Robbie Courter, M.S.

  • Graduate Student
  • Research Assistant

Research Interests

I am interested in the factors that influence our walking and reaching speeds, such as reward, effort, and disease. Specifically, I use metabolics and biomechanics analyses to quantify how our movements change with these factors.

I am currently researching the metabolic costs of reaching and walking in Multiple Sclerosis to thoroughly understand how the disease progression alters the energy requirements of movement.


Masters of Science, Integrative Phyisiology, University of Colorado Boulder, 2020
Bachelors of Science, Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, 2018


EM Summerside, RJ Courter, R Shadmehr, and AA Ahmed, Effort Cost of Reaching Contributes to vigor of reduciton in the elderly. In prep.

Courter RJ, Ahmed AA (2019) To break a habit, timing’s everything. Nature Human Behaviour 1–2. doi:10.1038/s41562-019-0744-x