 

Interested in becoming a speaker, presenting a poster or attending our 2019 conference? Email Susan.