Shawhin is an assistant professor in Environmental Design at the University of Colorado Boulder. In his research, Shawhin studies ways designers organize to address social problems. He bridges sociological studies of social movements and race with architectural theory. Shawhin works as part of the transdisciplinary dissentxdesign research collective, which uses design and theory building to investigate how dissent and counter-hegemonic tactics play out in space. Their work contributes to theories of contentious politics in the spatial professions and employs ethnographic methods. Shawhin’s research projects are supported by the National Science Foundation and his groups’ work is published in architectural and sociological journals. Shawhin’s is currently collaborating on a study of the architecture of white institutional spaces, a small community-driven exploration of racism in spaces of small local businesses (e.g. cafes and bookstores), and an ethnography of radicalization and contentious political engagement by design professionals.