Andrew Tan

  • Assistant Professor

1725 Pleasant St.,

UCB 354,

Boulder, CO 80309

Dr. Tan received his PhD. in neuroscience from Northwestern University, Chicago in 2016 where he investigated lower limb control post-stroke at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Emory University Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and a research fellowship at Harvard Medical School’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation studying spinal cord injury at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. Andrew joined the Department of Integrative Physiology at the University of Colorado, Boulder as an Assistant Professor in 2020.

His lab focuses on elucidating the neuro-mechanical basis underlying impaired lower limb function and sensorimotor recovery in persons with neurological injury. Given the nervous system’s tremendous ability to re-organize, we seek to identify innovative paradigms that shape this neural plasticity towards gains in motor performance. We conduct parallel investigations in healthy individuals to further clarify mechanisms of motor control and adaptation.  The work from our lab will strengthen the neurorehabilitation communities understanding of how novel strategies can induce plasticity, shape functional recovery, and ultimately enhance mobility and quality of life in persons with paralysis.

Representative Publications:

Tan AQ, Barth S, Trumbower RD. Acute Intermittent Hypoxia: a step towards restoring walking after spinal cord injury. 2020. Review. Current Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Reports.

Sohn W*, Tan AQ*, Hayes HB, Deffeyes J, Pochiraju S, Trumbower RD. Variability of leg kinematics during overground walking in persons with incomplete spinal cord injury. 2019. Journal of Neurotrauma.

Kessar TM, Tan AQ, Steven EP, Baker K, Wolf SL, Borich MR. Agonist-antagonist coactivation enhances corticomotor excitability of ankle musculature. 2019. Neural Plasticity.

Tan AQ, Shemmell J, Dhaher YY. Downregulating aberrant motor evoked potential synergies of the lower extremity post-stroke during TMS of the contralesional hemisphere. 2016. Brain Stimulation.

Tan AQ, Dhaher YY. Evaluation of lower limb cross planar kinetic connectivity signatures post stroke. 2014. Journal of Biomechanics.