Danielle Lemmon

  • Graduate Student

Currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Pusan National University, South Korea (1/2021) ~~~ Brief Bio: Danielle Lemmon joins CU Boulder from the University of Washington. While earning a bachelor's degree in Physics (with a minor in Climate Sciences) as a NASA Space Grant Scholar, Danielle conducted independent research on such topics as projections of global food security using climate models, and participated in larger projects in the UW Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory and Woodruff Scientific. Danielle is currently fourth year graduate student and doctral candidate working on the diversity of El Nino events. Danielle is also earning a Graduate Certificate in Science and Technology Policy.

Danielle's recent awards include:

  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, 2017
  • Overall winner, Earth System and Space Science Poster Conference, 2017
  • AAAS Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering (CASE) Workshop Student Competition, 2019
  • AGU Student Travel Award, 2019

Danielle's peer-reviewed publications include:

  • Lemmon, D. E., and K. B. Karnauskas, 2018: A Metric for Quantifying ENSO Diversity with Implications for ENSO–Mean State Interaction. Clim. Dyn., doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4194-3.