Our Work
Every day, KWIP works to investigate and litigate cases where innocent people have been wrongfully convicted in Colorado. When we take on a case, our lawyers and law student volunteers dig deep in an effort to uncover new evidence of innocence.
KWIP currently has more than 150 applications on our waitlist for initial screening, and we're actively investigating and litigating about 15 cases. In some of these cases, we're simply seeking DNA testing that could prove our client's innocence. In other cases, we've committed to represent our client through post-conviction proceedings that could take years as the case winds through the court system.
By studying cases where individuals have been exonerated, we have been able to identify the main factors that contribute to wrongful convictions. At KWIP, we see these factors— often in combination—in the many applications that arrive in our mailbox from prisoners seeking our help:
- Eyewitness misidentification
- False confessions
- Police and prosecutorial misconduct
- Flawed forensic evidence
- Perjured testimony