Migration Schedules

As part of the migration effort, site owners submitted one of the following migration paths for a given site:

  • Automatic migration executed by the Web Express team
  • Manual rebuild done by the site owner and editor(s)

You will find details on the migration schedules for each of these options below: 

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Automatic Migrations

Sites submitted for an automatic migration path received their assigned cohort group and migration via email on July 10, 2024. 

Where to find your dates:

  1. Email Inbox: You can search your email inbox using one of the following data points from the email:
    • By subject line: “Attention: Migration date for colorado.edu/  | Web Express Migration 2024”
    • By date: July 10, 2024
    • By sender email: websupport@colorado.edu
  2. Calendar Invites: We are sending calendar invites for each cohort to mark the start of your migration window.

Reschedule Options & Criteria

If your assigned migration window impacts your department/unit's business needs, you may request a reschedule.

Due to the large number of migrations and the scale of the effort, we have carefully assigned sites to specific cohort groups and dates to ensure service integrity and support.

Rescheduling is only considered for:

  • Significant business impact (e.g., application or transaction deadlines).
  • Conflict with a major event your unit is hosting.
  • The primary site manager is out and unavailable to perform the migration review.

As part of the request, we will need the contact information of your department chair/director or site team authority for approval confirmation.

How to Reschedule a Migration Window

Manual Migrations

If you have selected the manual migrations, you will receive an email on July 17 with a link to your sandbox and information for training options and step-by-step tutorials.

Launch Deadline

The launch deadline for manual migrations is November 7, 2024. You do not need to wait to launch your site in November and can submit a launch request anytime up to November 7. 

Changed your mind? Switch to Automatic Migration

You can switch to automatic migration up to October 10, 2024.

Whether your priorities have changed and you don’t have the time, or you find yourself in a situation where you are unable to finish the manual rebuild in time to launch by November 7 -- you can switch at any time by October 10, 2024, to an automatic migration.

Important Dates:

  • Automatic Migration Reschedule Deadline: October 10, 2024
  • Manual Migration Launch Deadline: November 7, 2024
  • All Migrations Completed By: November 22, 2024

Still have questions? Contact Web Express for further assistance.