Colorado Community Colleges

Students who begin at a Colorado Community College can transfer directly to CU Boulder to finish their degree in any of the programs offered by the College of Arts &Sciences. Thanks to an integrated partnership, this pathway can be attractive to both community college students, as well as qualified high school students taking concurrent enrollment classes at a local community college. The College of Arts & Sciences has partnered with the 13 schools in the Colorado Community College System as well as Colorado Mountain College, and Aims Community College to provide pathways that make the transition between your college and CU Boulder easier.  At our partner community colleges, you can complete classes before transferring to CU Boulder and have the peace of mind that your credits will apply directly to your Arts and Sciences degree.

Paths to Guaranteed Admission

Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree Program

This program guarantees admission to any of the baccalaureate degree programs offered by the College of Arts & Sciences at CU Boulder to new, first-time students, who attend any college in the Colorado Community College System (CCCS) and complete an Associate degree.  To earn guarantee transfer into Arts & Sciences, a first-time CCCS student must:

  • Opt-in to the Bridge to Bachelor’s Degree Program at the start of your Associate degree program at a CCCS College, or within their first semester
  • Maintain a 2.0 minimum GPA
  • Complete any Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) Degree, including all AA and AS Degrees with Designation 
  • That’s it!

You can find more information about the benefits of this program and how to apply at CCCS's Bridge to Bachelor's Degree Program page.

Guaranteed Admission without Earning an Associate Degree

Arts & Sciences also guarantees admission to any of the baccalaureate degree programs offered in the College to students transferring from a CCCS College, Colorado Mountain College, or Aims Community College who meet the following requirements:

  • High school diploma or GED
  • 30 semester hours of transferable Colorado community college course work, with a GPA of 2.7 or higher
  • Completion of admissions application and submission of all required documents by published deadlines

Credit Transfer 

All gtPathways courses that you take or have taken at your Colorado community college are guaranteed to transfer between two-year and four-year public colleges and universities in the state, including CU Boulder, and count toward general education requirements at the receiving institution.  At CU Boulder all of your gtPathways courses will apply to the College of Arts & Sciences's General Education Requirements.  

Information about credit transfer for non-gtPathways courses can be found on the College of Arts & Sciences Transfer Credit Evaluation page and on the CU Boulder Admissions Transfer Credit & Admission Criteria page.

Guided Transfer Pathways 

For information on the Statewide Transfer Articulation Agreements (Degrees with Designation) that the College of Arts & Sciences particiaptes in with most of the community colleges in Colorado and the College's A&S's own Transfer Guides for majors that are not include in a Statewide Transfer Articulation Agreement, please see the Guide for Colorado Community College Students page.


As stated in Regent Law (article 7.C), "The university reserves the right to deny admission or readmission to applicants whose total credentials reflect an inability to assume those obligations of performance and behavior deemed essential by the university and relevant to any of its lawful missions, processes, and functions as an educational institution."