Cathy Hill
Education Coordinator
Growing Up Boulder

As Growing Up Boulder's education coordinator, Cathy works closely with partners to design and facilitate community engagements that are personally relevant and meaningful. With teachers, she uses curriculum integration and community connections as especially powerful tools. She enjoys collaborating with and mentoring children, youth and GUB interns, and she is constantly inspired by their ideas and ambitions.

In 2015, Cathy retired from teaching after 32 years of service, 22 of which were at Whittier International School in Boulder. Cathy is a board member of PassageWorks Institute, a local nonprofit that provides teachers with a practical approach to teaching and learning that improves social, emotional and academic outcomes, develops inclusive and respectful learning communities, and fosters a strong sense of meaning, purpose and motivation in schools. Cathy received her Bachelor of Science in human development and family studies at Colorado State University and her Master of Education in elementary education at Lesley College. Her passions include travel, backpacking, snowboarding and spending summers on Lake Michigan.



  • Hill, C., and Chawla, L. (2019). “Fun, novel, safe and inclusive”: Children’s design recommendations for playgrounds for all abilities. Children, Youth and Environments, 29(1), 105-115.