In the Dark - Sabrina Armstong

Photography Website
14 Photos

A photograph series that depicts the urgency of sexual harassment by putting different genders into the same uncomfortable situations. Sexual harassment and assault can happen to anyone anywhere. Through this series, viewers are opened to the baggage of emotions and unwanted situations that present themselves.

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A deep look into the truth surrounding sexual harassment. These images should widen the perspectives of the viewers who can now see multiple sides of the many stories that people share when thinking of sexual harassment. Through contrasting the different genders and flip flopping the situation, viewers can get a better understanding of the normality of predator behavior. Many of these photos are depictions of scenarios that can happen to people every day, from unwanted wandering eyes to the most severe case of sexual assault. These images create a narrative that not anyone is truly safe out there,  but rather knowing what sexual harassment and assault look like and the ways in which these images make you feel, should encourage viewers to make a change. As the viewer, you are a bystander to seeing these images and scenarios unfold, what are you going to do about it?

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