W. M. Keck Optical Metrology Lab and JILA Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility (RRID: SCR_018984)

W. M. Keck Optical Metrology Lab and JILA Micro/Nano Fabrication Facility
Facility summary

  303-492-2389    kecklab@jila.colorado.edu   Website 

  • Location: JILA S105, S120, X110, X121, X131
  • Technology focus: Optical and surface characterization and micro/nanofabrication
  • Metrology equipment summary: Spectrophotometers, interferometers, ellipsometer, atomic force microscope, optical microscopes, profilometers
  • Fabrication equipment summary: SEM, E-beam and photo lithography tools, physical vapor and sputter deposition systems, reactive ion etcher
  • Open to: CU Boulder, other universities, selected industries

The W. M. Keck Optical Measurement Laboratory (JILA Keck Lab) operates and manages both the Optical Metrology Lab and JILA's Micro and Nanofabrication Facility. The Keck Lab is a user-based facility to support research at JILA, other CU Boulder researchers, and vetted non-CU entities. The metrology lab is home to a number of specialized measuring tools for optical and surface characterization, as well as expertise in fiber optics. The fabrication facility is a well-equipped Class 100/1000 (ISO 5/6) clean room for fabrication at the micron and nanometer scale. Training and consultation is provided by the facility.