The Children and the Built Environment Award is a collaboration between CEDaR and CU Engage, with an overall focus on the built environment and planning/design. The award focuses on work in a studio or thesis environment rather than participatory action research. Collaboration with youth may occur more in community engagement format rather than requiring full youth participation.
Eligibility: ENVD and students from other CU Boulder departments can compete for this award.
Example: A studio project with significant community engagement with children and youth as a part of the design or planning process, for example building a playground at an affordable housing site in Denver or redevelopment of a mobile home community in Lyons.
Example: Project in which children and youth conduct research related to planning or design problems, such as CEDaR's work with Denver, with green teams conducting interviews about tree planting acceptance and street conditions.
Example: Growing Up Boulder-style project in which children assess planning needs/priorities.
This award is still being developed. For more information contact Brian Muller.