TQF Summary and Framing

Teaching Quality Framework Initiative (1-page summary)

Evaluating Teaching in a Scholarly Manner: A Model and Call for an Evidence-Based, Departmentally-Defined Approach to Enhance Teaching Evaluation for CU Boulder  - Initial White Paper; 2017, - Revised for CU's Academic Futures (2018)

with a follow-up paper D. Reinholz, N. Finkelstein, J. Corbo, and D. Bernstein, "Evaluating scholarly teaching: A model and call for an evidence-based approach," in Learning Analytics in Higher Education: Current Innovations, Future Potential, and Practical Applications, Routledge press. (2019)

Teaching Quality Framework Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ; January 2019)

Resources for Teaching Transformation - Processes for change (departmental & institutional)

TQF Framework Model for Improved Evaluation (conceptual image of approach to improved evaluation)

TQF Structure of Activities (summary of process / actors / approach to transformation)

TQF Three Phase Departmental Process Model (for deparmental change)

CU Policies Related to Measuring Teaching Effectiveness for an annotated list of campus and system-level policies that support academic units defining their own measures of teaching quality and the use of multiple measures / multiple voices in evaluation.

Resources for Teaching Transformation - Tools & Processes for change (within a unit)

*NEW* Transforming Teaching Evaluation: A Toolkit of Resources for Departmental Level Change (Updated December 2021). This Toolkit is meant to provide departments with tools and guidance to help them engage in a process of teaching evaluation transformation without the direct support of a group like the TQF.  This guide includes a compilation and organization of many of the the individual tools that are also listed here.

Teaching Quality Framework Rubric (Updated July 2022). This page contains a full assessment version of the TQF Rubric along with a 2 page framework version, a DEIB Supplement, and a Rubric Mapping Tool.

Tools for Teaching Evaluation: TQF Templates and Department Examples
A guide to 25+ tools / processes for peer observation, self-reflection, and student evaluation of teaching

Associated research / scholarship on Teaching Evaluations

Bernstein, D. J., Addison, W., Altman, C., Hollister, D., Komarraju, M., Prieto, L., Rocheleau, C. A., & Shore, C. (2010). Toward a scientist-educator model of teaching psychology. In D. F. Halpern (Ed.), Undergraduate education in psychology: A blueprint for the future of the discipline (pp. 29-45). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.  [Sample rubric from Bernstein et al., 2010]

Glassick, C. E., Huber, M. T., & Maeroff, G. I. (1997). Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation of the Professoriate. Special Report. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Inc.