Additional resources from IIPWG, including links to investor letters, briefs, toolkits, and IIPWG statements, as well as news items and articles highlights. See also IIPWG webinars and newsletters.

Investor Letters & IIPWG Statements

▶ IIPWG statement: IIPWG Comment Letter to the SEC's Proposed Climate Rule
Investor Letter to SEC Re: Response to Proposed Rule on The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors
▶ IIPWG statement: Investor Statement on Line 3 and Other Oil Sands Projects
Investor Letter on Line 3, Oil Sands Projects, and FPIC
▶ IIPWG statement: Indigenous Peoples Day 2022 - Resources towards Indigenous-Led Economic Development
Investor Letter to AT&T Anti-Native Bias Regarding at CNN
▶ IIPWG statement: IIPWG on the New Name of the Washington Football Team
▶ IIPWG statement: Indigenous Peoples Day 2021
▶ IIPWG statement: Tahoe Resort Where IIPWG Began Changes Its Racist Name
▶ Follow-up investor letters to NIKE, PepsiCo, and retailers about need to end racist branding after the Washington Football Team name retirement.
▶ Investor letter to NIKE, PepsiCo and FedEx about the need to retire the Washington Football Team's racist name and logo.

Toolkits & Briefs

Toolkit: Integrating Indigenous Peoples, Biodiversity, and Finance
Marriott International Investor Brief: Violations of the Rights of Indigenous Newars in Nepal
Talking Points: Integrating Indigenous Rights into the SEC’s Proposed Rule for Climate Risk Disclosures
Talking Points: ESG, Climate and Indigenous Rights Risk Disclosures
Line 3 Investor Brief
Toolkit: Eradicating Native Mascots in Sports after the Washington Football Team Name Retirement
TOOLKIT: Investors Demand Washington Team Name Change

News Items & Articles