Spring 2025 Graduation

Spring 2023 BME Graduation

Biomedical Engineering Program Recognition Ceremony for the Class of 2025

Graduating students from the Biomedical Engineering Program will be recognized in the Glenn Miller Ballroom, University Memorial Center (UMC) on Thursday, May 8, 2025, from 4-7 p.m. MDT. The UMC is located at 1669 Euclid Ave, Boulder.

Doors will open at 4:00, with the ceremony to begin promptly at 4:30 pm, followed by a reception in the UMC South Terrace Tent.

The university commencement ceremony will occur Thursday, May 8, 2025, 8:30 a.m. MDT at Folsom Field Stadium. The university-wide event is a ceremony for all campus graduates and features the Chancellor and other special guests. Students do not walk across the stage. 

Graduation Regalia

The university commencement is an academic ceremony, and all participants must wear approved cap and gowns. Graduates also must wear their regalia for the Biomedical Engineering Recognition Ceremony.


The graduation ceremony is optional and is not an official confirmation of your degree completion. You must apply to graduate through Buff Portal to officially earn your diploma from CU Boulder. You can also refer to information at the Registrar’s website or contact your advisor.


All campus parking lots will be open on a “space available” basis for public parking during commencement. Parking on-campus, including at parking meters and pay station lots, is FREE on the day of Commencement and on all Recognition Ceremony Days. 

Designated ADA-accessible parking lots for Recognition Ceremonies differ from those designated for the Commencement ceremony.  Lots designated for ADA parking for recognition ceremonies are lots 204, 380 and 440 West.  A disability placard is not required for these lots.  All other campus parking lots have ADA spaces designated within.  

Full details including parking maps and instructions on recommended areas to park is available on the Arrival & Parking page on the Commencement website.   


Contact bme@colorado.edu with any questions.