The Oceans and Climate Lab at CU Boulder explores the dynamics of the coupled Earth system toward useful predictions of impacts ranging from marine ecosystems to human health. Read more »

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Jody Dhruba Abby

The OC Lab welcomes three new researchers for Fall 2017!

Sept. 22, 2017

The Oceans and Climate Lab is proud to welcome postdocs Jody Wycech (CIRES Visiting Fellow) and Dhruba Samanta (visiting from Singapore), and UROP awardee Abby Clabaugh. All three focusing on tropical Pacific climate!


Our final 2017 Atlantic hurricane season outlook: ~13 named storms

Aug. 2, 2017

Routine predictions of Atlantic seasonal hurricane activity using outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) over Africa, based on Karnauskas and Li (2016, GRL).

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OC Lab hosts visitor from science/technology university in Saudi Arabia

July 12, 2017

Professor Burt Jones from the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ( KAUST ) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia visits students and postdocs in the lab. SOARS Protégé Jamin Rader discusses his summer research on the physical controls on productivity in the southern Red Sea using satellite chlorophyll observations.

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The Lab welcomes SOARS Protégé Jamin Rader

May 28, 2017

The Oceans and Climate Lab is excited to host Mr. Jamin Rader as a SOARS Protégé this summer! Jamin adds to a growing faction of the lab hailing from the University of Washington, where he is majoring in Atmospheric Sciences and minoring in Applied Math. Jamin is passionate about continuing his education to better understand and advocate for this place we share.

Chris announcement

The Oceans and Climate Lab welcomes Chris Heney

Jan. 16, 2017

The Oceans and Climate Lab is delighted to welcome Mr. Christopher Heney to the group as a graduate student. Mr. Heney joins CU Boulder with a Bachelor's degree in Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences from the University of Michigan followed by 11 years experience as a U.S. Naval Officer, most recently as Training Officer at the U.S. Naval Satellite Operations Center.

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When did the Galápagos became the Galápagos? Published today in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Dec. 20, 2016

Paleoclimate records reveal the emergence of modern Galápagos upwelling around 1.6 million years ago. Timing and mechanism confirmed by transdisciplinary models; submarine volcanoes built islands that blocked the Equatorial Undercurrent.

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Published in Journal of Climate: Response of Typhoon Climate to Global Warming

Nov. 1, 2016

Our dynamical downscaling study in collaboration with J. Donnelly (WHOI) and K. Emanuel (MIT) and with funding from the DoD suggests that anthropogenic radiative forcing will increase hurricane track density, power dissipation and genesis over the N. Pacific, attributable to smaller vertical wind shear and warmer ocean temperatures.

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Dr. Kathy James (Anschutz Medical Campus) visits the Oceans and Climate Lab

Oct. 31, 2016

As part of the seminar on climate change and human health, Dr. Kathy James (University of Colorado School of Medicine and Colorado School of Public Health) discussed her research on access to clean drinking water, associated health issues and climate.

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Fall 2016 seminar theme: Climate change and human health

Aug. 19, 2016

The Fall 2016 offering of ATOC 6020-805 (Seminar in Climate Dynamics) will be a cross-campus collaboration involving the Masters of Public Health course EHOH 6635 (Climate Change and Health) on the UC Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus.


Our latest 2016 Atlantic hurricane season outlook: ~14 named storms

July 2, 2016

Predictions of Atlantic seasonal hurricane activity using outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) over Africa now available, based on paper by Karnauskas and Li (2016) just published in Geophysical Research Letters.
