
Primary Colors 

The official colors of the CU Boulder campus are CU Gold, Black, CU Light Gray and CU Dark Gray. These are to be used on all projects to ensure visual consistency.

CU Gold

C0 M10 Y48 K22
(PANTONE® 4525 C)
R207 G184 B124


C0 M0 Y0 K100
R0 G0 B0

CU Dark Gray

C38 M28 Y21 K63
(PANTONE® 425 C )
R86 G90 B92

CU Light Gray

C16 M11 Y11 K29
(PANTONE® 422 C)
R162 G164 B163

Secondary Color

To allow for design and brand flexibility, gold type is permitted on white, but only if accessible gold is used. Branded gold cannot be used for type on white backgrounds. When using accessible gold for type, use Helvetica Neue 77 or thinner.

Accessible gold is a secondary color and can only be used as 20-30% of a layout.






Accessible Gold

C40 M47 Y93 K18
R141 G115 B52