Beavers may appear to be one of the most sedentary of species, living in a secure den or lodge in a pond with all of their food within a short waddle, but now, in Boulder Canyon and in Alaska, it is evident that they are on the move.
GOP candidates Kari Lake, Herschel Walker and Dr. Mehmet Oz have caught people’s attention for outlandish stunts and false statements that are increasingly accepted in politics.
Simchat Torah is about more than beginning to read the Torah all over again. It’s about the need to reexamine what we think we know, over and over again.
When the Orion Crew Capsule orbits the Moon there will be no one on board. But the mission will mark a key step in bringing humans back to Earth’s dusty sidekick.
Like the homely, warty toad transformed by a kiss to an enchanting prince, embarrassing excremental smears and lumps of who-knows-what metamorphose into delicate and lovely butterflies.