John Rinn Image
Professor • Leslie Orgel Professor of RNA Science • Marvin H. Caruthers Endowed Chair for Early-Career Faculty
Biofrontiers & Biochemistry

Office: JSCBB B417
Lab: JSCBB A453


Bachelor's: Chemistry, University of Minnesota 1999
PhD: Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University 2004
2015 Professor of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology at Harvard University

Areas of Expertise

long noncoding RNA, RNA, ncRNA, Bioinformatics & computational biology, Epigenetics, Gene expression & regulation, Genetics

Awards and Honors

Our research bridges computational and experimental sciences to discover new regulatory aspects in the human genome - - Specifically how long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) genes regulate numerous biological processes. We have continually applied and developed many technologies such as single-molecule RNA imaging, RNA-sequencing, Single Cell RNA-sequencing, CRISPR-Display and SNP-CLING. This multifaceted and cross-disciplinary approach is focused on unraveling the molecular modalities underlying RNA biology and in turn how it regulates cell state. 

Google Scholar​

Our teaching of University of Colorado Biochemistry Undergraduate and Graduate Students aims to enable all students to perform bioinformatic and data science analyses on ever emerging forms of genome-wide data such as RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq.

Rinn Lab Teaching

John Rinn Teaching Youtube (Rinnformatics)

John Rinn Youtube

See my NCBI bibliography for a full and up-to-date list

Scientific Advisory Boards

John Rinn HAYA Therapeutics

John Rinn Moonwalk Biosciences

John Rinn LincSWITCH (Co-founder)