Zoom into Research and Creative Work with UROP and SASC
Zoom into Research and Creative Work provides opportunities for untapped1 students to meet faculty, learn about the exciting work they do outside the classroom—and hear the surprising stories of how they got started.
Dr. Corinna Rohse, Director of the Student Academic Success Center, will host light-hearted interviews with faculty from a wide range of departments at the beginning of each event. Student attendees will then meet with faculty hosts in Zoom breakout rooms.
Students may choose between two dates in the Fall 2020 semester:
Thurs, Sep 17 or Wed, Oct 7
5:30 to 6:45 pm MST
Learn More and Register to Attend
Zoom links will be provided in the registration email notification students receive after submitting the form.
Though students may connect with a potential project mentor, the purpose of the event is to help students see themselves as participants in the academic and creative life of the university—and to explore a range of potential identities.