All of the components in my life were part of the learning process that gave me the confidence to jump off the dock and do this. I had no anticipation when I was 20 years old and graduating from CU that in 2019, I would be a kelp farmer in Prince Wales Island. You never know how things will turn out until you try.
For Markos Scheer (PoliSci’90), time studying in the College of Arts and Sciences yielded more than just a degree. It built the foundation for a topsy-turvy career that would eventually land him off the coast of southeastern Alaska doing something he never expected: launching the largest kelp farm of its kind in the United States.
Scheer is one of legions of the college's alumni to benefit from the knowledge and skills cultivated by a liberal arts education. Those skills—critical thinking, communication, creativity—not only allow students to prepare for jobs that may be immediately ahead; it prepares them for careers not yet even imagined.
If you believe the liberal arts will lead you into a dead-end career, consider the value and think again.