Index of Scholastic Texts

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I |  J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 

  • Gaetano, see Cajetan 
  • Gualterus, see Walter 
  • Guillelmus, see William
  • Jacob, Jacques, see James 
  • Jean, Johannes see John
  • John Quidort, see John of Paris 
  • John Venator, see John Huntman 
  • Meister Eckhart see Eckhart


b. Northumberland, ca. 1220; d. 1279/92

Oxford arts master. Commentaries on a large number of Aristotelian works extant in many manuscripts, often in multiple redactions (mostly unedited), including

  • Metaphysics (part. ed. Maurer 1955)
  • Physics
  • De caelo
  • De generatione
  • Meteorologica
  • De anima [ca. 1145] (part. ed. Callus, in "Two Early Oxford Masters" 1939)
  • Parva naturalia
    • De memoria et reminiscentia (ed. Brumberg-Chaumont and Poirel, 2022)
    • De somno et vigiliaDe somnis, and De divinatione per somnum (ed. as works of Aquinas, 1852-73 etc.)
  • Glossae super De vegetabilibus et plantis (ed. Long 2013)
  • as well as the De causis (ed. in progress D. Calma)

b. near Southampton ca 1295; d. 1358

Franciscan friar and theologian. Principal surviving philosophical work is his Sentences commentary, in multiple redactions.

  • London lectures (early 1320s), unedited
  • Lectura secunda (Norwich, late 1320s) [Bk. I up to d. 26] (ed. Wood and Gál 1990; d. 1 q. 1 tr. CTMPT 3)
  • Oxford lectures (ca. 1332-34) in three redactions, and printed in an abbreviated form (ed. Major 1512), ed. Hartman, Brown, Kitanov in progress.

Two works on the continuum:

  • a brief Quaestio de divisione et compositione continui [1322/31] (ed. Murdoch and Synan, in "Two Questions" 1966)
  • a book-length Tractatus de indivisibilibus [1322/31] (ed. and tr. Wood 1988)

An early example of Thomism, d. 1289.

  • Commentarius supra Topica (unedited)
  • Quodlibet [after 1272] (ed. Perrone 2021)

b. ca 1200; d. 1280

Dominican philosopher and theologian

  • De natura boni [1230s]
  • Summa de creaturis [by 1246]
  • Sentences commentary [completed 1249]
  • Liber de causis proprietatum elementorum (tr. Resnick 2010)

A series of commentaries on nearly all of Aristotle's corpus, mostly in the form of paraphrases

  • Physics [circa 1250]
  • Ethics [1250-52, and again in 1262-63] (Bk. X of the earlier, tr. CTMPT 2)
  • Organon [1252-56]
  • Metaphysics [1263-67]
  • De animalibus (tr. Resnick and Kitchell 2008)

Commentaries on many other works

  • pseudo-Dionysius [late 1240s] (Mystical Theology tr. Tugwell 1988)
  • Euclid's Elements [1262-63]
  • An extensive set of biblical commentaries.

Two older versions of Albert's Opera omnia are available (ed. Jammy 1651, 21 vols.; ed. Borgnet 1890-99, 38 vols. [now available online]). A critical edition is in progress, but only half complete (ed. Geyer et al. [Cologne] 1951-, 41 vols. projected).

For further materials, also consult the International Albertus Magnus Society.

fl. late 13th c.

Dominican friar, teacher in Thüringen.

b. ca 1316; d. 1390

Arts master at Paris from 1351-1361. Logical works:

  • Logica [ca. 1360] (ed. & tr. [German] Berger 2010; tr. [Sp] Muñoz García 1988, with text of 1522|1974 ed.; tract. VI. c. 1, De insolubilibus, tr. CTMPT 1);
  • Sophismata [ca. 1359] (eds. 1502|1975 etc.]; ed. von Perger in progress)
  • Quaestiones logicales [ca. 1356] (ed. Fitzgerald 2002)

Commentaries on

  • Ars vetus [ca. 1356] (ed. Muñoz García 1988)
  • Posterior Analytics (ed. 1497|1986 etc.).
  • Physics [ca. 1351] (ed. Patar 1999)
  • De caelo [ca. 1354] (ed. Patar 2008)
  • Meteora (ed. Panzica 2019)
  • De generatione et corruptione (ed. 1505|1970 etc.)
  • Nicomachean Ethics (unedited)
  • Economics (unedited)
  • Liber de pomo (ed. Blažek in progress)
  • Quaestiones (et expositio) de sphaera (unedited)

Several short mathematical texts, most notably the Tractatus proportionum [ca. 1353] (ed. Busard 1971).

No theological writings survive.

b. Alessandria [Piedmont], ca. 1268; d. Rome, 1314

Franciscan theologian. Commentaries on

  • Metaphysics [1304/6] (ed. 1572; ed. in progress by Amerini)
  • De anima [ca. 1306] (ed. 1481 etc.)

Theological works:

  • An early Sentences commentary heavily dependent on Bonaventure [1301-3] (unedited)
  • a rewritten and original commentary [1307-8] (unedited)
  • Quodlibet [1307-8] (unedited).
  • various biblical commentaries (unedited)

Several treatises concerning the Franciscan spiritualist controversy, which he took a strong role in combatting:

  • Responsio ad Ubertinum de Casale (ed. Chiappini 1914)
  • Tractatus de usu paupere (ed. Heysse 1917).

Also extant is

  • Tractatus de usuris (ed. Hamelin 1962).

b. Gloucestershire, ca. 1185; d. Paris, 1245

First Franciscan at Paris to hold a chair in theology.

  • Glossa on the Sentences [1223-27] (ed. 1951-57)
  • Summa theologica (Summa HalesianaSumma Fratris Alexandri) (ed. 1924-48)
  • theological disputations (pre-1236 ed. Doucet 1960)
    • Quaestiones disputatae de lapsu angelorum ac protoparentum (ed. Wierzbicki 2015)
    • Quaestiones disputatae de peccato originali (ed. Wierzbicki 2013)
    • Quaestiones disputatae de peccato veniali et de conscientia (ed. Wierzbicki 2016)
    • Quaestiones disputatae quae ad rerum universitatem pertinent (ed. Wierzbicki 2013)
    • Quaestiones disputatae de gratia (ed Wierzbicki 2008)
    • Quaestio disputata de dotibus animae (ed. Horowski 2006)
    • Quaestio disputata de iudicio finali (ed. Horowski 2005)
  • Postilla in Iohannis Evangelium (ed. Gies in progress)
  • De significationibus et expositione sacrarum Scripturarum (ed. Horowski 2009; tr. Gies 2018)

fl. 1330s

Franciscan theologian, Oxford.

  • Sentences I-III [1335/40] (Bk. I ed. Edwards 1999).

d. 1366

Augustinian friar and theologian, Paris.

  • Sentences [1344-45] (Bk. I only, ed. 1490|1952), transcribed here.
  • Questions on the De anima (ed. 1477 etc.) (see Bakker and van den Bercken in SIEPM Bulletin n. 52)

b. Cornwall, fl. late 13 th c.

Master of arts in Paris.

  • Questions on the Isagoge (unedited)
  • Questions on the Liber de sex principiis (unedited).

b. Lorraine; d. ca. 1400

Franciscan theologian at Paris.

  • Sentences Bk. I [1358-59] (ed. 1514; part. ed. Friedman, in "Divine Omnipotence" 1994; part. ed. and tr. Idziak 1997; prologue ed. Irimescu in progress).
  • a treatise on the immaculate conception (ed. Piana et al. 1954).

fl. 1395-1402

Italian Arts master and logician.

  • Insolubilia (unedited)
  • commentary on part of William Heytesbury Regulae (unedited).

fl. 1335-44

Master of arts at Bologna.

  • a short Quodlibet
  • various other brief works (ed. Kuksewicz, in Averroïsme bolonais 1965).

d. Verona, 1327

Philosopher and medical scholar, active in Bologna, Parma, and Verona.

  • commentaries on the medical works of Avicenna and Galen
  • disputed questions on various philosophical topics

b. Aragon, ca. 1280; d. Lerida, before 1333

Franciscan theologian, an influential disciple of Scotus.

  • Sentences commentary (ed. 1572 etc.). Peter Simpson has translated large parts of this.
  • questions on the ars vetus (ed. 1508 etc.)
  • questions on the Metaphysics (ed. 1491 etc.). Bk. VI qq. 1-6
  • Expositio of the Metaphysics (printed in older Scotus editions)
    • These two works on the metaphysics jointly form the Scriptum super Metaphysicam (circa 1320); see Duran, Bulletin 2020, which edits Bk. VI qq. 1-6.
  • De anima (ed. in progress Bakker and Noone)
  • Tractatus formalitatum and Quaestiones de tribus principiis rerum naturalium (both ed. 1475 etc.)

b. Monte Aquilo [Cassino], 1386; d. 1460

Philosopher and Dominican theologian.

  • Sentences commentary [1439-40] (part. ed. and tr. Livesey 1994)
  • Questions on the Posterior Analytics [1340s] (unedited)
  • Questions on the Metaphysics (unedited).

b. Provence; d. after 1348

Dominican theologian.

b. near Nottingham; d. 1349

Dominican theologian.

  • Sentences commentary seems to have survived in an anonymous Erfurt manuscript (unedited).
  • Apparently authored the Centiloquium theologicum, formerly ascribed to Ockham (ed. Ockham, Opera phil.VII).
  • a paraphrase of Ockham's Tractatus de praedestinatione (ed. Gelber, in "Ockham's Early Influence" 1988).

  • Link: Arnoldus de Strelley Anglicus OP (in german -

fl. 1260s-70s

Arts master at Paris.

  • Philosophia [ca. 1265] (ed. Gauthier, in "Notes" 1984)

b. Ancona, ca. 1270/73; d. Naples, 1328

Augustinian friar; lecturer in theology in Padua (1297, 1302-1304); master in theology in Paris 1313-1315.

  • Tractatus contra articulos inventos ad diffamandum sanctissimum patrem dominum Bonifacium papam [ca. 1307-1309] (ed. Finke 1902)
  • De facto Templariorum [1308] (ed. Scholz 1903; repr. 1962)
  • Tractatus contra divinatores et sompniatores [1310] (ed. Scholz 1914; repr. 1971; ed. Pierangela Giglioni 1985)
  • Quodlibeta [1315]
  • Tractatus brevis de duplici potestate praelatorum et laicorum [ca. 1314-16] (ed. Scholz 1903, repr. 1962).
  • De potestate collegii mortuo papa [ca. 1314-16] (ed. Scholz 1903)
  • Summa de ecclesiastica potestate [ca. 1322] (ed. 1473, 1584, part. ed. Long 1968)
  • Commentarius in Analytica priora [?] (ed. Bologna 1503)
  • Commentarius in libros Metaphysicae [?] (partial ed. Zimmermann 1998)
  • Commentarius in primum librum Sententiarum [?] (part. ed. Schmaus 1935).
  • De cognitione animae et potentiarum ejus [?]
  • De pluralitate mundorum [?] (ed. Randi 1989)
  • De praedicatione generis et specie [?] (ed. 1503)
  • Destructio sive eradicatio arboris Porphyrii [?] (ed. 1503)
  • Scriptum super libros Priorum [?]
  • Super libros Ethicorum [?]
  • Tractatus sive Theoremata de resurrectione mortuorum [?]



b. England before 1203; d. 1272

Encyclopedist. A Franciscan friar.

  • De proprietatibus rerum [ca. 1245] (ed. 1601|1964; Bks. III-IV [soul and body] ed. Long 1979; Bks. I-IV ed. Abeele; Bks. VI, VIII, IX ed. Draelants et al. 2023)
    • English translation [1398] (tr. John Trevisa 1975-88).

b. Bologna; d. after 1294

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences commentary (unedited)
  • Tracatus de luce (ed. Squadrani 1932)
  • various disputed questions, including De fide (ed. Mückshoff 1940)
  • various sermons (unedited)

b. ca. 1286; d. 1356

Arts master and physician.

  • Physics (unedited)
  • De anima (unedited)
  • De generatione et corruptione (unedited)
  • Economics (ed. Blažek forthcoming)
  • commentary on Averroes's paraphrase of the Poetics (ed. Dahan 1980)
  • various sophismata/disputed questions (part. ed. in various secondary sources)

b. Gannat [Auvergne]; d. after 1307

Dominican theologian.

  • Various defenses of Aquinas [all dating 1298/1315], against
    • Henry of Ghent (unedited)
    • James of Viterbo (unedited)
    • Godfrey of Fontaines (part. ed. Stella, in "Teologi e teologia" 1957)
  • brief commentary on Bk. I of the Sentences commentary (unedited) [of uncertain attribution].

  • Link: Bernardus Alverniensis (in german -

fl. 1323-32

Dominican theologian.

  • Sentences (Paris in 1327-28) (unedited) - extant in several redactions
  • Quodlibet (unedited) [prob. 1331-32].

  • Link: Bernardus Lombardus OP (in german -

b. Nimes, ca. 1240; d. Avignon, 1292

Thomistic theologian.

  • several disputed questions, including
    • the soul's cognition when separated from body [ca. 1285] (ed. Künzle 1969)
    • and when joined to body (part. ed. Goris, in Kritik 1998)
  • three Quodlibeta (part. ed. André, in "Les Quodlibeta" 1921)
  • various biblical commentaries

b. ca 1300; d. after 1361

German Dominican.

  • commentary on Proclus's Elements of Theology (ed. Pagnoni-Sturlese and Sturlese 1984-, 9 vols.)

b. Parma, ca. 1345; d. Parma, 1416

Heterodox Italian philosopher.

  • two works on the soul [1382; 1385] (partial ed. Federici-Vescovini 1974; tr. Italian by Sorge 1995; ed. in progress by Biard et al.; selected questions available here)
  • two redactions of the Physics [1382/88; 1397] (partial ed. in progress by Lagerlund et al.; selected questions available here)
  • questions on De generatione et corruptione (selected questions available here)
  • questions on the Meteorology (selected questions available here)
  • various works on logic, including a set of questions on Paul of Spain (ed. Biard and Federici-Vescovini 2001)
  • works on quantitative natural philosophy
    • questions on Bradwardine's Tractatus proportionum (2nd redaction ed. Biard and Rommevaux 2006; q. 7 from 1st redaction available here)
    • quaestio on the intension and remission of forms (ed. Vescovini 1994).
    • Quaestiones super perspectiva communi (ed. Vescovini et al. 2009)
    • Tractatus de ponderibus (ed. Moody and Clagett, 1952)

Biard's webpage on Blasius contains a bibliography and other useful information.

b. Denmark, ca. 1240; d. after 1277

A leading arts master at Paris. The complete works are available in a modern edition (ed. J. Pinborg et al. 1969-).

  • Treatises on the eternity of the world and on human happiness (both tr. Wippel 1987)
  • questions on the Topics
  • questions on Priscian (tr. Senape McDermott 1980)
  • a collection of sophismata (ed. Ebbesen and Rosier-Catach 2021; part. tr. CTMPT 1)

Wielockx (2009) edits questions on De anima I-II and argues for Boethius's authorship.

Dominican theologian, probably never taught in Paris.

  • Scriptum super Sententias [1266/68] (ed. Oliva in progress)

b. near Orvieto, ca. 1217; d. Lyon, 1274

Franciscan theologian. The complete works are available in a modern edition (ed. 1882-1902).

  • Sentences commentary [1250-52] (very extensive translations, with parallel Latin text, at The Franciscan Archive, which has also now begun a project to print all four books; Bks. I and IV now also available in print, in English, at the Franciscan Institute)
    • ("Conscience and synderesis" [II.39] tr. CTMPT 2;
  • disputed questions
    • De scientia Christi [ca. 1254] (tr. Hayes 1992; German tr. Speer 2021)
    • De mysterio Trinitatis [ca. 1257] (tr. Hayes 1979)
    • De perfectione evangelica
  • various opuscula
  • the sermon Unus est magister vester Christus (tr. CTMPT 3)
  • Collationes in Hexaemeron [1273].


b. 1469; d. 1534.

Leading Thomist.

  • De nominum analogia [Latin text scanned by Peter King]
  • Commentary on the Summa theologiae (edited with older editions of Aquinas; tr. of prima pars by Marshner 2023)

b. Gaeta, 1387; d. Padua, 1465

Italian natural philosopher.

fl. 1330s

Arts master at the University of Bologna.

  • disputed questions on natural philosophy (ed. Kuksewicz, in Averroïsme bolonais 1965).


b. Dinant [Belgium]; d. ca. 1214

Physician and philosopher, censured for his interpretation of Aristotle.

  • fragments from his lectures in Paris, the Quaternuli (ed. Kurdzialek 1963, Casadei 2008).

b. Rijkel [Belgium], 1402/3; d. 1472

Encyclopedic scholar and leading Albertist.

  • Opera omnia (ed. 1896-1935, in 43 vols)
  • Opera selecta (ed. Emery 1991-)

b. Freiberg, ca. 1250; d. after 1310

Dominican scholar, active in natural philosophy, metaphysics, and theology.

  • Opera omnia (ed. Flasch 1977-85 in 4 vols.)
    • De luce
    • De coloribus
    • De iride (part. tr. Wallace 1974)
    • De ente et essentia
    • De quiditatibus entium (tr. Maurer, in "The De quidditatibus" 1956)
    • De intellectu et intelligibili (tr. Führer 1992)
    • De accidentibus

Vrin is publishing a four-part bilingual series of Oeuvres Choisies.

b. 1270/75; d. Meaux, 1334

Controversial Dominican theologian.

  • Sentences commentary (many of these texts are available electronically through the Thomas-Institut)
    • first redaction [1304-7] (ed. Retucci, Perrone, Guldentops, et al. 2012-)
    • second redaction [1310-11] (ed. Retucci, Perrone, Guldentops, et al. 2012-)
    • third redaction [1317/27] (ed. 1571|1964 etc.; prologue: French tr. Piché 2020)
  • five Quodlibeta [1312-16] (ed. Stella 1965; Takada 1968)
  • questions De habitibus [prob. 1312-13] (ed. Koch 1930)

For more on Durand, see Peter Hartman's Durandus Dungeon.

fl. 1320s

Thomistic critique of Durand of Saint-Pourçain

  • Evidentiae contra Durandum [ca. 1325-26] (ed. Stella 2003)


b. Hochheim [Thuringia] ca. 1260; d. prob. Avignon, 1328

Controversial scholastic philosopher, theologian, and mystic.

  • Die deutschen und lateinischen Werke (ed. 1936-) [nearly complete]
    • Opus tripartitum [begun in 1305]
    • Das Buch der göttlichen Tröstung [ca. 1315]
    • Sermons (ed. and tr. Sturlese and Vinzent 2019-, 3 vols projected)

For extensive information about texts see

b. Winchester; d. 1418/19


  • De probationibus propositionum (ed. de Rijk, in Some 14 th Century Tracts 1982)
  • De actione interiori elementorum simplicium (unedited)
  • two brief logical treatises (unedited)

b. Arras [N France] ca. 1225; d. 1291

Franciscan theologian.

  • fragments of a Sentences commentary (unedited)
  • three Quodlibeta (unedited)
  • many disputed questions (largely unedited)
    • on the eternity of the world (ed. Dales and Argerami 1986-87)


Master of arts at Paris, associated with Averroism.

  • commentaries
    • Metaphysics (unedited)
    • Economics [authorship uncertain] (unedited)
    • De substantia orbis (many early printed editions, under the name of John of Jandun; ed. Tomanek in progress).
  • Quaestio de specie intelligibili (ed. Kuksewicz 1977)

Dominican theologian.

  • two Quodlibeta [1275/77] (Quod. 1 ed. Robles 1974; Quod. 2 ed. Shwartz 2012)
  • various sermons (unedited)

  • Link: Ferrarius Catalanus (in german -

Strikingly original Franciscan theologian and natural philosopher.

  • Sentences [1319-20, later revised] (surviving in multiple redactions but never printed until modern times)
    • Reportatio
      • prologue and Bk. I (ed. Mariani 2003-9, in 4 vols.)
      • Bk. II (ed. Suarez-Nani et al. 2009-13, in 3 vols.)
        • a minor version of Bk. II (Vat. lat. 943) is being edited by Etzkorn et al.
      • Bk. III ed. Duba in progress
      • Bk. IV ed. Lambertini and Schabel in progress
    • Scriptum
      • selected questions from Bks. I-II are edited in an appendix to Mariani's 1997 edition of the Quodlibet
  • Quodlibet (ed. Mariani 1997)
  • commentaries
    • Physics (ed. Mariani 1998)
    • Metaphysics (ed. in progress, Amerini and Etzkorn)
  • Improbatio (ed. Mariani 1993)

Franciscan philosopher and theologian who studied in Paris and Oxford. His Catalan writings are among the earliest European philosophical works written in the vernacular.

  • El regiment de la cosa pública (Catalon ed. and German tr. Fidora 2024)


    Lo Crestià, an encyclopedic theological treatise (Valencia 1483-84, Barcelona 1983)


Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences [1320-21] (in multiple redactions)
  • dispute over the Trinity with Pierre Roger [1320-21] (ed. Barbet 1961);
  • commentaries
    • ars vetus (ed. 1479 etc.)
    • Physics (ed. 1490 etc.)
  • treatise on the transcendentals (ed. Möhle 2004)
  • Quodlibeta (ed. 1520|1966 etc.)
    • Quodlibet VI-VII, De entibus rationibus (ed. Cuhrova and Novak, Studia Neoaristotelica, 2006)
  • many sermons (ed. 1491 etc.)
  • treatise on intuitive cognition (ed. Etzkorn, in "Franciscus de Mayronis," 1994-97)
  • treatise on the univocity of being (ed. 1520, tr. Simpson online)
  • various political treatises
, fl. 1340s"]

Dominican philosopher, advocate of metaphysical realism.

  • Logica [1344-45] (ed. Amerini 2005)
  • De universalibus [1341/43] (ed. Amerini 2003)
  • Tractatus de voce univoca (ed. Amerini 2005)
  • Tractatus de prime et secunda intentione (ed. Mojsisch 2000)
  • Tractatus de sex transcendentibus (ed. Mojsisch 2000)
  • Tractatus de suppositionibus terminorum (ed. Amerini 1999/2000)
  • many disputed questions (mostly unedited)


Eclectic theologian

  • Sentences commentary [mid-1480s on] (ed. Rückert et al. 1973-92)
  • commentary on the Canon of the Mass [1488] (ed. Oberman and Courtenay 1963-76)
  • Defensiorum obedientiae apostolicae [1462] (ed. and tr. Oberman et al. 1968)
  • Quaestiones de justificatione (ed. Feckes 1929)

Arts master; prominent modist grammarian.

  • questions on Priscian minor (ed. Martorelli Vico 1985)
  • commentary on Martin of Dacia (ed. Alessio 1992)
  • various treatises on the Ars vetus (unedited).

Arts master at Oxford

  • commentaries (unedited except where noted)
    • Metaphysics
    • Physics (twice) (Questions ed. and tr. Donati and Trifogli 2017)
    • De caelo (twice)
    • De generatione et corruptions (twice)
    • De anima (Bks. I-II ed. Cizmic 2010)
    • Quaestiones de somno et vigilia (ed. Ebbesen 2014)
    • other parva naturalia

Franciscan theologian

  • Sentences
    • first redaction [Toulouse ca. 1316] (unedited - only fragments extant)
    • second redaction [Paris, 1327-28] (unedited)
  • Ethics commentary [1320s] (ed. 1482 etc.)
  • quodlibet [Paris, 1333] on the vision of God (ed. and tr. [Fr] Trottmann 2001)
  • Opera philosophica (ed. de Rijk 1997-)
    • various logical treatises (ed. de Rijk 1997)
    • De intentionibus (ed. de Rijk 2005)
    • various works on physics and metaphysics (ed. de Rijk in progress)
    • economic treatise De contractibus [ca. 1316] (ed. in progress)
    • on the continuum (various redactions: ed. de Boer 2012, Marinca 2022)
  • numerous biblical commentaries (unedited).

Paris theologian and leading critic of the mendicant orders at Paris.

  • Contra adversarium perfectionis christianae [ca. 1269] (ed. Clasen 1938-39)
  • twenty Quodlibeta [ca. 1260s] (ed. in progress, Metzger)
    • four qq. on the mendicant controversy (ed. Teetaert 1951)
  • various disputed questions
    • De cogitationibus (ed. Pattin, in L'anthropologie 1993, along with many quodlibetal questions)

Carmelite theologian.

  • four sets of Quodlibeta [three in Paris (1309-11), a fourth in Avignon (1312)] (Piché 2014 edits fourteen questions pertaining to cognitition)
  • Summa theologiae [1313/17] - unfinished

Augustinian theologian.

  • Sentences [Paris, ca. 1325] (Bk. I ed. 1598; Bk. II-III extant but unedited)
  • quodlibetal questions [1330]
    • Questio de usura, Tractatus de restitutione, Questio de prescriptione (ed. and tr. Armstrong 2016)

Oxford theologian.

  • various disputed questions
    • on the eternity of the world (ed. Dales and Argerami, Medieval Latin Texts 1991)

Franciscan theologian.

  • various sermons and non-scholastic treatises
    • Rudimentum doctrinae [1259-68] (ed. in progress; part. ed. Gieben, in "Four Chapters" 1963)
      • De modo addiscendi (ed. Bonifacio 1953)
    • Tractatus de pace [ca. 1275]
    • Eruditio regum et principum [1259] (ed. de Poorter 1914)
  • Sentences commentary has not been found

Dominican theologian and early Thomist.

Paris arts master

  • various Aristotelian commentaries
    • De generatione et corruptione (ed. Kuksewicz 1993)

Innovative theologian and philosopher with Thomistic leanings

  • Sentences [before 1271; books I-II were later revised] (Bk. I ed. 1521|1968).
  • Apologia (ed. Wielockx 1985)
  • De renuntiatione papae [1297] (ed. Eastman 1992)
  • De ecclesiastica potestate [1301-2] (ed. and tr. Dyson 2004).
  • Theoremata de esse et essentia [1278/85] (ed. Hocedez 1930; tr. Murray 1952)
  • Theoremata de Corpore Christi [ca. 1274] (ed. 1481, 1554|1968])
  • Contra gradus et pluralitatem formarum [1278] (ed. 1500|1982])
  • De regimine principum (ed. 1556|1968]; part. tr. CTMPT 2)
  • biblical commentaries
    • Song of Songs (ed. 1554|1968]; tr. Rotelle 1998)
  • Q uodlibet
    • Italy, 1281 (ed. Bruni, in "Quaestiones" 1939-40)
    • second stay in Paris (ed. 1646|1966])
  • various disputed questions (ed. 1503|1968).
  • Errores philosophorum [ca. 1270] (ed. and tr. Koch and Riedl 1944) - attribution doubtful

Many Renaissance editions have been reprinted by Minerva (1966-70). 
A critical edition in the early stages of progress.

title="Godfrey of Fontaines (Godefridus de Fontibus) b. Liège, ca 1250; d. 1306/9"

Paris theologian and philosopher.

  • fifteen quodlibetal questions (ed. 1904-37; X.6, XI.17, XIII.1 tr. CTMPT 2) [These are numbered in chronological order and run from Christmas 1285 until 1303/4. Generally, there is one from each year, with a gap of around five years between the last two
  • various briefer, ordinary disputed questions (some edited in scattered books and articles)


Franciscan philosopher and theologian.

  • disputed questions [1302-3] (ed. Amorós 1935)
  • Quodlibetal Questions (ibid.)
  • Conclusiones metaphysicae (ed. Scotus, Wadding, 1639, vol. 4; Vivès 1892, vol. 6).
  • Sentences commentary has not been found.

Parisian grammarian.

  • Tractatus de constructione [ca. 1270] (ed. Rosier-Catach 1998)

Dominican philosopher.

  • Aristotelian commentaries
    • Ars vetus (ed. 1491 etc.)
    • Physics [both literal and questions] (ed. 1517 etc.)
    • De anima (unpublished)
    • De interpretatione (used in some editions to complete Aquinas's unfinished commentary)

Prominent Paris theology master; the last great scholastic theologian of the Middle Ages.

  • Sentences [1343-44] (ed. Trapp 1979-84) - only Books I-II circulated
  • De usura (ed. 1508 etc.)
  • a treatise on the cardinal virtues (unpublished)

Arts master and Dominican theologian.

Carmelite theologian. Works unedited except as indicated.

  • six Quodlibeta
  • disputed questions
    • De verbo
    • another set
    • six theological questions (ed. Etzwiler 1988)
  • Sentences commentary (fragments)
  • commentaries
    • Physics
    • Ethics [1312-13] (ed. Costa in progress)
    • De anima (fragments, ed. Etzwiler 1974)
    • Decretum
  • a treatise on papal infallibility (ed. Xiberta 1926)
  • Summa de haeresibus (ed. 1631)
  • Confutatio errorum quorundam magistrorum (ed. and tr. Blasco et al., 2014)

; d. ca. 1345"]

Dominican friar

  • Commentaries (all unedited)
    • De anima
    • Ethics
    • Politics
    • Rhetoric
  • De potestate summi pontificis [1327] (ed. Cheneval 1995)
  • Refutationof Dante's Monarchia [1329] (ed. Matteini 1958; tr. Cassell, in Historical Studies2004)
  • Liber de virtutibus (ed. Cova 2011)
  • Link: Guido Vernani Ariminensis OP (in german -



Dominican theologian, lectured on Sentences at Paris between 1258 and 1260, probably under the direction of Thomas Aquinas. Master of theology at Paris from 1260 to 1262.

  • Scriptum super Sententias (published under Aquinas's name in the 1878 Vives edition, volume 30).


Encyclopedist and astronomer.

  • Speculum divinorum et quorundam naturalium [1285-1305] (part. ed. van de Vyver et al. 1960-)
  • Nativitas [1280] (unedited)
  • Magistralis compositio astrolabii (ed. 1485)
  • commentaries on various Jewish and Arabic treatises of astronomy


Augustinian friar and theologian.

  • De quatuor instinctibus (ed. Warnock and Zumkeller 1977)
  • De decem preceptis (ed. Guyot 2005)
  • various ascetic-mystical treatises (ed. Zumkeller 1975)
  • Quodlibet (unedited)
  • a commentary on the Ethics (unedited)


Leading Paris theologian

  • fifteen Quodlibeta
  • Quaestiones ordinariae
  • Syncategoremata (Opera vol. 37)
  • Questions on the Liber de causis (ed. Zwaenepoel 1974) [authenticity questionable]
  • various lectures on the Bible (Opera vol. 36)
  • commentary on the Physics (unedited) [authenticity questionable]
  • commentary on the Metaphysics (ed. Malgieri 2023) [authenticity in question]
  • Quaestiones variae (Opera vol. 38) [authenticity questionable]

A critical edition is well underway (Opera omnia 1979-); parts of the Quodlibeta and Quaest. ordinariae not yet edited are accessible in reliable Renaissance editions (ed. 1518|1961 and 1520|1953]). 
A growing number of translations are available: on political philosophy (CTMPT 2); divine illumination (CTMPT 3); free will (Teske 1993); God's existence and essence (Decorte and Teske 2005); God's unity and simplicity (Teske 2006), On Knowledge (Teske 2008), God's eternity (Teske 2012), God's power (Teske 2013), the divine persons (Teske 2015), and more.

Scott Williams has created an extremely useful web page for Henry of Ghent.


English theologian.

  • Quaestiones ordinariae [ca. 1312] (ed. and tr. Henninger 2008)
  • Sentences commentary [ca. 1300, only Book I extant] (unedited).


Dominican friar, based in the St. Paul friary in Minden.

  • Liber de rebus memorabilioribus (ed. Potthast 1859)
  • Catena aurea entium (ed. Panarelli 2023-)
  • De conceptione Virginis gloriosae



Oxford arts master.

  • Insolubilia (unedited)
  • De veritate et falsitate propositionis (ed. in William Heytesbury 1494).


Secular theologian.

  • Sentences [lectured in Paris in the 1360s; subsequently revised] (Bks. II-IV ed. and [German] tr. Damerau 1979-80).
  • various ecclesiastical treatises (mainly unedited)
  • various brief philosophical-scientific treatises (unedited)
  • a commentary on Genesis (unedited), including


Dominican theologian.


Erfurt master

  • Disputata Metaphysicae [before 1438] (ed. Tabarroni 1991).


Arts master and theologian. See Preben-Hansen for details.

  • wide range of Aristotelian commentaries (mostly unedited)
  • questions on the Isagoge (ed. Schneider 1979)
  • both a literal commentary and a question-commentary on the Sentences (unedited, except for individual questions in Lang 1932 and Lang 1933).
  • editor of a popular abbreviation of Adam Wodeham's Sentences commentary (ed. Major 1512).


Master of arts at Paris. Perhaps to be identified with Hervaeus Sophista.

  • several commentaries on the Ars vetus (unedited)
  • brief Philosophia (ed. Lafleur, in "La ‘Philosophia'" 1994-95)


Dominican theologian and champion of Aquinas.

  • Sentences commentary [1303-4; rev. 1309] (ed. 1647|1966])
  • many Quodlibeta [1307-9] (ed. 1513|1966)
  • Defensio doctrinae fr. Thomae [1303-12] (ed. Piccari 1995)
  • De quattuor materiis sive Determinationes contra magistrum Henricum de Gandavo (ed. de Rijk in 2 vols, 2011, 2013).
  • a large number of treatises on philosophical and theological topics, including
    • De intellectu et specie (ed. Stella, "La prima critica")
    • De secundis intentionibus (ed. and tr. Doyle 2008)
    • eight others edited with the Quodlibeta
  • various ecclesiastical treatises, including
    • De iurisdictione [1311] (ed. Hödl 1959)
    • De potestate papae [ca. 1319] (ed. with Sentences)
    • De paupertate Christi et apostolorum [1322] (ed. Sikes 1937-38; tr. Jones 1999)


Theologian and leading reviver of Albertism. Author of around fifty works ranging over philosophy, theology, and ecclesiastic politics.

  • Problemata inter Albertum Magnum et Sanctum Thomam (Tractatus problematicus) [ca. 1425] (ed. 1496 etc.)
  • Reparationes totius naturalis philosophiae (ed. 1494)
  • a large metaphysics handbook, the Compendium divinorum [1420-22] (ed. Korolec 1967-68)
  • Opus circa speculare enigma universi (ed. Rusconi 2023)
  • a treatise on the trinity, De signis notionalibus (ed. Hoenen 1998)
  • a catalogue of one hundred 15th-c. theologies, the Centheologicon [after 1453] (unedited)
  • a defense of Birgitta of Sweden's Revelationes [1434/35] (ed. Adman 2003).

A first volume of selected works has recently been published (ed. Imbach and Ladner 2001-). 


Franciscan theologian. Likely studied at Paris around 1320. A Sentences commentary, based largely on Francis of Meyronnes, survives in 3 mss [2nd redaction no earlier than 1330] (unedited; see Duba and Schabel in SIEPM Bulletin n. 53 (2011)).


Dominican theologian at Oxford.

  • Sentences [1326/30] (portions extant but unedited, save for excerpts in secondary sources)


Franciscan theologian at Paris, a disciple of Scotus.

  • Sentences in Paris [1307/17] (unedited), in two redactions.


Dominican theologian.

  • Compendium theologicae veritatis [1265/70] (ed. in Albert the Great, ed. Borgnet vol. 34 etc.), a straightforward summary of early Dominican theology.


Early Dominican theologian.

  • Sentences [1229-30] (unedited)
  • disputed questions [ca. 1230] (unedited)
  • many biblical commentaries (ed. 1669 in 8 vols. etc.)
  • an influential concordance on the Bible (ed. Lucas and Phalèse 1837 etc.)
  • Speculum ecclesiae on the mass (ed. Sölch 1940)
  • a treatise De prophetia (ed. Torrell 1977)
  • various sermons (unedited)


Theologian and philosopher. An Augustinian Hermit, sent to study at Paris ca. 1334-36. Lectured on the Sentencesat Paris in 1348-49, becoming master of theology in 1352. In 1357 he directed the Augustinian studiumin Perugia, and in 1364 he co-founded the theology faculty in Bologna, subsequently teaching there. Appointed general of the Augustianian Hermits in 1368 and patriarch of Constantinople in 1371. Principal work is his Sentencescommentary (ed. Eckermann 1980-88). A commentary on the Physicsis also extant [1352] (part. ed. Eckermann, in Physikkommentar 1972), as is a treatise De Deo trino [1372] (ed. Stegmüller, in "Tractatus" 1954) and various sermons (unedited).

Cistercian. Studied at the College of St. Bernard in Paris (ca. 1289).

  • Sentences commentary, surviving in 46 manuscripts [ca. 1290] (unedited; see Brinzei in SIEPM Bulletin n. 53 (2011).
  • Metaphysics commentary (Bks. I-V ed. Calma and Wicki 2013)


Franciscan theologian and follower of Scotus.

  • various quodlibetal and disputed questions (part. ed. Yokoyama 1967)
  • an incomplete Sentences commentary (unedited)

Master of arts in Paris.

  • Aristotelian commentaries
    • both Analytics (unedited)
    • De anima (ed. Raedemaeker 1962)
    • the fourth book of the Meteorology (unedited)
    • the Parva Naturalia, unedited except
      De somno et vigilia (ed. Ebbesen 2015)
    • the Ethics (unedited) - attribution uncertain
  • treatise on the soul's knowledge of itself (ed. Bazán 1969)

Cistercian, becoming doctor of theology at Paris in 1373. See

  • Questiones super Sententias (1369-70) (ed. 2024- by Anisie, Brinzei, Cioca, and Schabel)

Dominican theologian.

Dominican theologian.

  • Sentences [perhaps at Paris, ca. 1300-1, and again ca. 1302-3] (unedited).

James's views would later be the subject of a short polemical treatise by Hervaeus Natalis (unedited).

Arts master at Bologna. Regarded as a proponent of radical Averroism.

  • disputed questions (unedited)
  • various commentaries on the logical curriculum (unedited)
  • questions on De anima III (ed. Kuksewicz 1967)

Cistercian theologian.

  • two Quodlibeta from 1306-7 (ed. Glorieux 1958)

Parisian master of theology. Augustinian Hermit.

  • four Quodlibeta [1293-97] (ed. Ypma 1968-75; II.20 and IV.30 tr. CTMPT 2)
  • 32 Quaestiones de divinis praedicamentis [before 1296] (part. ed. Ypma 1983-86, with further questions appearing in Augustiniana 1988-; qq. 28-32 ed. Gossiaux and Schabel 2024).
  • De regimine christiano [1301-2] (ed. and tr. Dyson 1995)
  • Various other works survive, mainly unedited, including a series of disputed questions De verbo (quest. 1 ed. Scanzillo 1972).

Dominican friar, active in Paris.

  • Tractatus de musica [last quarter of 13th c.] (ed. Meyer and Lobrichon 2012)

Arts master and critic of modist grammar. Active in Erfurt and Halberstadt

  • Determinatio de modis significandi [1332] (ed. Pinborg, in Entwicklung 1967)
  • Tractatus de demonstratione (unedited)
  • sophism on dimensions (unedited)
  • question on mixtures (unedited).
  • quaestio de eventu necessario rerum contingentium (see Tomanek 2023)

A distinct John Aurifaber served as master of arts at Paris in 1397; his only extant work is a few questions on the Physics (unedited). 

Carmelite theologian.

  • Sentences
    • an earlier version [Paris, prob. 1320-21] surviving in manuscript form (part. ed. Borchert 1974)
    • a later version [after 1325] surviving only in a printed edition (ed. 1618|1969 etc.). Transcribed here.
  • three Quodlibeta [the first two probably in 1323-25, the third, also in Paris, in 1330] (ed. 1618|1969 etc.)
  • questions on canon law [ca. 1340] (ed. Borchert 1974)
  • commentaries on the Gospel of Matthew [1336/37] and on Augustine and Anselm (all unedited)

Franciscan theologian

  • Sentences [Rheims, 1313; rev. ca. 1317] (ed. 1516-17)

Early lecturer on the new Aristotle.

  • treatise on the soul [ca. 1200/10] (ed. Callus and Hunt 1970; tr. Dunne 2012)

Benedictine monk and doctor of theology at Oxford.

  • collection of twenty-two sophisms known by its incipit, A est unum calidum (unedited)

The John Bode listed as a fellow of Merton College in 1338 is probably a different man.

Parisian arts master, active from mid-1320s until his death.

  • Question-commentaries, often in multiple redactions, including
    • Physics 
      • third redaction [ca. 1350] (seemingly a reportatio) (unedited)
      • final redaction [between 1352 and 1357] (= ultima lectura, seemingly the ordinatio version)
        • ed. 1509|1964
        • critical ed. by Bakker and Streijger, Bks. 1-2 2015, Bks. 3-4 2016, Bks. 5-8 forthcoming
    • Metaphysics (ed. 1518|1964) [Questions V.6, V.8, V.9, VII.15 transcribed by Peter King]. Various editions in progress:
      • Bks. I-II (van der Lecq);
      • Bk. IV (Spruyt, who plans to edit the entire work);
      • Bk. VII (Mansfeld, 2016 PhD)
    • De anima
      • ed. and tr. Klima, Sobol, Hartman, Zupko 2023 [third redaction]
      • ed. Patar 1991 [allegedly an earlier redaction, though its ascription to Buridan is contested]
      • ed. Lokert 1516 etc. [seemingly a mix of various redactions, if it is Buridan's work at all]
    • Questions on Porphyry (ed. Tatarsynski 1986)
    • Categories (ed. Schneider 1983; tr. Hall forthcoming)
    • De interpretatione (ed. van der Lecq 1983)
    • Prior Analytics [unpublished text edited by Hubien, posted by Peter King]
    • Posterior Analytics [unpublished text edited by Hubien, posted by Peter King]
    • De generatione et corruptione (ed. Streijger et al. 2010)
    • De caelo (ed. Moody 1942)
    • Nicomachean Ethics (ed. 1513|1968 etc.; Bk. X tr. CTMPT 2; Bk. X online ed. by Kilcullen here; a complete translation is in progress by Stenberg et al.)
    • Rhetoric (unpublished; transcription by Ebbesen, Marmo, Preben-Hansen)
    • Parva naturalia (ed. in progress by Stanek and Wojtczak)
    • Meteora (ed. in progress by Panzica; ed. of Bk. I in Bages 1986)
    • [the Politics commentary published under Buridan's name is not authentic]
  • Summulae de dialectica (various part. eds.; the whole tr. Klima 2001; French tr. Patar 2016), in nine large parts [the Latin of parts 1-8 scanned by Peter King]
    • the ninth being the Sophismata (ed. Pironet 2004; tr. Klima 2001 and Scott 1966), which also circulated as a separate treatise.
    • De syllogismis (Summulae pt. 5) (ed. Spruyt 2010)
    • De fallaciis (ed. in progress by Rustenburg)
  • Tractatus de consequentiis (ed. Hubien 1976; tr. King 1985; tr. Read 2014).
  • Many other commentaries (including literal commentaries [expositiones] on Aristotle) and briefer treatises are extant.

A bibliography is available at the

For further resources on Buridan, see Peter Hartman's Buridanica.

  • Physics commentary (ed. 1475 etc.).

Schabel argues in the 2015 and 2016 SIEPM Bulletins that the author of this Physics commentary is in fact Francesc Marbres, an Augustinian Canon and master of arts at the University of Toulouse. He seems to have died at the University of Paris, at the start of his theological studies, circa 1330, leaving the Physics commentary unfinished.

Key figure in the Thomist movement.

  • Defensiones theologiae divi Thomae Aquinatis (ed. Paban and Pègues 1900-8|1967).
    • The material on virtues from Bk. III is available in translation (tr. White and Cessario 2001).

Mathematician and philosopher.

  • At least eight extant works of logic and natural philosophy, in the Mertonian tradition, are ascribed to Chilmark (all unedited).

Master of arts at Paris.

  • Summa gramatica [ca. 1280] (ed. Otto 1955)
  • Divisio scientiae [ca. 1280] and De gradibus formarum (ed. Otto 1955)

Logician, traditionally numbered among the nominalists.

  • commentary on Buridan's Summulae [ca. 1393] (ed. 1499|1965 etc.),
    • tract 4 (on the properties of terms) is in fact a commentary on Marsilius of Inghen.

Natural philosopher; one of the Oxford Calculators.

  • Summa logicae et philosophiae naturalis [1340s] (unedited)
  • Compendium sex conclusionum [1348] (ed. Weisheipl, in Early Fourteenth-Century Physics 1956; tr. Moody, in Rise of Mechanism 1950)

Franciscan theologian and philosopher.

  • Sentences commentary
    • Lectura [Oxford, ca. 1298], Bks. I-III only.
      • The Vatican critical edition (ed. Balic et al. 1950-) is now complete
    • Ordinatio [1300-], including Bk. IV, and intended to be the definitive version of Scotus's lectures, drawing on the later Paris lectures, but never put into final form, and so gaps remain.
      • The Vatican critical edition (ed. Balic et al. 1950-) is now complete
      • Peter Simpson's rough but useful online translation of the Ordinatio is now complete.
    • Reportatio parisiensis [1305-7], in multiple versions
      • The 1639 Wadding edition (Bks. I-IIIBk. IV) remains useful until a modern edition is made
      • a working version of Bk. I is available (ed. and tr. Wolter and Bychkov 2004-8), and now also Bk. IV (ed. and tr. Bychkov and Pomplun 2016-).
    • Additiones magnae compiled by William of Alnwick [1312/25]
  • Quodlibeta [between 1305 and 1307] (ed. Alluntis 1968; tr. Alluntis and Wolter 1975)
    • question 16, on free will, can be found in something approaching a critical edition in Noone and Roberts 2007
  • De primo principio [ca. 1308] (ed. and tr. Wolter 1966)
  • Collationes [1302-8] (ed. Alliney and Fedeli 2016)
  • Theoremata [authenticity in doubt] (ed. Opera philosophica vol. 2)
  • Various question-commentaries on Aristotle [mostly from early in Scotus's career, with the exception of the Metaphysics, which mixes early and late material] (Opera philosophica, ed. Noone et al. 1997-2006)
  • Notabilia Scoti super Metaphysicam (ed. Pini 2017)
  • Quaestio de formalitatibus, quae dicitur 'Logica Scoti' (ed. Emery and Smith, SIEPM Bulletin 2014)
  • Quaestio de individuationis principio [1305-6] (ed. Scotus Archiv) [a quaestio magistralis between Scotus and William Peter Godinus]

Most of Scotus's work has never been translated, although the situation is slowly becoming better. In addition to Peter Simpson's online translation of the entire Ordinatio, and the other translations noted above, useful volumes are available on

  • will and morality
    • ed. and tr. Wolter 1986
    • ed. and tr. [German] Hoffmann 2012
    • tr. Williams 2017 (contains everything in Wolter and more)
  • universals (tr. Spade, in Five Texts 1994)
  • contingency and freedom (ed. and tr. Vos 1994)
  • individuation (ed. and tr. Wolter 2005)
  • on being and cognition (Ordinatio I.3) (tr. van den Bercken 2016)
  • as well as a general Philosophical Writings (ed. and tr. Wolter 1962|1987).

Past Masters (by subscription only) has searchable versions of the Opera Philosophica, the Reportatio by Bychkov et al., Simpson's translation of the Ordinatio, Wolter's translation of the questions on metaphysics, and various other material.

Brepols' Library of Latin Texts (by subscription only) has (awkwardly) searchable versions of the Vatican edition (Lectura and Reportatio).

Hoffmann maintains a bibliography of work on Scotus from 1950 to the present that contains, among much else, an exhaustive list of the available translations, published and on the internet. Further links to texts and translations are available at The Franciscan Archive.

Supplementing the translations on ethics in Williams 2017 is his website with further translations and an important discussion of why the Vatican edition of Ordinatio III.26-40 is "so frequently bad that no responsible scholar can rely on it."

Cross has published a useful summary of the overall textual situation in Journal of the History of Philosophy July 2011.

Franciscan canon lawyer and perhaps theologian.

  • Summa confessorum [1295; rev. 1302] (ed. Brieskorn 1981).
  • Sentences [1294/1304] (unedited) -- may have been authored by a younger man by the same name.

Augustinian friar and theologian.

Prague arts master.

  • logical treaties:
    • Suppositiones (ed. Bos 1985)
    • Fallacie (ed. Bos 1985)
    • Obligationes (ed. Bos 1985)
    • Insolubilia (ed. Bos 1985)
    • Sophismata (unedited)
    • Consequentie (unedited).
  • treatises of natural philosophy:
    • De motu (part. ed. Clagett, in Science of Mechanics 1959)
    • De primo et ultimo instanti [1369] (unedited)

English logician.

  • Logica (ed. de Rijk 1999)
  • Insolubilia (unedited)

Averroist master of arts

  • question-commentaries on Aristotle:
    • Physics [ca. 1315] (ed. 1587|1969)
    • De anima (ed. 1587|1966)
    • De caelo (ed. 1552)
    • Metaphysics (ed. 1553|1966)
    • Parva naturalia (ed. 1505).
    • Rhetoric (ed. Costa and Brenet in progress; transcription by Preben-Hansen and Ebbesen)
  • disputations
    • De habitu intellectus (ed. Kuksewicz 1961)
    • De infinitate vigoris Dei (ed. Kuksewicz 1965)
    • De notioritate universalium (ed. Kuksewicz 1970)
    • De principio individuationis (ed. Kuksewicz 1963)
  • treatises
    • on the agent sense (ed. Pattin 1988)
    • on the city of Paris (ed. Le Roux de Lincy and Tisserand 1867)

The commentary on the De substantia orbis ascribed to Jandun in many early printed editions is now thought to have been written by Fernand of Spain in the later thirteenth century (see Tomanek 2021).

Early Franciscan philosopher and theologian.

  • Tractatus de divisione multiplici potentiarum animae [ca. 1233] (ed. Michaud-Quantin 1964)
  • Summa de anima [ca. 1235] (ed. Bougerol 1995; tr. [Fr] Vernier 2001)
  • Summae on the virtues, vices, the articles of the faith, and the ten commandments (all unedited)
  • many biblical commentaries (unedited)
  • sermons (part. ed. Lynch 1961)
  • disputed questions on grace (ed. Hödl 1964) and other theological topics
  • Quaestiones disputatae de legibus (ed. Saccenti 2021)

Secular theologian in Paris, a student of Godfrey of Fontaines.

  • a disputed question on whether free will requires the will to move itself (ed. as appendix to Gonsalvo of Spain, ed. Amorós 1935)
  • a disputed question on whether something can be in potency and act at the same time and in the same respect (ibid.)
  • a brief Quodlibet [1302] (ed. Glorieux 1958)

Albertist theologian and philosopher.

  • Tractatus de homine (ed. Pattin 1977)
  • commentaries on the old and new logic (unedited)
  • De anima (ed. 1491 etc.)
  • Parva naturalia (ed. 1491 etc.)
  • De motu animalium (unedited)
  • De divinis nominibus (unedited)
  • Determinatio utrum perfecta Dei opera possint impediri daemonis malitia (ed. 1493)

Cistercian theologian

Franciscan theologian, master of theology in Paris from 1289 to 1290 (or 1291); subsequently minister general of the Franciscan order and cardinal.

  • Various disputed questions (unedited)
  • fragments of a Sentences commentary (unedited except excerpts on free will in Longpré, "Oeuvre scolastique" 1947).

Dominican theologian.

  • various Quodlibeta [ca. 1315] (unedited)
  • disputed questions [ca, 1322] (ed. 1618; excerpt tr. CTMPT 2).
  • defense of Aquinas, arguing that the Condemnation of 1277 does not affect his teachings, has been edited in his name (ed. Jellouschek 1925).
  • Link: Iohannes de Neapoli OP (in german -

Flemish arts master; taught in Paris.

  • Tractatus de esse et essentia (ed. Meersseman 1933)
  • Tractatus universalium (ed. Meersseman 1936)
  • De universali reali [attribution in doubt] (ed. Weiler 1968)
  • commentary on the Metaphysics [1413/18] (unedited)
  • Commentum aureum super secundum partem Doctrinalis Alexandri [ca. 1405] (unedited).

Early University of Paris master of arts and theology.

  • logical work [ca. 1225-35]
    • various commentaries on the logica vetus, unedited except for the Categories, ed. Franceschini 1934 and Hansen 2012
    • Appellationes (ed. de Libera, in "Appellationes" 1984)
    • Syncategoremeta (ed. Braakhuis, in Syncategorematische Termen 1979).
  • Sentences commentary
    • reportatio (unedited)
    • corrected version (unedited).

Dominican theologian and early Thomist.

  • Correctorium ‘Circa' [1283/84] (ed. Müller 1941)
  • Reportatioof his Sentences commentary [1292/96] (Bks. I-II ed. Müller 1961-64)
  • Apologia [1296/99] (ed. Müller 1952)
  • disputed question on whether being and essence are distinct [1296/99] (ed. Glorieux, in "La distinction réelle," 1951)
  • treatise on the Eucharist [1304/5] (ed. and tr. Martin, in "Eucharistic Treatise" 1975)
  • De potestate regia et papali [1302/3] (ed. and [German] tr. Bleienstein 1969; tr. Watt 1971).
  • at least one set of quodlibetal questions (ed. Heiman 1955)
  • Quaestio de principio individuationis (Müller 1974)
  • De modo existendi corpus Christi in sacramento altaris (ed. Pattin 1977)

Conservative Franciscan champion of Augustinianism.

  • eleven sets of disputed questions (ed. Etzkorn et al. 2002)
  • four Quodlibeta [1270-77] (ed. Etzkorn and Delorme 1989; part. tr. van Buren 2023)
  • treatise on the soul (ed. Melani 1948)
  • treatise on optics (ed. Lindberg 1972)
  • Summa de esse et essentia (ed. Delorme 1928; tr. van Buren 2023)
  • Perspectiva communis (ed. and tr. Lindberg 1970)
  • Tractatus de sphaera (ed. and tr. MacLaren and Etzkorn 2015)
  • questions on the eternity of the world (ed. and tr. Brady and Potter 1993)
  • treatise on poverty (ed. Kingsford et al. 1910|1969; ed. Wyngaert 1925)
  • Arithmetica (De numeris mysticis) (ed. Hughes 1985, Gonzalez-Garcia 2018)
  • Sentences commentary, Bk. I only [mid/late 1260s] (unedited).
  • letters (ed. Martin 1882-85 in 3 vols.)
  • various sermons, hymns, and poems

Dominican theologian.

  • disputed questions [Cologne, ca. 1303]:
  • Quaestiones disputatae, 1–18 (ed. Mojsisch 2009)
  • Quaestiones disputatae, 19–38 (ed. Porro / Beccarisi 2009)
  • Link: Iohannes Picardi de Lucidomonte OP (in german -

Paris theologian, a student of Godfrey of Fontaines.

  • five Quodlibeta [1307-1313] (Hoffmann is editing the lengthy questions concerning free will; Quod. I.10 is edited in Hödl 1999)
  • various disputed questions (unedited except for fragments in secondary literature, esp. Schabel 2011 on future contingents)

Franciscan theologian, lectured on the Sentences at Oxford circa 1315, and revised these lectures in the early 1320s.

  • Sentences commentary [survives in only one manuscript, which runs only to distinction 6 of book I, and which preserves the Ordinatio version]
    • prologue qq. 1-5 ed. Fiorentino 2011
    • prol. qq. 6-7 and 10 ed. Livesey 1989
    • dist. 1 qq. 1-6 ed. Fiorentino 2018
    • dist. 1 q. 6 was also edited and discussed by Alliney 1996: "Utrum fine ultimo apprehenso ab intellectu creato voluntas necessario velit illum fìnem"

Franciscan moral theologian.

  • Compendium pauperis [1311/17] (ed. 1501)
  • Formula confessionis [1309/12] (unedited)

Innovative Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences commentary [ca. 1357]; only Bk. I has survived complete (prologue ed. Combes and Ruello 1961-70; d. 37 ed. Combes et al. 1967)
  • Paul of Venice's abbreviation [before 1402] of the Sentences commentary (ed. Ruello 1980-2000)
  • Conclusiones (ed. Combes 1957) [summary of Sent. comm.]
  • Determinationes [1358] (ed. Combes 1957)
  • Quaestio de gradu supremo [1354/55] (ed. Combes and Vignaux 1964)

Franciscan theologian.

  • Quodlibeta (unedited)
  • Sentences commentary [prob. 1328-29], extant in two redactions (mostly unedited, but lengthy excerpts from the prologue and dists. 2-3 have been edited by Martin Tweedale, "John of Rodynton on Knowledge, Science, and Theology" (PhD diss., UCLA, 1965), and posted here with permission)

Benedictine theologian.

  • commentary on the Posterior Analytics (edited in Scotus's Opera; Vivès vol. 2 etc.).
  • Sentences commentary [attribution uncertain] (unedited)
  • disputed questions [attribution uncertain] (unedited)

Oxford theologian and philosopher.

  • Quaestio super universalia (ed. Conti 1990).
  • De anima (unedited)
  • Physics (unedited)
  • abbreviation of Scotus's Quodlibeta (unedited)
  • several short philosophical and theological treatises (unedited)

Dominican theologian.

  • Sentences [prob. Paris in 1290/95, or perhaps later] (ed. Senner 1995)

Oxford arts master; realist follower of John Wyclif.

  • Problema correspondens libello Porphyrii (part. ed. Conti 1990)
  • various logical treatises, unedited except for his Obligationes (ed. Ashworth 1992)
  • The Summa insolubilium edited under the name of John Wyclif is sometimes attributed to Tarteys

Arts master and theologian.

  • commentaries on almost all of Aristotle's principal works, as well as on Peter of Spain and Donatus minor. All are available in early printed editions.
  • Super De ente et essentia S. Thomae de Aquino (ed. Sevora and Novak, Studia Neoaristotelica 2008)

Albertist philosopher and opponent of Nicholas of Cusa.

  • De docta ignorantia [1442/43] (ed. and tr. Hopkins 1988)
    • Cusa's fierce reply is his Apologia doctae ignorantiae [1449] (tr. Hopkins 1988).
  • Various brief treatises are extant but unedited, except for a Middle High German Büchlein von der Seele (ed. Steer 1967).

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences [Oxford, 1336-37] (unedited).

Parisian arts master.

  • questions on the Ars vetus (unedited)
  • questions on the Prior Analytics (unedited)
  • questions on obligationes and insolubilia (part. ed. Spade, in "Three Questions" 1996; on web)

, ca 1325; d. Lutterworth, 1384"]

Heterodox and influential philosopher and theologian; a leading advocate of metaphysical realism.

Wyclif's very extensive writings, in both Latin and English, have not yet been completely edited. Many of the Latin writings have been edited by the Wyclif Society (1883-1922, in 36 vols).

  • De logica [ca. 1360] and Continuatio logicae [prob. 1360/63] (both ed. Dziewicki 1893 vol. 1, vol. 2vol. 3) [Mark Thakkar is working on a critical edition with translation of both these works]
  • Summa insolubilium [1368-9] (ed. Spade and Wilson 1986)
  • De ente in communi [ca. 1365] and De ente primo in communi [ca. 1365] (both ed. Thomson 1930)
  • De actibus animae [ca. 1365] (ed. Dziewicki 1902);
  • Purgans errores circa universalia in communi [1366/68] (ed. Dziewicki 1909)
  • De ente praedicamentali [ca. 1369] (ed. Beer 1891)
  • De intelleccione Deiand De volucione Dei [both ca. 1370] (both ed. Dziewicki 1909)
  • Tractatus de universalibus [ca. 1368-69, or 1373-74] (ed. Müller 1985; tr. Kenny 1985)
  • De materia et forma [ca. 1370-75] (ed. Dziewicki 1902)
  • De trinitate [1371-74] (ed. du Pont Breck 1962).

Wyclif organized many of these shorter treatises - and other works yet to be edited - into a Summa de ente, whose structure scholars have had to piece together.

  • Ivan Mueller is working on a new edition of the already published material from the Summa de ente.
  • Ivan Mueller and Vilem Herold have edited the De Ideis, which is forthcoming from Brill with a translation by Stephen Lahey
  • Wlozimierz Zega is working on a critical edition of the De tempore
  • Luigi Campi is working on a critical edition of the De scientia Dei

Beginning ca. 1373, Wyclif turned his attention increasingly to theological and ecclesiastical issues, including

  • De civili dominio [1375/76] (ed. Poole and Loserth 1885-1904; part. tr. CTMPT 2)
  • De ecclesia [1378] (ed. Loserth and Matthew 1886)
  • De potestate papae [ca. 1379] (ed. Loserth 1907)
  • De veritate Sacrae Scripturae [1377/78] (ed. Buddensieg 1905-7; tr. Levy 2001)
  • Trialogus [1382/83] (ed. and tr. Lahey 2013)
  • De eucharistia (ed. Loserth 1892).

In addition to these academic Latin treatises, there are

  • Latin polemical works (ed. Buddensieg 1883|1966)
  • English works (part. ed. Matthew 1880|1978; Lindberg 1991).

For later English Wycliffite texts, see Hudson, Selections 1997.


  • Logica or Summa Lamberti [1240s/1250s] (ed. Alessio 1971; tr. Maloney 2015), including
    • De propositionibus
    • De praedicabilibus
    • De praedicamentis
    • De postpraedicamentis
    • De sillogismo
    • De locis
    • De fallaciis
    • De suppositionibus et significationibus [tr. CTMPT 1]

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences commentary [1318-19] (Bk. II ed. Venice 1487; ed. Duba and Schabel in progress; see Schabel, SIEPM Bulletin n. 51)
  • biblical commentaries (unedited)
  • sermons (part. ed. 1637)

Logician, active at the universities of Prague and Vienna.

  • De significatione propositionum [1392],
  • sets of questions on supposition, appellation, and insolubilia [1393] (all unedited)


Italian Averroist, arts master at the University of Paris circa 1315 to 1325, subsequently taking up the study of medicine.

  • questions on De anima III [1315-1320] (a question on the necessity of the agent intellect is edited in Côté, BPM 2022)
  • questions on De substantia orbis (one quested edited in Côté 2019)
  • Tractatus de intentionibus secundis [1323] (unedited)
  • Liber regiminis sanitatis [1331-34] (ed. 1482 etc.)

Influential master of arts.

  • Question-commentaries
    • Super Isagogen (ed. Wojtczak 2014)
    • Super librum Praedicamentorum (ed. Wojtczak 2008)
    • De generatione et corruptione (ed. 1505|1970 etc.)
    • De anima (unedited)
    • Metaphysics (unedited)
    • Parva naturalia (unedited)
    • Ethics (unedited)
    • De caelo (unedited)
  • Abbreviationes on the Physics (ed. 1521 etc.) [A question-commentary on the Physics, printed under the name "Johannis Marsilius Inguen" [ed. 1518|1964], is not by Marsilius.]
  • various logical treatises, unedited except for a treatise on the properties of terms (ed. and tr. Bos 1983)
  • Sentences commentary [1392-96] (ed. 1501|1966; critical edition in progress, ed. Wieland et al. 2000-, Wojczak and Stanek 2023-)

Franciscan theologian.

  • Various questions from his Sentences commentary are extant (unedited)

The logical treatises of "Martinus Anglicus" are now thought to be the work of a different, later author (see below). 

Philosopher and grammarian.

  • De modi significandi [ca. 1270] (ed. Roos 1961)
  • question commentaries on the ars vetus (ed. Roos 1961)

English logician.

  • De veritate et falsitate propositionis (ed. de Rijk, in Some 14th Century Tracts 1982)
  • De obligationibus (ed. Schupp 1993)
  • Consequentiae (unedited).

His identification with Martin of Alnwick is now generally rejected.

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences [prob. 1271-72] (Bks. I, II, and IV are extant in a single autograph copy, unedited)
  • Quodlibeta [1278-85] (unedited)
  • many disputed questions, including
    • questions on illumination (ed. Quaracchi 1883)
    • on the soul (ed. Gondras 1957-61)
    • on the separated soul (ed. Quaracchi 1959)
    • on faith and cognition (ed. Quaracchi 1957; part tr. McKeon, Selections; part. tr. Fairweather, Scholastic Miscellany)
    • on the production of things and providence (ed. Gál 1956)
    • on grace (ed. Doucet 1935).

Master of arts, perhaps at Bologna.

  • Quaestiones super modos significandi (ed. Rosier 1992)

Arts master at Bologna.

  • various commentaries on the logical curriculum (unedited)
  • various disputed questions on physics and the soul (ed. Kuksewicz, in Averroïsme bolonais 1965)
  • perhaps a De anima commentary (ed. Ghisalberti 1981)


  • Sophistariaor Summa communium distinctionum circa sophismata accidentium (ed. Spruyt 2001).

Master of arts at Paris.

  • Summa de modis significandi (ed. Kelly 1995)
  • Quaestiones super Priscianum minorem (unedited)


  • Sentences commentary [prob. late 1320s] (Bks. I-II only, unedited)

Benedictine theologian whose proper name is uncertain.

  • lectures on the Sentences [at Oxford or perhaps Cambridge, 1335-41] (unedited)

Perhaps to be identified with the Benedictine Johannes Normanus.


French theologian.

  • Ars fidei catholicae (ed. Dreyer 1993)
  • Potentia est vis (ed. Dreyer 1993) [authorship uncertain]

German arts master.

  • Aristotelian commentaries (all unedited)
    • Ethics
    • Metaphysics
    • Physics
    • De anima
    • De caelo
    • De generatione
    • Meteorology
    • Parva naturalia.

Radical critic of Aristotelianism, condemned in Avignon and Paris.

  • Exigit ordo (but more properly called the Tractatus utilis ad videndum an sermones peripateticorum fuerint demonstrativi) [1330, later revised] (ed. O'Donnell 1939; tr. Kennedy et al. 1971; new ed. and tr. in progress Pasnau et al.).
    • Kauza, Ontologie (2023), contains a new edition with commentary of the prologues.
    • The title 'Universal Treatise' is based on a misreading of the manuscript. Both the edition and the translation print the prologues and chapter 1 in the order they appear in the manuscript, without regard for the complex cross-references as to how that material is to be organized. As a result, these crucial parts of the text are virtually incomprehensible. Kaluza has shown how the material needs to be reorganized. I have cut and pasted and scanned the translation into the appropriate order. The precise order is as follows:

203.19-206.22....66.28-71.14 [Kaluza secludes 203.35-48 / 67.7-24 as an interpolation]

  • letters to Bernard of Arezzo (two of nine have survived) [1335-36] and to a Master Giles (one brief and fragmentary letter) [ca. 1337] (ed. and tr. de Rijk 1994).
  • a brief dispute on the intention and remission of forms [1336-39] (ed. with the Tractatus in O'Donnell 1939).

Famous preacher and moral theologian, variously described as a Franciscan or a Dominican.

  • sermons (extant in many mss., but unpublished)
  • Distinctiones (unedited)
  • Summa de abstinentia or Dictionarius pauperum (ed. 1498)

Franciscan philosopher and theologian.

  • Various studies of Aristotle
    • Categories (ed. 1505)
    • Metaphysics (ed. 1505)
    • Physics (Philosophia naturalis) (ed. 1505)
  • Theologia naturalis (ed. 1505).
  • Formalitates (ed. 1475), [authorship is uncertain]

Innovative philosopher and theologian

  • De concordantia catholica [1433] (tr. Sigmund 1991)
  • De auctoritate praesidendi in concilio generali [1434] (tr. Bond et al. 1990)
  • De docta ignorantia [1440] (tr. Hopkins 1985)
  • Apologia doctae ignorantiae [1449] (tr. Hopkins, Debate 1988)
  • Idiota de sapientia [1450] (tr. Hopkins 1996)
  • Idiota de mente [1450] (tr. Hopkins 1996)
  • De visione Dei [1453] (tr. Hopkins 1988)

Other philosophically interesting treatises are also extant (see the translations of Hopkins 1994, 1997-2000), as are many sermons and mathematical writings. The modern edition of Cusa's Opera omniais now virtually complete (Heidelberg Academy 1932-, in 22 vols.).

Paris logician.

  • Tractatus de suppositionibus (ed. in Opera 1997)
  • questions on the Prior Analytics (ed. in Opera 1997).

Paris arts master.

  • a grammatical sophism Albus musicus est (ed. Ebbesen 1988).

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences commentary [prob. 1280-82], extant in all four books (unedited)
  • various disputed questions (ed. Saco Alarçón 1981, 1993).

Arts master at Paris

  • Summe de dialectica (Summe Metenses) (part. ed. de Rijk, Logica modernorumII.1 1967) [authorship probable]
  • Obligationes (ed. Braakhuis 1998)
  • Syncategoremata (ed. Braakhuis 1979; part. tr. CTMPT 1)
  • various commentaries on the ars vetusand on Priscian minor (unedited)

Dominican theologian and mystic.

  • Summa philosophiae [ed. Suarez-Nani et al. 1990-]
  • various theological writings, including a set of treatises and sermons in German (ed. Pfeiffer, in Deutsche Mystiker 1845-47|1962).

Dominican theologian, historian, and classical scholar.

  • various disputed questions and six Quodlibeta (part. ed. Hauke, in Die Lehre 1967, and in Dales and Argerami, Medieval Latin Texts 1991)
  • historical chronicles and his commentaries on Boethius, Seneca, Livy, Virgil, and Augustine (available in a variety of editions).
  • Link: Nicolaus Trivet OP (in german -

Leading natural philosopher of the later Middle Ages.

  • Tractatus de confiurationibus qualitatum et motuum [ca. 1950] (ed. and tr. Clagett 1968)
  • De proportionibus proportionum [ca. 1356] (ed. and tr. Grant 1966)
  • De causis mirabilium [ca. 1370] (ed. and tr. Hansen 1985)
  • Aristotle commentaries [late 1340s]:
    • De anima (ed. Patar 1995)
    • De generatione et corruptione (ed. Caroti 1996)
    • De caelo (ed. and tr. Kren 1965)
    • Meteorology
      • ultima (=2nd) lectura, part. ed. and tr. McCluskey 1974, ed. Panzica 2021
      • prima lectura, ed. Panzica forthcoming
    • Physics (ed. Caroti et al. 2013)
  • Questions on Euclid's Elements [ca. 1350] (ed. Busard 1961)
  • French translations with accompanying commentaries [1370s] of
    • Aristotle's Politics (ed. Menut 1970)
    • Ethics (ed. Menut 1940)
    • Economics (ed. and tr. Menut 1957),
    • De caelo (ed. and tr. Menut and Denomy 1968).
  • De visione stellarum, a treatise on optics and atmospheric refraction (ed. Burton 2007)
  • a treatise on money (ed. Wolowski 1864|1976)

Scholars have generally rejected the recent ascription to Oresme of a series of theological questions (in Boureau 2021).



Early Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences commentary (part. ed. Sileo 1984)
  • various sermons (part. ed. Duval-Arnould 1976-77; Bougerol 1995)
  • 16 disputed questions, including
    • De scientia theologiae (ed. Sileo 1984)
    • De libero arbitrio (ed. Lottin 1931)
    • De gratia (ed. Pergamo 1935)
    • De aeternitate mundi (ed. Dales and Argerami, in Medieval Latin Texts 1991).
  • Odo's daily activities from 1248 to 1269 is preserved in his journal (ed. Bonnin 1852; tr. Brown and O'Sullivan 1964).

Paris arts master.

  • an introductory textbook, the Philosophia (ed. Lafleur and Carrier, in L'enseignement 1997).

Carmelite theologian

  • Sentences lectures (unedited but surviving in 9 mss), delivered in Oxford, probably in the early 1340s
    • Q6, De imputabilitate peccati, is printed in the 1497 Lyon edition of Robert Holcot, where it is wrongly ascribed to Holcot (see Schabel and Ledsham in SIEPM Bulletin 2020)


German arts master and theologian.

  • De conceptibus [1380s] (ed. Bos and Read 2001)


  • Logica
  • Tractatus de sensu composito et diviso (both ed. Brown 1961)
  • Dubia super Consequentiis Strodi (ed. 1477 etc.)
  • Sophismata asinina (ed. Pironet 1998)
  • commentary on the ars vetus (unedited)
  • commentary on William Heytesbury (unedited)

Carmelite theologian.

  • Sentences [Paris, 1344-45] (unedited except for excerpts in the secondary literature)

Franciscan alchemist.

  • Summa perfectionis (ed. and tr. Newman 1991)
  • Liber tam theoricae quam practicae veritatis in arte alkimica (ed. and tr. Newman, in Summa perfectionis 1986)

Eminent logician and natural philosopher.

  • Summa philosophiae naturalis [1408] (ed. 1503|1974)
  • Logica parva (Summulae) [ca. 1393-95] (ed. Perreiah 2002; tr. Perreiah 1984)
  • Sophismata aurea [ca. 1405-9] (ed. 1493)
  • Logica magna [ca. 1396-1400] (ed. 1499 etc.). Various modern partial editions:
    • Treatise on Insolubles (ed. and tr. Read and Bartocci 2022)
    • Tractatus de necessitate et contingentia futurorum (ed. and tr. Williams 1991)
    • Tractatus de hypotheticis (ed. and tr. Broadie 1990)
    • Capitula de conditionali et de rationali (ed. and tr. Hughes 1990)
    • Tractatus de obligationibus, ed and tr. Ashworth 1988)
    • Tractatus de scire et dubitare (ed. and tr. Clarke 1981)
    • Tractatus determinis (ed. and tr. Kretzmann 1979)
    • Tractatus de veritate et falsitate propositionis et Tractatus de significato (ed. Del Punta, tr. Adams,1978)
  • Quadratura [ca. 1402-5]  (ed. 1493)
  • commentaries on Aristotle
    • Posterior Analytics [1406] (ed. 1477|1976)
    • Physics [1409] (ed. 1499)
    • Metaphysics [ca. 1420-24] (Bk. VII ed. Galluzzo 2013)
    • De generatione et corruptione (ed. 1498)
    • De anima [ca. 1415-20] (ed. 1504)
    • ars vetus [1428] (ed. 1494)
      • Expositio super Universalia Porphyrii (ed. Conti online) [sorry, this link seems to be broken, don't know where this went]

Physician, philosopher, translator.

  • Conciliator differentiarum philosophorum et praecipue medicorum [1303; rev. 1310] (ed. 1565|1985)
  • commentary on the pseudo-Aristotelian Problemata [1310] (ed. 1501 etc.)
  • De venenis atque eorundem commodis remediis [1303] (ed. 1537 etc.)
  • Lucidator dubitabilium astronomiae [1303; rev. 1310] (ed. Federici-Vescovini 1988)

Progressive philosopher and theologian, associated with nominalism. Arts master at Paris in the early 1370s; bachelor of theology mid-1370s; became master of theology in spring 1381.

  • Sentences commentary [1377-78] (ed. 1490|1968, ed. Brinzei 2013-)
  • Tractatus de anima [early 1370s] (ed. Pluta 1987)
  • treatise on Boethius's Consolation [early 1370s] (q. 1 ed. Chappuis 1993; q. 2 ed. Schabel in progress)
  • treatise on concepts [early 1370s] (ed. Kaczmarek 1980; tr. Spade 1980)
  • treatise on insolubles [early 1370s] (ed. 1499 etc.; tr. Spade 1980; ed. Erne 2022)
  • Imago mundi [ca. 1410] (ed. and [Fr] tr. Buron 1930)

Various treatises and sermons were collected in a Renaissance edition (1490|1971). A polemic against the modi significandi (ed. Kaczmarek 1980, 1994) has been wrongly ascribed to him.

Franciscan theologian, a follower of Scotus, for which he became known as the Scotellusor "Little Scotus."

  • Sentences [prob. in 1337-38] (ed. Paolini 1907-9 etc.)
  • compendium of the Sentences (unedited)
  • commentary on the Ethics (unedited).

Innovative Franciscan theologian. Probably joined the Franciscan order before 1300 and subsequently studied in Paris. Lectured at Franciscan studiain Bologna in 1312 and Toulouse in 1314-16 before returning to Paris to study theology in 1316. Regent master from 1318 to 1320. Elected provincial minister of Aquitaine in 1320 and archbishop of Aix-en-Provence in 1321. Auriol's philosophical thought is extremely original but dense and difficult. His views were often discussed by subsequent authors, but almost always critically. His principal work is his

  • Sentences commentary
    • first version, the Scriptum [1314/17], covers only Book I (ed. Rome, 1596; prol. and dd. 1-8 ed. Buytaert 1952-56; part. tr. CTMPT 3). It was begun in Toulouse and finished soon after his arrival in Paris [Rome ed. dd. 1-26Rome ed. dd. 27-]
    • reportationes on all four books, surviving in various more-or-less revised redactions [1316/20] (Bks. II-IV ed. 1605). (The 1596-1605 edition is extremely unreliable, and work on a critical edition is in the early stages. See Russell Friedman's Auriol web page for a report on the edition in progress, as well as further texts and bibliography.) [Rome ed. Bks. II-IIIRome ed. Bk. IV]
  • Quodlibet [1320] (ed. 1605) (Friedman et al. plan a critical edition)
  • Compendium sensus litteralis totius divinae Scripturae (ed. 1585; ed. Seeboeck 1896)
  • Tractatus de paupertate et usu paupere [1311] (ed. 1512)
  • Tractatus de principiis naturae [1312] (ed. Duba, Friedman, Schabel in progress)
  • Tractatus de conceptione Beatae Mariae Virginis [1314] (ed. ca. 1490)

Parisian arts master and theologian.

  • Commentaries on the
    • ars vetus (Categories ed. Andrews 1987; Isagoge ed. Tiné 1997)
    • Metaphysics (part. ed. Hocedez, in " Quaestiones " 1932; Monahan 1955)
    • Ethics (ed. Celano 1986)
    • Posterior Analytics (part. ed. Pinborg, in "A New MS," 1973)
    • parva naturalia (ed. White 1986; De memoriaed. Bloch 2007; De brev. vitaeed. Dunne 2002)
    • De plantis (ed. Poortman 2003)
    • De caelo (three question commentaries have been ascribed to him: Galle 2003 edits two; Musatti works on a third)
    • Physics (perhaps, if a commentary traditionally ascribed to Siger of Brabant is in fact Peter's [ed. Delhaye 1941])
    • Expositio in libros Politicorum (ed. forthcoming Lanza)
    • Quaestiones super libros Politicorum (ed. Toste 2022)
  • Completions of Aquinas's commentaries, edited with his works:
    • Politics (part. ed. Grech 1967; part. tr. CTMPT 2)
    • De caelo
    • Meteora
  • sophismata (ed. Ebbesen and Rosier-Catch 2021, in Boethii Daci aliorumque sophismata)
  • six Quodlibeta (unedited)
  • fragments from his Sentences commentary (unedited)

Franciscan theologian.

, ca. 1310"]

Cistercian theologian, bachelor of the Sentences at Paris in 1348-49. For bio-bibliographical details see Schabel, Pierre Ceffons et le déterminisme radical (2019)

  • Sentences, extant in a single ms and still mostly unedited
    • Epistola introductoria (ed. Trapp 1957)
  • Confessionale Petri (ed. Schabel in progress)
  • Sermo in capitulo generali (ed. Schabel et al. in progress)
  • Centilogium (unedited)

Paris theology master, a Franciscan.

  • fragments of his Sentences commentary (unedited)
  • Quodlibet (ed. Gondras 1966)
  • a large collection of disputed questions (ed. Gondras 1968)

Arts master at Naples in the 1250s. Traditionally identified as Aquinas's teacher at Naples in the 1240s, a thesis that is now in doubt.

  • commentary on the De interpretatione (ed. Dunne 1996)
  • commentary on De longitudine et brevitate vitae (ed. Dunne 1993)
  • Questions on the Posterior Analytics (part. ed. Ebbesen and Pinborg, in "Studies" 1970) has also been ascribed to him.

Controversial, iconoclastic theologian. For the latest information about chronology see Piron's 2020 two-part study.

  • Summa [ca. 1274-95] - this, his principal work, is not a Sentences commentary but a revised collection of various disputed questions (Bk. II ed. Jansen 1922-26; Bk. III ed. Emmen and Stadter 1981; some surviving parts still unedited; much of Bks. I, III, and IV have not survived).
    • Summa I.6, Quaestio de divino velle et scire (ed. Piron 2020)
    • Summa I.6 bis, Quaestio de ideis (ed. Piron 2020)
    • Summa II.57-59, on free will (tr. Neil Lewis in progress)
    • Questions sur la foi, French tr. Faucher 2021
  • reportatio of his lectures on the Sentences [Florence, 1287-89] (unedited).
  • Quodlibeta [1289-95] (ed. Defraia 2002)
  • questions on logic [ca. 1285] (ed. Brown 1986)
  • Tractatus de usu paupere [1281/2] (ed. Burr 1992)
  • questions on the laws of the Old Testament (ed. and Fr. tr. Marmursztejn 2022)
  • many biblical commentaries, including
    • Genesis [1281-82] (ed. Flood 2007)
    • Proverbs and Ecclesiastes [1289-91] (ed. Schlageter 2003)
    • Acts [1290-91] (ed. Flood 2001)
    • Gospel of John [1281-82] (part. ed. Pasnau 1993; part. tr. CTMPT 3)
    • Gospel of Matthew [1279-81] (prologue ed. Piron 2012)
    • Romans (prologue ed. Piron 2006)
    • Apocalypse [1296/97] (tr. Lewis 2012; ed. Lewis 2015)
  • De perlegendis philosophorum libris [1275-6] (ed. Delorme 1941)
  • Epistola ad fratrem R. [1283] (ed. Piron et al. 1998)
  • apologia pertaining to condemnation [1283] (ed. Laberge, "Tria scripta" 1935 and Fussenegger, "Littera septem sigillorum" 1954)


  • Logica (ed. 1477 etc.)
  • De primo et ultimo instanti (ed. with Logica)
  • Tractatus obligationum (ed. Strobino in progress)

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences [early 1320s, probably in Barcelona], only Bk. I is extant (ed. Azcona 1974)

Dominican theologian.

  • Sentences commentary [1310-15] (ed. 1495 etc.)
  • various sermons (ed. 1491 etc.).
  • Tractatus de potestate papae [ca. 1317] (ed. Stella 1966)
  • concordance to Aquinas's Summa theologiae (ed. 1552)
  • several Quodlibeta (unedited)
  • an extensive set of biblical commentaries (unedited).
  • Link: Petrus de Palude OP (in german -

Theologian educated at Paris. A Sentences commentary [1392-93] survives in multiple manuscripts (ed. in progress by Witt).

Renowned logician. Traditionally identified as the future Pope John XXI (see below), but now generally thought to be a Dominican friar. His precise identity remains in dispute.

  • Summulae logicalesor Tractatus [1230/45] (ed. de Rijk 1972; tr. Copenhaver-Normore-Parsons 2014 with facing Latin)
  • Syncategoreumata [1235/45] (ed. and tr. de Rijk and Spruyt 1992)
  • Link: Petrus Hispanus Logicus (in german -

Scholar and pope. His authorship of various works is contested: perhaps the author of

  • two famous logical treatises (see above)
  • the Thesaurus pauperum (on medical prescriptions ) and other medical works (ed. Pereira 1973; ed. Salmón 1998)
  • one or more of three different works on the soul (ed. Alonso 1941-52)
  • commentaries on pseudo-Dionysius (ed. Alonso 1957)
  • Quaestionesde animalibus (ed. Navarro Sánchez 2016)

Franciscan theologian.

  • disputed questions [1308/11] (ed. Etzkorn 1964)
  • Quodlibeta [1308/11] (ed. Etzkorn 1963)
  • a question on the univocity of being [1308/11] (ed. Schmaus 1933)

Dominican theologian, later pope.

  • Sentences commentary [1256-58] (ed. 1649-52|1964)
  • Quodlibet [1264] (ed. Glorieux 1937)
  • various disputed questions (unedited, except for a question on the eternity of the world in Dales and Argerami, Medieval Latin Texts 1991)
  • commentaries on Paul's letters (ed. 1478 etc., under the name ‘Nicolas de Gorram')

Franciscan philosopher.

  • Quodlibet (ed. Hooper and Buytaert 1957)
  • Quaestio de distinctione praedicamentorum [ca. 1320] (ed. Bos 2000; ed. of redactiones A and B by G. R. Smith in progress)
  • De ente (ed. Smith 2018; q. 3 translated here)
  • De unitate minori (ed. Bos 2002)
  • Tractatus brevis de modis distinctionum (ed. Alcalde and Batalla 2011, with English and Catalan tr.)
  • Quaestiones de modis distinctionum (ed. G. R. Smith in progress)
  • Quaestiones de formis (Leuven ed. announced)
  • Quaestiones de esse intelligibili (ed. G. R. Smith 2015) [this is the first volume in a projected series of critical editions of Petrus' work]
  • Bk. I of his Sentences commentary [1323/26] and several other philosophical treatises (unedited).

For information on manuscripts see Garrett Smith in SIEPM Bulletin n. 52.

Franciscan theologian, probably Italian.

  • Sentences commentary, which survives both as a reportatio of Bks. II-III [1294-96] and as an ordinatio of Bks. I, II, and IV [1297/1300] (all unedited; see Huning, Franc. Studies 1968)
  • disputed questions (unedited)
  • two Quodlibeta [1295-96] (unedited)

Friedman and Masolini announced in 2016 the intention to edit both the Sent. comm. and the Quodlibeta.

Influential early theologian at the University of Paris.

  • Summa de bono [1225/36] (ed. Wicki 1985; part. tr. Houser, in Cardinal Virtues 2004; part German tr. Tellkamp 2022)
  • a large collection of sermons (part. ed. Davy, in Sermons 1931)
  • poetry, most of which survives in musical settings.

Benedictine theologian

  • dispute with Francis of Meyronnes concerning the Trinity [1320-21] (ed. Barbet 1961).
  • Sentences commentary [1320-21] has not been found

Augustinian Hermit and Paris theologian.

  • Sentences commentary (prologue and Bk. I only) [prob. 1314-15] (unedited)
  • various disputed questions [ca. 1313] (unedited)


Prominent philosopher and logician, a leading figure among the modistae.

  • questions on De anima (Bk. III ed. Fauser 1974; Bk. I-part.II ed. de Boer 2012)
  • questions on Boethius's Topics (ed. Green-Pedersen and Pinborg 1978)
  • questions on Boethius's De divisione (ed. Ebbesen and Marmo 2024)
  • questions on Priscian minor (ed. Enders and Pinborg 1980)
  • questions on the ars vetus (ed. 1499)
  • Sophismata (excerpts edited in various places)
  • questions on the Isagoge (part. ed. Pinborg, in "Radulphus Brito" 1980).
  • questions on the Ethics (1st redaction ed. Costa 2008; 2nd redaction ed. Costa 2023)
  • questions on the De somno et vigilia (ed. Ebbesen in progress)
  • questions, generally unedited except for excerpts in the secondary literature, on
    • Prior Analytics (ed. Wilson 2017)
    • Posterior Analytics
    • Sophistical Refutations
    • Physics
    • Meteorology
    • perhaps the Metaphysics.
  • From his later theological studies, all unedited, there is
    • Sentences commentary [1308-9]
    • Quodlibet
    • Quaestiones in vesperis


  • treatises [ca. 1359] known collectively as the Logica, consisting of
    • De arte logica
    • De principiis logicalibus
    • De suppositionibus
    • Consequentiae (ed. and tr. Seaton 1973)
    • Obligationes (ed. 1493-94 etc.)
    • De insolubilibus

Dominican theologian.

Idiosyncratic philosopher, theologian, mystic. Some 240 works are extant in Catalan and Latin (still more writings, in Arabic, have not survived).

  • The most prominent philosophical works are those describing his novel method of inquiry, including
    • Ars demonstrativa [ca. 1283] (tr. Bonner 1985)
    • Ars brevis [1308] (tr. Bonner 1985)
    • as applied to Christian apologetics, in the Libre del gentili i dels tres savis [ca. 1275] (tr. Bonner 1985)
    • as applied to medicine, in the Liber principiorum medicinae [ca. 1276] (tr. Bonner 1985)
  • Most of our biographical information comes from a contemporary anonymous Vida [ca. 1311] (ed. Batllori and Hillgarth 1982)

A critical edition of the Latin works is ongoing ( Opera Latina 1959-), although the older Opera omnia remains useful (ed. Salzinger 1721-40|1965). Many of the Catalan works are collected in Obres (ed. Obrador y Benassar et al. 1906-50), with a Nova edició de les obres in progress (ed. 1990-). 
Extensive information about electronic texts can be found at the Ramon Llull Database.

Dominican theologian, political theorist, and influential preacher. Most prominent works:

  • Contra falsos ecclesiae professores [before 1298] (ed. Tamburini 1981), celebrating the authority and wisdom of the Church
  • De subiecto theologiae [1297-99] (ed. Panella 1982)
  • two political treatises, De bono communi [1302] and De bono pacis (both ed. Panella, in "Dal bene commune" 1985)
  • De modis rerum (ed. Gavric 2007)
  • Quodlibet (ed. Panella 1983)
  • Link: Remigius de' Girolami Florentinus OP (in german -

English logician and theologian. Regent master of arts at Oxford in 1349; bachelor of theology in the 1350s.

  • Speculum puerorum (also known by its incipit: Terminus est in quem) (ed. Maierù 1970; ed. de Rijk, in Some 14th-Century Tracts 1982)
  • De consequentiis (ed. Weber 2003)
  • De significato propositionis (unedited)
  • De sensu composito et diviso (unedited).
  • Parts of a later Sentences commentary also seem to have survived (unedited)

English logician and theologian, a Franciscan.

  • Summa logicae [1355/73], edited parts of which are
    • De propositionibus (part. ed. and tr. Fitzgerald 1987, ed. Cesalli 2004)
    • De insolubilibus (ed. Spade 1969)
    • De suppositionibus (part. ed. Cesalli and Lonfat, Vivarium 2013)
    • De obligationibus (ed. Wilson and Spade 1995)
    A complete edition by Cesalli and Lonfat is in progress.
  • Also extant are portions of his Sentences commentary (part. ed. Kaluza, in "Oeuvre théologique" 1989)
  • His theological Determinationes are now lost

Benedictine theologian.

  • Sentences commentary [1305/9], extant in a single autograph manuscript (unedited)


  • a series of twenty disputed questions on the Prior Analytics [ca. 1306] (ed. Synan. 1968-82)
  • treatises on prime matter, divine foreknowledge , and universals [ca. 1318] (ed. Synan. 1968-82)
  • His Sentences commentary [1316-17] is no longer extant, though it is widely cited by later English theologians.

The anti-Ockhamist Logica is now credited to an unknown pseudo-Campsall (ed. Synan 1982).

Oxford theologian.

  • Physics (unedited)
  • Metaphysics (unedited)

Franciscan theologian.

  • several disputed questions (unedited)
  • several treatises on apostolic poverty
    • one from 1312 (ed. Heysse 1930)
    • another from 1322 (ed. Douie, in "Three Treatises" 1931)

No record of his Sentences commentary has been found.

Logician and natural philosopher.

  • Logica seu de veritate propositionum (part. ed. Del Punta, in "La Logica " 1982)
  • Consequentiae (ed. 1493; part. ed. Pozzi, in Consequentiae 1978)
  • De motu (part. ed. Clagett, in Science of Mechanics 1959)

Early Dominican theologian. Detailed biobibliographical information online here.

  • Sentences [ca. 1245] (ed. Rodler et al. 2003-; books 2-3 free online)
  • a treatise on heresies, Adnotationes in S. Augustini librum de haeresibus (ed. Long 1993)
  • various philosophical quaestiones
    • on the eternity of the world (ed. Long, in "First Oxford Debate" 1998)
    • on the nature of light (ed. Long and Noone, in "Metaphysics of Light" 1998)


  • Sentences [1327-28 or the following year] (ed. Dunne and Lahey in progress)
  • Summa de quaestionibus Armenorum [1340s] (ed. 1512)
  • various anti-mendicant treatises:
    • De pauperie Salvatoris [1357] (part. ed. Poole 1890)
    • Defensio curatorum [1350], which also circulated in Middle English (tr. John Trevisa [ca. 1380] 1925|1987)

The FitzRalph Society. 

Philosopher and theologian, one of the Oxford Calculators.

  • Sophismata [early 1320s] (ed. Kretzmann and Kretzmann 1990; tr. Kretzmann and Kretzmann 1990)
  • questions on Generation and Corruption [1324-25] (ed. Jung in progress)
  • questions on Physics [1325/26] (ed. Jung in progress)
  • questions on the Ethics [1326/32] (ed. Michałowska 2016)
  • a Sentences commentary [1332-33, or 1333-34, or 1334-35] (q. 3 ed. Michałowska 2021; q. 4 ed. Jung and Michałowska 2023)

Early English Thomist.

  • Correctorium 'Quare' [ca. 1283] (ed. Glorieux 1927)
  • Quaestio de unitate formae [1285/86] (ed. Kelley 1982)
  • various Quodlibeta and disputed questions [1284-86] (unedited)

Logician, natural philosopher, and theologian. Credited with over 60 works, many of which are still extant but mostly unedited.

  • In theology, best known for a list of heresies he drew from the works of the Wycliffite John Purvey [1400/3] (ed. Netter, Fasciculi zizaniorum 1858 [383-99]; tr. Foxe, Actes 1570 [649-53]).
  • In philosophy, his logical writings have received the most attention
    • De syncategorematibus (ed. 1510 etc.)
    • various other brief works edited by Paul Spade (in "Treatises" 1973; "Five Logical Tracts" 1974; "Notes" 1975; " Obligationes" 1978; "Notes" 1980, "Treatise Scire " 1984 [with G.A. Wilson])
    • Tractatus terminorum naturalium (ed. Hanke 2023)
    • various other extant works in natural philosophy (all unedited), including
      • Speculum naturalis philosophiae
      • Parvus tractatus de anima
  • In Middle English, A Litil Tretys (ed. van Zutphen 1956) on the seven deadly sins.

Franciscan theologian in the Augustinian tradition. The latest research suggests he was born in Menneville, in northern France.

  • Sentences commentary [ca. 1280; rev. ca. 1290?] (ed. 1591|1963)
  • three Quodlibeta [1284-87] (ed. 1590|1963).
  • a series of ordered disputed questions on God, angels, and human nature [1292-1298] (ed. Boureau 2011-14, in 6 volumes, with Fr. translation).
  • De gradu formarum (ed. Zavalloni, La controverse 1951) is an important work in the dispute over the plurality of substantial forms.

Franciscan theologian and philosopher.

  • Two sets of lectures on the Sentences survive (both unedited)
    • the Oxford lectures [ca. 1250], Bks. I-III only] (tr. of I.42 by Storm)
    • the Paris lectures [ca. 1253], Bks. I-II only
  • Contra Averroem [1236-37]
  • Speculum animae [1245] (ed. Etchemendy and Wood 2011)
  • various Aristotelian commentaries (authorship of some of these works has been contested):
    • Physics [1232-35] (ed. Wood 2003)
    • Posterior Analytics [1232-34]
    • De anima [1236-37] (ed. Ottman, Wood, Lewis, Martin 2018)
    • De generatione et corruptione [1232-36] (ed. Lewis and Wood 2011)
    • Memoriale in Metaphysicam [ca. 1231], ed. Wood and Lewis
    • Scriptum in Metaphysicam [1237-38], ed. Wood, Ottman, Lewis, 2022-

A critical edition of the whole corpus is in progress, with many texts and much information available at Rega Wood's website.

English logician.

  • a large collection of sophisms called the Abstractiones [ca. 1240-1270] (ed. Sirridge and Ebbesen 2016)

Various attempts to identify the author - most prominently, as Richard Rufus of Cornwall - have been met with skepticism.

Leading Mertonian natural philosopher.

  • Liber calculationum [ca. 1350] (ed. 1477 etc.)
  • three brief treatises: De motuDe motu locali, and De caelo (unedited)

Oxford philosopher and theologian, a proponent of metaphysical realism.

  • commentary on the Categories (part. ed. Conti 1993; full transcription online)
  • commentary on the Liber sex principiorum (unedited)
  • treatises on supposition and on the genera of being (unedited)

Early Dominican theologian at Oxford.

  • Syncategoremata [early in his career, authorship probable] (unedited)
  • commentary on the Psalms (unedited)

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences commentary [ca. 1309-11] (ed. in progress: Bk. I, Rodler; Bk. 2, Streijger)

Logician. (Read and Thakkar argue that the correct name is Robert Eland.)

  • three short treatises (ed. Spade 1976-80) - ConsequentiaeInsolubilia, and Obligationes- written between 1335 and 1370

Oxford theologian and Benedictine monk.

  • Sentences [ca. 1321-22]
    • selections on freedom of will (ed. and tr. Henninger, Andrews, Ottman 2017)
    • selections on certainty and skepticism (ed. Andrews 2020)
  • perhaps the author of a chronicle of Durham for the years 1215-34 (ed. Raine, in Historiae 1839)

Natural philosopher, translator, theologian, and influential bishop.

  • works in natural philosophy from his years in Hereford [1196/1220] (ed. Baur 1912):
    • De artibus liberalibus
    • De generatione sonorum
    • De sphaera (ed. Panti 2001)
    • De impressionibus aeris
  • on the Posterior Analytics [ca. 1228] (ed. Rossi 1981)
  • on the Physics [ca. 1222-32] (ed. Dales 1963; new edition in progress by Lewis and King)
  • works from Oxford [1225?/1231] (mostly ed. Baur 1912) [Peter King has scanned Baur's texts]
    • De veritate (tr. McKeon, in Selections 1930)
    • De veritate propositionis (tr. McKeon, in Selections 1930)
    • De scientia Dei (tr. McKeon, in Selections 1930)
    • De statu causarumDe intelligentiis, and De unica forma (all ed. Baur 1912)
    • De libero arbitrio (in two recensions) (ed. and tr. Lewis 2017)
  • works written while lecturing to the Franciscans [1231-35]
    • Hexaemeron (ed. Dales and Gieben 1982; tr. Martin 1996)
    • various short treatises in natural philosophy (ed. Baur 1912), including De impressionibus elementorumDe lineisDe natura locorumDe irideDe colore (ed. and tr. Dinkova-Bruun 2013), and De luce (ed. Panti 2013; tr. Riedl 1942)
  • various translations from Greek into Latin:
    • John of Damascus [ca. 1237]
    • pseudo-Dionysius (with commentaries) [ca. 1240] (Mystical Theology, ed. and tr. McEvoy 2003)
    • Nicomachean Ethics [1246-47], together with translations of various ancient commentators on the Ethics, supplemented by Grosseteste's own glosses (part. ed. Mercken 1973-91)
  • several biblical commentaries have been edited as the first volume of a projected Opera (ed. McEvoy et al. 1995).

Lewis' bibliography in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy provides more detailed information. There is also an Electronic Grosseteste, with many texts and other resources. A new edition of the theological and philosophical opuscula is in progress by Rossi, Lewis, Dinkova-Bruun and Panti and will be published by PIMS. Gasper, McCleish, et al. are working on a seven-volume collection of the scientific works, to be published with Oxford University Press.

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences commentary [1333/40, Bks. I-II only] (unedited)

Influential Dominican theologian and popular author.

  • Sentences commentary [1331-33] (ed. 1518|1967 etc.). An electronic transcription is available here.
  • Sex articuli, or Quaedam conferentiae [1332] (ed. Hoffmann 1993)
  • a set of Determinationes (ed. with Sent. commentary)
  • quodlibetal questions [1332-34] (part. ed. Gelber 1983; Streveler et al. 1995; Courtenay, in "Revised Text" 1971 [tr. CTMPT 3]; Jensen, in "Killing Infidels" 1993; Kennedy, in Skeptic 1993; Molteni, in Dottrina della grazia 1967; Muckle, in "Utrum theologia" 1958). A critical edition is in progress by Bermon and Grellard.
  • De imputabilitate peccati (ed. with Sent. commentary)
  • De stellis (ed. Thorndike, in "New Work" 1957)
  • Postilla super librum Sapientiae [1334-36] (ed. 1494|1974)
  • Moralitates [late 1330s] (ed. 1505 etc.)
  • Commentary on Ecclesiasticus [late 1340s] (ed. 1514 etc.)
  • Sermo finalis [end of Oxford regency] (ed. Wey, in " Sermo finalis" 1949)
  • his collected sermons survive in a single manuscript (unedited)

Dominican philosopher and theologian, archbishop of Canterbury. Studied the arts at Paris ca. 1231-37. Served as arts master until ca. 1245, then joined the Dominican order, probably in England, and began studying theology at Oxford.

  • commentaries from his years in Paris [before ca. 1245]:
    • Donatus (ed. Schmücker 1984)
    • pseudo-Priscian's De accentibus (ed. Lewry 1988)
    • Priscian minor (unedited) [but not Priscian major, as formerly thought]
    • perhaps sets of sophismata (unedited)
    • commentaries on the old and new logic, unedited except for:
      • Prior Analytics [ed. 1516|1968 etc.], as by ‘Giles of Rome'; Notule Priorum Analyticorum ed. and tr. Thom and Scott 2016)
      • Categories (online ed. by Conti)
      • Posterior Analytics (ed. Cannone 2003-2004)
      • Ethics I-III (ed. Celano 2022).
  • From Oxford:
    • De ortu scientiarum [ca. 1250] (ed. Judy 1976; part. tr. CTMPT 1)
    • brief treatises [ca. 1256-61] De natura relationis (ed. Schmücker 1980), De tempore, and De spiritu fantastico (both ed. and tr. Lewry and Broadie 1987).
    • Sentences commentary [ca. 1255] (ed. Leibold et al. 1982-93).
  • Two letters with substantial philosophical content survive from his last decade, to John of Vercelli (ed. Dondaine 1977) and to Peter Conflans (ed. Birkenmajer 1922)
  • Link: Robertus Kilwardby OP (in german -

Early English Thomist and Dominican friar.

  • Correctorium corruptorii 'Sciendum' [ca. 1283] (ed. Glorieux 1956)
  • Contra dicta Fr. Aegidii Romani [1288/92] (ed. Vella 1968)
  • Contra dicta Magistri Henrici de Gandavo [1289/93] (unedited).
  • the likely author of the pseudo-Aquinian De natura materiae (ed. with works of Aquinas in Spiazzi 1954 etc.)
  • Link: Robertus de Colletorto (in german -

Carmelite theologian.

  • two Quodlibeta [1312-13] (unedited)
  • excerpts from his earlier Quaestiones ordinariaeand Sentences commentary (unedited)

Many 13 th -c. texts are attributed to a "Robert the Englishman," and it is often difficult to distinguish the different authors.

  • Sophistria [1260/70] (ed. Grondeux and Rosier-Catach 2006), a collection of grammatical sophisms,
  • perhaps the same Robert is the author of a Lectura super Priscianum minorem (unedited)
  • An unedited mid-13th c. commentary on the Ars vetus is associated with a different Robertus Anglicus (see Piché, Le problème des universaux 2005)
  • two commentaries on Peter of Spain [1250/70] (ed. Ebbesen and Rosier, in "Two Roberts" 1997) are associated with still two more men by this name, although it is not clear that either of the two is in fact English (see Ebbesen and Rosier, "Robertus Anglicus" 2000).

There is also an astronomer by this name [fl. ca. 1271] (see ODNB [Pedersen]), and moreover Robert Kilwardy is often so-called (see Lewry, "Robertus Anglicus" 1982).

Natural philosopher.

  • two sets of questions on the Physics (ed. Steele 1909-40)
  • two sets of questions on the Metaphysics (ed. Steele 1909-40)
  • questions on the Liber de causis (ed. Steele 1909-40)
  • Summulae dialectices [ca. 1250] (ed. de Libera 1986-87; tr. Maloney 2009)
  • Summa grammatica (ed. Steele 1940)
  • Summa de sophismatibus et distinctionibus [1240s] (ed. Steele 1937)
  • Perspectiva (ed. and tr. Lindberg 1996) [ca. 1266]
  • De multiplicatione specierum (ed. and tr. Lindberg 1983) [ca. 1266]
  • Opus Maius [1267] (ed. Bridges 1897-1900|1964; tr. Burke 1928)
  • De signis [lost part III of Opus Maius] (ed. Fredborg et al. 1978; tr. Maloney 2013; French tr. 2022 with extensive commentary and notes)
  • Opus minus (ed. Brewer 1859|1965)
  • Opus tertium (both ed. Brewer 1859|1965)
  • Communia naturalium (ed. Steele 1909-40)
  • Communia mathematica [ca. 1270] (ed. Steele 1909-40)
  • Compendium studii philosophiae (ed. Brewer 1859|1965; ed. and tr. Maloney 2018)
  • Greek and Hebrew grammars (ed. Nolan and Hirsch 1902)
  • writings on moral philosophy (ed. Massa 1953)
  • an incomplete Compendium studii theologiae [1292] (ed. and tr. Mahoney 1988)
  • writings on universals (tr. Maloney 1989)

Franciscan theologian in the Augustinian tradition

  • three sets of disputed questions (ed. van de Woestyne et al. 1932)
  • four Quodlibeta (ed. Etzkorn and Brady 1994) [both 1282-84]

Franciscan theologian

  • Insolubilia [1343] (ed. Synan 1964)
  • Introitus ad Sententias (ed. Synan 1963)

English Franciscan theologian.

  • lectures on the Sentences [Oxford, mid-1330s] (qq. 3-5 ed. Hallamaa 2005)

Natural philosopher in the Mertonian tradition.

  • Insolubilia [1330s] (ed. Spade 1979)
  • Obligationes [1330s] (ed. Spade 1977)
  • Sophismata
  • De motibus naturalibus / Descriptiones motuum (unedited)

Oxford philosopher, a proponent of metaphysical realism.

  • commentary on Porphyry (unedited)
  • commentary on Posterior Analytics I (unedited)
  • De universalibus (part. ed. Conti 1990)

Early Dominican theologian.



  • quodlibetal questions [1280s] (unedited), focused largely on moral and canon law issues

Preacher and moral theologian.

  • Liber de exemplis naturalibus (unedited)
  • Liber de virtutibus et vitiis (unedited)
  • Summa de poenitentia or Antidotarium animae (ed. 1485)

Controversial arts master, a leading figure among the so-called Latin Averroists.

  • several sophismata (ed. Bazán 1974)
  • a set of Quaestiones logicales (ed. Bazán 1974)
  • a treatise on Impossibilia (ed. Bazán 1974)
  • commentary on De anima III [ca. 1265] (ed. Bazán 1972, tr. Pasnau unpublished)
  • commentary on the De generatione (ed. Bazán 1974)
  • commentary on the Physics (ed. Zimmermann, in Bazán 1974)
  • commentary on the Metaphysics [ca. 1273/75] (in four mss., representing four distinct reportationes, ed. Dunphy 1981; Maurer 1983)
  • commentary on the Liber de causis [1274/76] (ed. Marlasca 1972)
  • De necessitate et contingentia causarum (ed. Duin, La doctrine de la providence 1954)
  • De aeternitate mundi [ca. 1272] (ed. Bazán 1972; tr. Vollert et al. 1964; Ialian tr. Vella 2009)
  • De anima intellectiva [ca. 1271] (ed. Bazán 1972; part. tr. Wippel and Wolter 1969, Klima [Blackwell] 2007)

Logician and grammarian.

  • Summa modorum significandi (ed. Pinborg 1977)
  • Sophismata (ed. Pinborg 1977)
  • a treatise Ars priorum (ed. Wallerand 1913)
  • fragments on fallacies (ed. Wallerand 1913)
  • a commentary on the De interpretatione (ed. Verhaak 1964)

Arts master in Bologna, fl. 1360s-1370s

  • De proportionibus velocitatum in motibus (ed. McCue 1961)
  • Questiuncule decem (part. ed. Caroti 2021)

Modist grammarian, seemingly a member of the arts faculty at Paris

  • Domus gramatice [1255/70] (ed. Otto 1963)
  • questions on Priscian minor [1260/1270] (ed. Otto 1963)

Philosopher and theologian.

  • A large number of commentaries:
    • Isagoge (ed. Mazzarella 1957)
    • Categories (ed. Mazzarella 1957)
    • Prior Analytics (ed.Thomsen Thörnqvist in progress)
    • Posterior Analytics (ed. and tr. Longeway, Mora Marquez et al. in progress)
    • De interpretatione (ed. Mazzarella 1957)
    • Sophistical Refutations [ca. 1280] (ed. Ebbesen et al. 1984)
    • De anima III (part. ed. Sharp 1934)
    • Quaestiones de somno et vigilia (ed. Ebbesen 2013)
    • Quaestiones de motu animalium (part. ed. Christensen 2015)
    • the Physics (unedited)
    • the Metaphysics (unedited).
    • on Priscian (unedited)
    • on Peter of Spain's Summulae logicales (unedited)
  • A sophism is also extant (ed. Yokoyama, in "Universale est intentio" 1969)

John Longeway has posted a large number of English translations.

Oxford Dominican theologian.

  • various questions from his theological study at Oxford (unedited)
  • various biblical commentaries (unedited)
  • Summa iuniorum [prob. after 1261] (ed. 1706), a compendium of essential Christian doctrines and morals
  • Link: Simon de Hinton OP (in German -

Prague theologian and teacher of Jan Hus. (See Repertorium auctorem Bohemorum, 286-304.)

  • Tractatus de universalibus (ed. in Wyclif, Misc. Phil. II (1905), 1-115)
  • Tractatus de felicitate (ed. Sousedik, Medievalia Philosophica Polonorum (1974))

Theologian, archbishop of Canterbury.

  • Quaestiones theologiae
    • Bk. I ed. Quinto and Bieniak 2014
    • Bk. II ed. Wciórka forthcoming
    • Bk. III vol. 1 ed. Bieniak and Wciórka 2021
    • Bk. III vol. 2 ed. Bieniak, Trepczyński, and Wciórka 2022
    • Bk. III vol. 3 ed. Bieniak and Nannini 2025
  • Sentences commentary, ed. Landgraf 1952
  • Prologues to the Bible, ed. Clark and Benson 2021
  • De persona, ed. Bieniak 2006
  • Commentary on Chronicles, ed. Saltman 1978
  • Selected Sermons, ed. Roberts 1980

Prague theologian and teacher of Jan Hus.

  • Commentarius in De Universalibus Iohannis Wyclif (ed. Muller, 2009)
  • Quaestio utrum universalia habeant solum nude pure esse... (ed. Palacz, Med. Phil. Polonorum (1970))
  • Quaestio utrum deus, qui creavit mundum sensibilem... (ed. in Wyclif, De ente predicamentali (1891), 223-32)
  • Argumenta de universalibus realibus (ed. Šmahel, Die Prager Universität im Mittelalter)

Polish Wikipedia article here.

Dominican philosopher, advocate of metaphysical realism.

  • Tractatus de universalibus (ed. Amerini 2003)
  • a commentary on the Ars vetus [ca. 1343] (part. ed. with the De univ.)
  • treatises De secundis intentionibusand De ente reali et rationis (both ed. de Rijk, in Gerald of Odo, Opera philosophica 2005)


Master of arts at Bologna and Siena

  • questions on the De anima [ca. 1320] (Bk. III ed. Vanni Rovighi 1951), which are simply a summary of John of Jandun's questions
  • a few questions on the Metaphysics (unedited)
  • a question on necessity (ed. Cheneval, in " Utrum omnia " 1988)
  • an Expositio super theoricam planetarum [ca. 1318] (unedited)

Paris arts master, in the circle of John Buridan.

  • questions on Aristotle's Meteorology (ed. 1516 etc.)
  • a commentary on Sacrobosco's Sphere (ed. Hugonnard-Roche 1973)
  • a set of questions on the motion of the moon [1350] (ed. Hugonnard-Roche 1973)

title="Thomas Aquinas (d'Aquino) b. Roccasecca (Italy), 1224/5; d. Fossanova, 1274"

Philosopher and theologian.

  • major theological syntheses:
    • Sentences commentary [1252-56] (ed. Mandonnet and Moos through IV.22; no translation)
    • Summa contra gentiles [1259-65]
    • Summa theologiae [1266-73], the third and last part of which was never completed, and which was "supplemented" (from q. 90) soon after his death by parts of the Sentences commentary.
  • disputed questions
    • De veritate [1256-59]
    • De potentia [1265-66]
    • De anima [1265-66]
    • De spiritualibus creaturis [1267-68]
    • De malo [1269-71]
    • De virtutibus [1271-72]
    • Quodlibeta [VII-XI from 1256-59; I-VI and XII from 1268-72] (mostly not translated into English)
  • Aristotelian commentaries, a project he began in 1267 and which extends to nearly all of Aristotle's major philosophical works. (There are also commentaries on Boethius's De trinitate [ca. 1258] and De hebdomadibus, on pseudo-Dionysius's De divinis nominibus [1260s], and on the Liber de causis [1272].)
  • extensive biblical commentaries, including
    • Job [1261-65]
    • the Gospels [1264, 1269-72]
    • Paul's letters [1265-73]
  • shorter treatises, including
    • De principiis naturae [ca. 1252]
    • De ente et essentia [ca. 1254]
    • De regimine principum (De regno) [ca. 1267]
    • De unitate intellectus [1270]
    • De aeternitate mundi [1271

Except where noted, all are available in the critical Leonine edition (ed. 1882-), and all are available in searchable form, along with much else, at the Corpus Thomisticum. 
Except where noted, they have been translated into English (see Thérèse Bonin's bibliography). 
For a comprehensive English-Latin publishing venture, see the Aquinas Institute.


Secular master of theology at Paris.

  • six Quodlibeta [1301-7] (ed. Glorieux 1960)

Influential philosopher, theologian, and mathematician.

  • Theological works
    • De causa Dei contra Pelagium et de virtute causarum ad suos Mertonenses [published in 1344, perhaps circulated earlier] (ed. 1618|1964)
    • lectures on Lombard's Sentences, in 9 questions [1332-33] (q. 6 ed. Genest 1979; qq. 7-9 ed. Kitanov and Schabel 2022)
    • a sermon celebrating God's providence [1346] (ed. Oberman and Weisheipl 1958)
  • Philosophical works
    • Tractatus de proportionibus velocitatum in motibus [1328] (ed. and tr. Crosby 1955)
    • De insolubilibus [1322/25] (ed. Roure 1970; ed. and tr. Read forthcoming)
    • De incipit et desinit [1322/25] (ed. Nielsen 1982)
    • Geometria speculativa [1322/25] (ed. and tr. Molland 1989)
    • Arithmetica speculativa [1322/25] (ed. 1495)
    • Opus artis logicae [1322/25] (ed. Pinborg 1982)
    • De continuo [1328/35] (ed. Murdoch 1957)

A treatise on consequences seems unlikely to be his (ed. Green-Pedersen, in "Bradwardine (?)" 1982)

English theologian.

  • Sentences commentary [by 1338] (ed. 1505)
  • Quaestiones theologicae (Ostensio meriti liberae actionis) [ca. 1347] (q. 1 ed. Genest, in Prédétermination 1992), a response to Thomas Bradwardine's De causa Dei

Encyclopedist, hagiographer.

  • Liber de natura rerum [1230-44] (ed. Boese 1973), an encyclopedia in 20 books ranging widely over the natural sciences
  • Bonum universale de apibus (ed. and [Fr] tr. Platelle 1997)
  • various hagiographical writings (available in translation)

Philosopher in the tradition of John Buridan and Albert of Saxony.

  • De conceptibus [1370s] (ed. Bos and Read 2001)
  • a partial Logica (ed. Bos, in Logica modernorum 2004)

A Viennese theologian lecturing on Book I of the Sentences. Autograph manuscripts survive of two separate series of lectures, both probably from the 1420s or 1430s in Vienna.

  • The prologue to the initial lecture is edited in Curuț (2023).
  • his account of the Council of Basel appears in his Diarium sive Tractatus cum Boemis (ed. Zimmermann 2010).

Logician and grammarian.

  • Tractatus de modis significandi seu Grammatica speculativa [before 1310] (ed. Bursill-Hall 1972) [until 1922 it was thought to be the work of Scotus]
  • commentaries on the ars vetus (unedited)
  • a very brief collection of mnemonic verses for teaching grammar to schoolboys (ed. Gansiniec 1960)

Abbot of Vercelli (n. Italy)

  • three commentaries on the Song of Songs (ed. Barbet 1967)
  • commentaries on pseudo-Dionysius
    • Glosses on the Mystical Theology (ed. and tr. McEvoy 2003)
    • Glosses on the Celestial Hierarchy [1224] (tr. Lawell 2022)
    • Explanation of the Celestial Hierarchy [1243] (tr. Lawell 2022)

English logician, associated with nominalism.

  • Parva logicalia (ed. Kann, Lorenz, and Grass forthcoming),
  • consisting of three treatises:
    • De suppositionibus
    • De consequentiis
    • De confusionibus
  • Quaestiones super veteri arte (mainly unedited),
  • including
    • Quaestiones libri Porphyrii (ed. van der Helm 2012)
    • Quaestiones super Predicamenta (ed. van der Helm in progress)

Theologian. Augustinian hermit.

  • Sentences commentary [1330s] (ed. 1490|1989 etc.), transcribed here.

Early Thomist.

  • Quaestiones ordinariae (ed. Schneider 1977)
  • four Quodlibeta [1290s] (ed. Schmaus and Gonzalez-Haba 1969)
  • Contra quodlibet (ed. Schneider 1978), against Scotus
  • a critique of Robert Cowton's Sentences commentary [after 1312] (unedited)
  • Various opuscula, sometimes confused with Aquinas's own, including
    • De instantibus (ed. Aquinas, Opera 1852-73, vol. 16)
    • Contra pluralitatem formarum [1284] (ibid., vol. 17)
    • De esse et essentia (ed. Senko 1970)
    • De productione formarum substantialium (ed. Wlodek 1979)
  • commentary on the Categories [1270s] (part. ed. Conti, in "Commentary" 1985)
  • commentary on Metaphysics VII (unedited) - perhaps authentic
  • continuations of Aquinas's unfinished commentaries on
    • De generatione et corruptione (ed. Kelley 1976)
    • De interpretatione (unedited)

Probably not by Sutton is the Liber propugnatorius super primum Sententiarum contra Johannem Scotum [1311/23] (ed. 1523|1966; part. ed. Schmaus 1930).

English Dominican theologian.

  • commentary on Augustine's City of God (various Renaissance editions)
  • commentarty on Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy (various Renaissance editions).
  • De modo componendi sermones [ca. 1340] (ed. Charland, in Artes praedicandi 1936)

Philosopher, theologian.

  • questions on the Physics [before 1304] (ed. Trifogli in progress)
  • questions on the De anima [before 1304] (unedited)
  • one Quodlibet [1315/16] (almost entirely edited in various recent papers)
  • Quaestio de anima intellectiva (ed. Nielsen and Trifogli, tr. Trimble, 2010)
  • various disputed questions (mainly unedited, but see Schabel 2011 on predestination)

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sapientale [1250s] (ed. Retucci 2020-)
  • Manus quae contra omnipotentem [1253/6] (ed. Bierbaum 1920)

Master of arts and theology at Erfurt.

  • Disputata metaphysicae [1438-39] (ed. Tabarroni 1998)
  • De pluralitate formarum (ed. Ebbesen 1998)


Dominican theologian and philosopher, heavily influenced by Neoplatonism.

  • Liber de summo bono (Summa de bono ) [1265-72] (ed. Mojsisch et al. 1989)


Encyclopedist. Among the first generation of Dominican friars.

  • Speculum maius [fin. ca. 1260] (ed. Douai 1624|1964-65), in three parts: Speculum naturaleSpeculum doctrinale, and Speculum historiale
    • with a prefatory Libellus apologeticus (ed. von den Brincken, in "Geschichtsbetrachtung" 1978).
  • De eruditione filiorum nobilium [1247/50] (ed. Steiner 1938|1970)
  • De morali principis institutione [1260/62] (ed. Schneider 1995)
  • Liber consolatorius pro morte amici (ed. Amerbach 1481)
  • Liber gratiae (ed. Amerbach 1481)

Dominican philosopher and preacher.

  • sermons in Catalan (ed. Sanchis y Sivera and Schib 1971-)
  • Tractatus de suppositionibus (ed. Trentman 1977)
  • Quaestio de unitate universalis (ed. Trentman 1982)
  • Tractatus de vita spirituali (ed. Rousset 1899; tr. 1957)
  • other sermons and treatises (ed. Fages 1909)

Franciscan philosopher and theologian. Became

  • Sentences commentary [1295-96] (unedited)
  • three Quodlibeta [1296-1300] (ed. Delorme 1947)
  • De rerum principio [1292-95] (ed. Wadding 1891)
  • De cognitione (ed. Delorme 1927)
  • Speculum morale totius Sacrae Scripturae [1305] (ed. 1513 etc.)
  • commentary on the Apocalypse (ed. Bonelli 1773)


  • sophisms
    • two logical (unedited)
    • one grammatical (ed. Rosier 1989)

Franciscan theologian.

  • All but Bk. III of his Sentences commentary is extant (unedited except for excerpts), with Bk. I seemingly a later redaction [shortly after 1270]
    • three questions from Bk. I are edited by Longpré 1932
    • the questions from Bk. IV on the eucharist are edited in de Mattia 1962
  • various disputed questions [1267-68] (ed. Longpré 1928)

Philosopher and logician, an influential advocate of metaphysical realism. See Conti's Companion to Walter Burley (2013) for comprehensive details.

  • Earlier commentaries:
    • Quaestiones super tertium De anima [ca. 1300] (ed. Synan 1997)
    • Expositio libri De anima [1316] (unedited)
    • De interpretatione
      • Expositio vetus super librum Perihermeneias [ca. 1300] (unedited)
      • Commentarius in librum Perihermeneias [1302] (ed. Brown 1973)
      • Quaestiones in librum Perihermeneias [before 1310] (ed. Brown 1974)
    • Posterior Analytics
      • Quaestiones [before 1310] (ed. Sommers 2000, part. tr. Longeway)
      • summary [before 1310] (unedited)
      • Expositio super librum Posteriorum [before 1310] (part. ed. von Perger 2002)
    • Expositio super libros Topicorum [ca. 1300-ca.1307] (unedited)
    • De generatione [ca. 1307] (ed. Gensler 2007)
    • Physics
      • Expositio et quaestiones omnium librorum Physicorum [before 1310] (ed. Streijger in progress)
      • Questiones super libros Physicorum [before 1310; probably later than the Expositio Phys.] (ed. Streijger in progress)
    • De caelo
      • Expositio [prob. 1300-7] (unedited)
      • Quaestiones [prob. 1300-7] (unedited)
    • Meteora [prob. 1300-7] (unedited)
    • De motu animalium [prob. 1300-7] (ed. Shapiro and Scott 1969)
    • Parva naturalia [ca. 1300- ca. 1307] (ed. Gensler in progress)
    • Categories
      • Expositio vetus super librum Praedicamentorum [ca. 1300] (ed. von Perger 2003)
      • Tractatus super librum Praedicamentorum [before 1310] (ed. Conti)
    • Sophistical Refutations
      • Quaestiones super Sophisticos Elenchos [ca. 1300 - ca. 1307] (ed. von Perger 2005 and Ebbesen 2005)
      • Summa librorum Elenchorum or Tractatus fallaciarum [ca. 1300 - ca. 1307] (part. ed. Ebbesen 2003)
    • Expositio de substantia orbis [prob. 1310s] (ed. Vittorini 2011)
    • Porphyry
      • Expositio vetus [ca. 1300] (ed. von Perger 2001)
      • Commentarius super librum Porphyrii [before 1310] (unedited)
    • Liber sex principiorum [before 1324] (unedited)
  • a series of logical treatises [ca. 1302]
    • De suppositionibus (ed. Brown 1972) (part. tr. Spade)
    • De obligationibus (ed. Green 1963; part. tr. CTMPT 1)
    • De insolubilibus (ed. Roure 1970)
    • De consequentiis (ed. Green-Pedersen 1980)
    • De exceptivis (ed de Rijk 1986)
    • De exclusivis (ed. de Rijk 1985)
  • treatises from the 1310s, including:
    • De ente (ed. Shapiro 1963)
    • De finito et infinito (ed. Shapiro and Scott 1965)
    • De toto et parte (ed. Shapiro and Scott 1966)
    • De sensibus (ed. Shapiro and Scott 1966)
    • De materia et forma (ed. Shapiro 1962)
    • De qualitatibus(ed. Shapiro 1963, von Perger 2005)
    • De Deo, natura et arte (ed. Shapiro 1963)
    • De potentia activa et passiva (ed. Shapiro and Scott, 1966)
    • De diffinitione (ed. Shapiro and Scott 1965)
  • treatises from the 1320s:
    • De potentiis animae (ed. Kitchel 1971)
    • De primo et ultimo instanti (ed. Shapiro 1965)
    • De formis (ed. Scott 1970)
    • De relativis (ed. Shapiro and Kiteley 1962)
    • Tractatus secundus (de intensione et remissione formarum) (ed. 1496, ed. Jung in progress)
    • De puritate artis logicae [a short version and a long version are extant] (ed. Boehner 1955; tr. Spade 2000)
  • late commentaries
    • Quaestiones octo super logicam in communi necnon super Isagogen [probl. after 1324] (unedited)
    • Ethics [1334] (unedited)
    • In Physicam Aristotelis Expositio et Questiones [Bks. I-VI 1324-27; Bks. VII-VIII 1334-37] (ed. 1501|1972)
    • Politics [1343] (unedited)
    • Expositio super artem veteram [1337] (ed. 1509; Conti transcription online of the Expositio super librum Porphyrii [link broken; location of file unknown])
  • a treatise De universalibus [after 1337] (ed. Wöhler 1999)

Theologian and philosopher, an important influence on Ockham. Entered the Franciscan order as a boy, probably at Carlisle, where he would have received his early education. Studied theology at Oxford ca. 1317-19. Lectured on the Sentences, either in London or Oxford, in 1321-23 and again in 1323-24, engaging in extensive disputations with Ockham. Regent master of theology in 1329-30. In Avignon from 1333. His principal works are

  • Sentences commentary
    • Reportatio [ca. 1323] (ed. Wey and Etzkorn 2002-5)
    • a revised version up to Bk. I d. 17, the Lectura [1324/30] (ed. Etzkorn and Wey 2007-9)
    • The Collatio and Prologus are edited separately (ed. Wey 1989)
  • Quodlibet [1329-30] (ed. forthcoming, Etzkorn and Keele)
  • De paupertate evangelica (ed. Douie 1931-32)

Franciscan philosopher and theologian.

  • As a disciple of Scotus:
    • Served as secretary for Scotus's Ordinatio
    • Reported one of Scotus's Collationes
    • After Scotus's death, produced the lengthy Additiones magnae [1312/25], completing Scotus's unfinished lectures
  • His own original work:
    • Sentences commentary from Paris [prob. 1313-15] (intro. questions ed. Fiorentino in progress)
    • Disputed questions De esse intelligibile [1315-16] (ed. Ledoux 1937; part. tr. CTMPT 3)
    • Quodlibet [1315-16] (ed. Ledoux 1937)
    • a lengthy set of Disputationes [1322-23] (various selections edited)
    • Three questions on time (ed. Alliney, Time and Soul 2002).

Dominican theologian, succeeded Thomas Aquinas in Paris in 1259. All known surviving works are sermons or biblical commentaries.

  • prologues to various commentaries (ed. and tr. Bellamah 2011)

Logician. Not an arts master at Toulouse from the 1230s/40s, as de Rijk argued.

  • Lectura tractatuum [1270s] (ed. de Rijk, in "Genuine Text" 1969), a commentary on Peter of Spain's Tractatus

Theologian and bishop.

  • Magisterium divinale ac sapientiale [1228/40]
    • De trinitate [De primo principio] (ed. Switalski 1976; tr. Teske and Wade 1989)
    • De universo creaturum (tr. Teske 1998-2007)
    • De anima [ca. 1240] (tr. Teske 2000)
    • Cur Deus homo (tr. Teske 2011)
    • De fide et legibus (tr. Teske 2011)
    • De sacramentis
    • De virtutibus et moribus (pt. I tr. Teske 2009)
  • De immortalitate animae (ed. Bülow 1897; tr. Teske 1991)
  • De bono et malo (ed. O'Donnell 1946-54)
  • De gratia et libero arbitrio (ed. Corti 1966) (tr. Teske 2011)
  • De arte predicandi (ed. de Poorter 1923)
  • De errore Pelagii (ed. Landgraf 1930)

Works not available in a modern edition can be found in his Opera omnia (ed. Le Feron 1674|1963 etc.).

Influential early university theologian.

  • Summa aurea [1215/29] (ed. Ribaillier 1980-87)
  • Summa de officiis ecclesiasticis [1208/15] (ed. Fischer online)

Oxford philosopher.

  • questions on (all unedited):
    • Priscian
    • De interpretatione
    • Metaphysics
    • Physics
    • De caelo
    • De generatione
    • Meteora
  • Sophismata (ed. Ebbesen, in " Animal est " 1993)


  • Obligationes [1360] (ed. Pozzi, La coerenza logica 1990)

Arts master at Oxford by 1265.

  • commentary on the Physics (Bks. III-IV ed. Trifogli 2007)
  • likely the author of commentaries from the same manuscript on the De animaDe generatione et corruptioneMeteoraDe somno et vigilia, and De vegetabilibus.

Eccentric Dominican theologian and philosopher.

  • Sentences Bk. I at Oxford [1330-31] (ed. Hoffmann 1988; q. 1 tr. CTMPT 3). His
  • Quodlibet may also be extant (unedited)

Paris theologian.

  • a large set of questions [late 1220s] surviving in a single manuscript (unedited except for a question on the eternity of the world in Dales and Argerami, Medieval Latin Texts 1991)

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences commentary [ca. 1280] (unedited)
  • various disputed questions (part. ed. Gondras 1972)
    • including a De gradibus formarum [1271-72] (ed. Glorieux 1957)
  • various sermons (unedited)

Not to be identified with Peter of Falco, as has been suggested.

Logician and natural philosopher; leading Oxford Calculator.

  • Regulae solvendi sophismata [1335] (ed. 1494 etc.)
    • insolubles (tr. Spade 1979)
    • knowing and doubting (tr. CTMPT 1)
    • relative pronouns
    • beginning and ceasing
    • maxima and minima (tr. Longeway 1984)
    • place, quantity, and quality
  • De sensu composito et diviso [1331/39] (ed. 1494 etc.; tr. CTMPT 1)
  • Sophismata [1331/39] (ed. 1494 etc.; a provisional ed. by Pironet is available electronically).
  • a treatise on consequences, Juxta hunc textum (internet ed. Pironet)
  • Sophismata asinina (ed. Pironet 1994)
  • a beginner's guide to definitions in natural philosophy, the Termini naturales (unedited)

A bibliography of primary and secondary sources has been posted by Fabienne Pironet.

Early English Thomist.

  • seventeen quodlibetal questions [1280] (unedited)
  • De anima commentary ascribed to a Guillelmus Hedonensis (unedited)

Dominican theologian.

  • Sentences I-III (unedited)
  • Expositio in Librum de causis (unedited; see Carron-Faivre in SIEPM Bulletin n. 54)

Also assorted theological works.

Franciscan theologian, known for his early opposition to Thomism.

  • Correctorium fratris Thomae [1277/79; later revised] (ed. Glorieux 1927, with Richard Knapwell's response; revised text part. ed. Oliva 2005; ed. Alisade in progress). Peter Simpson has made an online translation.
  • Sentences commentary [1268-70] (ed. Kraml 1989-2001; Bks. 3-4 free online)
  • disputed questions [1274] (unedited)
  • studies of the Hebrew and Greek texts of the Bible (unedited)

Early English Thomist.

  • Correctorium ‘Quaestione' [ca. 1284] (ed. Müller 1954) [authorship probable]
  • questions on the prologue and Bk. I of the Sentences [1290s] (unedited) [authorship probable]
  • disputed questions (unedited) [authorship probable]

Franciscan theologian.

  • disputed questions
    • on the sacraments (ed. Piana and Gál 1961)
  • a treatise on the Mass (ed. Lampen 1931)
  • many biblical commentaries (unedited)

Involved in completing Alexander of Hale's Summa, from 1255, but died before it was finished.

English logician.

  • various logical treatises
    • Compendium de quinque universalibus (part. ed. Conti 1990)

b. ca. 1282; d. 1336

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences commentary [1306-8] (ed. Rodler in progress; fragments, incl. IV.8-13 [on the Eucharist] ed. Barbaric 1976)
  • Various biblical studies are also extant.

To be distinguished from an earlier William of Nottingham, also a Franciscan, and also English minister provincial [1240-54]

b. Ockham [Surrey], ca. 1287; d. Munich, 1347

Brilliantly innovative theologian and philosopher, the inceptor of late-medieval nominalism.

  • political and ecclesiastical (all except Dialogus ed.Opera politica, Offler et al. 1940-97)
    • Opus nonaginta dierum [1332/34] (tr. Kilcullen and Scott 2001)
    • Epistola ad fratres minores [1334] (tr. McGrade and Kilcullen 1995)
    • Octo quaestiones de potestate papae [1340-41] (part. tr. McGrade and Kilcullen 1995)
    • Breviloquium [1341/42] (tr. McGrade and Kilcullen 1992)
    • De imperatorum et pontificum potestate [1346-47] (tr. Brett 1998)
    • Dialogus [1334/46] (ed. Kilcullen, Knysh et al., 2011-24; part. tr. CTMPT 2; available on the internet in a critical edition with translation)

Peter King has posted extensive translations from Ockham's discussion of universals (Ordinatio I.2.4-8).

b. Exeter; d. Oxford, 1420

Oxford follower of John Wyclif's controversial realism.

  • De universalibus (ed. Conti 1982)
  • Divisio entis in praedicamenta (unedited)

b. Bayonne [Gascony], ca. 1260; d. Avignon, 1336

Early French Thomist.

  • Sentences commentary, known as the Lectura Thomasina [1299-1301] (ed. Bonini and Colli 2021-)
  • Quaestio de individuationis principio [1305-6] (ed. Scotus Archiv) [a quaestio magistralis, with John Duns Scotus serving as the respondent]
  • Tractatus de causa immediata ecclesiastice potestatis [1318] (ed. McCready 1982), which should likely be ascribed to William rather than to Peter of Palude

b. Spain, ca. 1290

Franciscan theologian.

  • Sentences [either in Paris or perhaps Barcelona, 1324/32] (ed. 1518)

b. Burgundy, ca. 1200; d. Burgundy, 1272

Paris theologian and leading controversialist against the mendicant orders.

  • De periculis novissimorum temporum [1256] (ed. and tr. Geltner 2007)
  • various briefer anti-mendicant works (ed. Traver 2003; ed. Traver, in "Disputed Questions" 1995)
  • Collectiones catholicae et canonicae scripturae [1266] (ed. 1632|1997)

William seems not to be the author of extant commentaries on the Prior and Posterior Analytics (unedited) once ascribed to him. The anti-mendicant Liber de Antichristo (ed. Martène and Durand 1724-33|1968) should be ascribed to his student, Nicholas of Lisieux.

b. Nottinghamshire, 1200/5; d. 1266/72

Influential logician.

  • Introductiones in logicam (ed. Brands and Kann 1995; tr. Kretzmann 1966|1975)
  • Syncategoremata (ed. O'Donnell 1941; tr. Kretzmann 1968).
  • Possibly also by William are treatises on Insolubilia (ed. Roure 1970) and on Obligationes (ed. Green 1963) (ed. and German transl. of both by Kann in progress)

b. Hertfordshire; fl. 1290-1305

Franciscan theologian

  • Sentences commentary [1290/1305], extant in three or perhaps four different redactions (unedited except fragments)

b. Silesia, ca. 1230; d. ca. 1290

Theologian and philosopher, best known for his work in optics.

  • Perspectiva [1270/78] (Bks. I-III ed. and tr. Unguru 1991; Bk. V ed. and tr. Smith 1983)
  • De natura daemonum and De causa primaria poenitentiae (both ed. Burchardt 1979)