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Learn More About IIPWG

IIPWG hosts a monthly strategy call for participants that serves as a clearinghouse for information, news, and joint action to bring together Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities on issues related to sustainable and responsible investing and Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Resources include a monthly newsletter, investor briefs and toolkits, webinars, roundtables, and more.

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Additional Resources


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What is FPIC

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (United Nations)

The Business Reference Guide to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (United Nations)

Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (United Nation)

Free, Prior and Informed Consent Due Diligence Questionnaire (First Peoples Worldwide at CU Boulder)

Indigenous Peoples Guidebook to FPIC and Corporation Standards (First Peoples Worldwide, International Indian Treaty Council, Trillium Asset Management)

Investor Toolkit on Human Rights (Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility)

Indigenous Rights Risk Report (First Peoples Worldwide)

Indigenous Peoples and the Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues)


Person working with power tools in a tunnel

Investor Brief: Responsible Investment and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the Energy Transition (SHARE Canada's Reconciliation & Responsible Investment Initiative and First Peoples Worldwide at CU Boulder)

Renewable Energy Impacts on Communities: Managing Investors' Risks and Responsibilites (Business & Human Rights Resource Centre)

Securing Indigenous Peoples' Rights in the Green Economy (SIRGE) Coalition

Energy transition minerals and their intersection with land-connected peoples ​(Nature Sustainability)

Mining Energy-Transition Metals: National Aims, Local Conflicts (MSCI)

Recharging Community Consent: Mining companies, battery minerals, and the battle to break from the past (Oxfam)

Mapping the Renewable Energy Sector to the Sustainable Development Goals (Columbia Center on Sustainable Investing)

Managing the S in ESG: The Case of Indigenous Peoples and Extractive Industries (First Peoples Worldwide)

Indigenous Peoples and Engagement Timeline for Sustainable and Responsible Investing (IIPWG and First Peoples Worldwide)

Energy and Mining Investment: Assessing Accountability for Indigenous Rights in Complex Investment Chains (SHARE Canada)

The (Un)just Use of Transition Minerals: How Efforts to Achieve a Low-Carbon Economy Continue to Violate Indigenous Rights (First Peoples Worldwide at CU Boulder)

Responsible Resource Development: A Strategic Plan to Consider Social and Cultural Impacts of Tribal Extractive Industry Development (First Peoples Worldwide at CU Boulder, Harvard Journal of Law and Gender)


eight overlapping hands

Achieving Native Financial Empowerment (First Nations Development Institute)

Equity for Native American Communities: Using Mission Investments Alongside Grants (Northwest Area Foundation)

Indigenous People and Impact Investing (Green Money Journal - March 1, 2020)

Investing in Indigenous Communities (Green Money Journal - March 15, 2020)

Investing in Native Communities (Native Americans in Philanthropy, Candid)

Indigenous Wealth Guide (Native Governance Center)

Decolonizing Wealth Project (Decolonizing Wealth)

Investing in Native Communities: A Report on Foundation Activity (Mission Investors Exchange)

9 Lessons for Investing in Native Communities (Confluence Philanthropy)

Investing for Today, Tomorrow, and Future Generations: A Guide for Indigenous Investors (Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative, Canada)

Advancing Reconciliation in Canada: A Guide for Investors (SHARE and NATOA, Canada)

Indigenous Peoples & Impact Investing (Green Money Journal: August 2015)


COVID-19 virus

COVID-19 Resources (Native American Financial Officers Association)

COVID-19 Resources for Native-Owned Businesses (Change Labs)

COVID-19 Resources for Indian Country (National Congress of American Indians)