Erik and Robbie's paper on slowing of movement with aging is in the news!

May 28, 2024

Erik and Robbie's recent Journal of Neuroscience paper investigating why we move slower as we age is featured in CU Boulder Today. Congratulations Erik and Robbie!

Colin's paper on saccade vigor in the news

Colin Korbisch's paper on saccade vigor during deliberation is featured in CU Boulder Today .

Shruthi Presents at MLMC 2020

Nov. 12, 2020

Today Shruthi presented her work titled "Effort expenditure links control of vigor with decision-making" at the Advances in Motor Learning and Motor Control Virtual Conference. Her talk was one of 12 selected talks.

Book on Vigor and Neuroeconomics of Movement is out!

July 30, 2020

Why do you run to greet a loved one but merely walk to greet an acquantaince? What do our movements reveal of our mind? For an attempt at an answer - check out the new book Vigor: Neuroeconomics of Movement Control by Reza Shadmehr and Alaa Ahmed.

Top Cited Paper

March 4, 2020

Congrats to Dr. Erik Summerside for his article, " Vigor of reaching movements: reward discounts the cost of effort " being one of the ten most cited papers in the Journal of Neurophysiology.

American Society of Biomechanics Tutorial

Feb. 18, 2020

Our very own Gary Bruening will be teaching a tutorial on how to use GitHub for biomechanics collaborations and code reporducability with the Applied Biomechanics Lab's Ryan Alcantara. Congrats Gary and we look forward to learning from you!

Undergraduate Research

Jan. 30, 2020

We are currently looking for undergraduate research assistants for two projects: The Effects of Fatigue and Stress on Eye Movements (Contact: Daniel Apuan ) The Effect of Perceived Effort and Reward on Movement Speed (Contact: Robbie Courter ) Updating of a Wii Balance Board for Use in Postural Assessment (Contact:...

Paper on loss aversion in effort-based decisions is out!

Oct. 16, 2019

Do you hate more work as much as you love less work? For an answer - check out Megan O'Brien's paper on loss aversion in effort-based decisions!

Congratulations Colin

Oct. 3, 2019

Congratulations to our own Colin Korbisch on your acceptance to give a podium talk at the Advances in Motor Learning and Motor Control Meeting in Chicago on October 18. Congratulations as well as on being on selected to recieve the United Government of Graduate Students Travel Grant to attend this...

Advances in Motor Learning and Motor Control 2019

Sept. 26, 2019

Our Lab is co-organizing the 2019 MLMC Meeting (see website: ). We look forward to seeing you there!
