Flow Cytometry Shared Core​ (RRID:SCR_019309)

Flow Cytometry Shared Core​ (RRID:SCR_019309)
Facility summary

   theresa.nahreini@colorado.edu  xuedong.liu@colorado.edu 
Website under development

  • Location: JSCBB C355
  • Technology focus: Flow cytometry​
  • Equipment summary: BD FACSAria Fusion Cell Sorter, BD FACSCelesta Flow Analyzer, BD Accuri C6 Plus with sampler
  • Available software: FlowJo
  • Open to: CU Boulder, outside users when available

The Flow Cytometry Shared Core is a user-friendly facility serving CU Boulder and the broader scientific community. We offer researchers two multicolor analyzers with complementary lasers and the availability of a multi-sampler for automation of various plates and racks of tubes. Our cell sorter is equipped with 5 lasers and combines superior multicolor sensitivity within the protection of a biosafety cabinet.  We provide instrument training on our 2 analyzer, assistance with fluorophore selection to best optimize experimental design and reproducibility and help with data analysis. We look forward to helping you with your research needs.​

Theresa Nahreini​

Theresa Nahreini​

Xuedong Liu, Ph.D.

Xuedong Liu, PhD