Buff Pantry

an illustration of vegetables and text: Short on food? Visit the Buff Pantry in the UMC

Beginning January 2025, the Buff Pantry will use PantrySoft for all appointments and student messaging. CUServes will no longer list Buff Pantry appointments.   

The Buff Pantry, CU Boulder's on-campus food pantry, supports all undergraduate and graduate students experiencing food insecurity. 

Clients are welcome to visit the Buff Pantry one time per week and select grocery items of their choosing. The Buff Pantry provides fresh produce, shelf-stable, refrigerated and frozen food and personal care items at no cost to students. Food and personal care item selection will vary based on availability, donations and time of year. 

The Buff Pantry is located in the University Memorial Center (UMC) basement 1B73, near the lower level of the CU Book Store. Contact us via phone at 303-735-9863. 

Spring Semester Hours

  • Mondays: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
  • Tuesdays: 12-2:30 p.m. and 3-5 p.m.
  • Wednesdays: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
  • Thursdays: Closed
  • Fridays: 12-2:30 p.m. and 3-5 p.m. 



How do I visit the Buff Pantry?

Step 1: Register
  • Visit PantrySoft and click “Log in at University of Colorado Boulder.”
  • Use your IdentiKey and password to log in.
  • Complete the registration form. All students using the Buff Pantry must complete this form once per academic year. 
Step 2: Schedule an Appointment

Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to make an appointment. When you log in to PantrySoft, you can view all upcoming appointments.  

  • Scroll through the page for an available appointment slot that works for you. 
  • Click the + sign next to the appointment slot to select it.
  • Once you select your appointment, you’ll be taken to the confirmation page. You’ll also get an appointment confirmation via email. 

You can cancel or reschedule your appointment on the confirmation page if the time no longer works for you. You won't be able to schedule more than one appointment at a time. 

Step 3: Visit the Buff Pantry

Appointment slots are one hour each. You can visit the pantry any time within the hour on your appointment date. Bring your Buff OneCard and several reusable bags to your appointment.

  • Students will only be allowed to shop in the pantry with an appointment. Friends, roommates or other companions must book an appointment to visit the pantry.
  • Students will not be allowed to enter the pantry earlier than their scheduled appointment. 
  • Staff will allow students to enter the pantry if they are late to their scheduled appointment.  

Find support: If you are unable to complete the steps to register or make an appointment for the Buff Pantry, please contact basicneeds@colorado.edu or visit the Buff Pantry during operating hours for staff assistance. 

Donate your reusable grocery bags to the Buff Pantry

The Basic Needs Center collects reusable bag donations for students using the Buff Pantry. Drop off donations at the Buff Pantry during regular hours of operation. 

Support the Basic Needs Center by donating food and personal care items to the Buff Pantry. The Buff Pantry accepts shelf-stable items with at least a three-month window to expiration.