- Julia Larson, M.A. 2003; Variability in microbial resource limitations associated with plant species in alpine moist meadows, currently teaching high school science, Hanover, NH
- Tara Forbis, PhD. 2002; Seedling establishment and life history strategies of alpine plants; currently Research Ecologist, Exotic and Invasive Weeds Research, USDA ARS, Reno Nevada
- Lee Turner, PhD. 2002; Influence of climate change on alpine plant phenology and reproductive output
- Mary Damm, MBS 2002; Patterns of vascular plant diversity in the alpine
- Amy Miller, PhD. 2001; Plant use of different forms of N as a potential means of alleviating competition; currently working as an Ecologist for the National Park Service, Inventory and Monitoring Program, Southwest Alaska Network
- Heidi Steltzer, PhD. 1999; Plant control over N cycling in alpine moist meadows; currently an Associate Professor, Fort Lewis College, Durango CO
- Ed Grote, M.A. 1995; Environmental controls on symbiotic N2-fixation; currently working for the National Park Service, Moab, UT
- Terry Theodose, PhD 1995; Role of competition in alpine tundra; currently Associate Professor, University of Southern Maine
- Cliff Bueno de Mesquita, Middlebury University, REU program 2012, currently PhD student at CU Boulder
- Jennifer Jones, American University, REU program; currently PhD student at Indiana University
- Annie Henry, Honor’s student 2011; currently PhD student University of Denver
- Andrea Dixon, Honor's student 2010 (currently working for Raytheon Polar Services in Antarctica)
- Evan Fricke, Bowdoin College, REU program 2010 (currently PhD student, University of Washington)
- Samantha Swatling-Holcomb, Humboldt State, REU program 2009 (currently PhD student, NC State)
- John Murgel, BA, University of Colorado, 2005; currently working at Denver Zoo
- Kaleb Keyserling, REU program, Kenyon College (currently in med school)
- Mike Sekor, REU program, Vassar College
- Eileen Thorsos, REU program, Swarthmore, currently PhD student, Duke University
- Meredith Albright, REU program, Colorado College, currently PhD student, University of Colorado
- Julitza Nieves, REU program, University of Puerto Rico
- Colin Tucker, honors student; thesis project- The influence of plant litter on microbial activity in alpine soils; currently PhD student, University of Wyoming
- Sara Desplaines, honors student- thesis project- Plant diversity influences on N sequestration in the alpine- currently High School Science teacher, NY
- Michelle Huyser, REU student (Calvin College)- project- Interaction of plant species effects versus physical environmental controls on N cycling- currently in Medical School
- Meg Mobley, REU student (Duke University), currently postdoc, University of Wyoming
- Fronny Plume, REU program, University of Colorado, currently PhD student, Cornell