Study Abroad as a Biology Major

Study Abroad as a Biology Major

There is a common misconception that biology majors cannot study abroad. With careful planning, biology majors can study abroad, including students planning to pursue graduate study, a health profession, etc.

Here are some examples of how students fit study abroad into their time at CU 

  1. An IPHY major might go to Wollongong, Australia, and take two IPHY Core classes
  2. An EBIO major might go to Monteverde, Costa Rica, and get up to 12 credits of upper-division EBIO credit, including a 4000-level EBIO course
  3. An MCDB major might go to Regensburg, Germany, and participate in research projects that count towards their MCDB elective credits
  4. A student interested in public health might go on one of the many study abroad programs focused on public health (Ex: Thailand, Argentina, Chile, etc.)
  5. Can't go for a whole semester? Consider going on a Global Seminar where you travel with a CU Boulder faculty member in Winter Session or Maymester
  6. There are also over 100 summer programs of varying length and cost to work within your schedule and budget


EBIO Global Seminar- Brazil

How to Get Started

  1. Complete Study Abroad 101 (more information here!)
  2. Explore the major guides for EBIO, IPHY, and MCDB
  3. Make an appointment with your academic advisor to discuss timing and course selection (make an appointment!)
  4. Meet with a study abroad advisor to discuss program options (more information here!)
  5. Once you have decided on a program, we recommend you meet with an academic advisor again to go over how that program fits into your graduation goals