Published: May 29, 2015

"I Have a Dream"Nearly 600 community members of all ages and backgrounds celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the City of Lafayette's 8th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. March for Peace and Celebration on Monday, January 21, 2013. Planned by the Lafayette Youth Advisory Committee in partnership with the University of Colorado's Public Achievement program, the event commenced with a March for Peace on Lafayette's Public Road. Immediately following, community members reconvened at Escuela Bilingue Pioneer for an afternoon celebration, featuring a keynote address by critically-acclaimed rapper and poet Molina Speaks, performances by the Shekenah Glory Choir of the Second Baptist Church, Angevine Middle School Jazz Band, and Escuela Bilingue Pioneer's "Dance for Social Change" group, and original poetry by University of Colorado undergraduate Ace Eckstein. An inclusive community playback performance by Motus Theater followed, as did service projects at both Pioneer and Project YES.

Martin Luther King MarchCommenting on the event, University of Colorado junior and Public Achievement teaching assistant Sienna Dellepiane shared, "I think it is critical to honor Dr. King, who was one of the first people to really popularize grassroots movements and empower citizens to respond to social inequalities. It is appropriate that Public Achievement and groups, like the Lafayette Youth Advisory Committee, maintain this annual event, as they directly subscribe to King's vision."

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