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CU Boulder is now a member of the Hemispheric Institute!

This blog post was written by Professor Marcos Steuernagel (Department of Theatre and Dance, LASC Steering Committee Member). 

I am thrilled to announce that, thanks to generous support from the Department of Theatre and Dance and the Latin American Studies Center, we were able to secure the funding for CU Boulder to become a member of the Hemispheric Institute of Perfomance and Politics (Hemi). Although the membership itself is at the University level, this will overwhelmingly benefit students working on Latino/a and Latin American scholarship, and on performance and politics in general.

I would encourage you to take advantage of this great institute. Here are some of the many ways in which you can do so right away and as you plan for your upcoming Fall classes:

- The Hemispheric Institute Digital Video Library is an amazing resources for documentation of performance practices in the Americas. Featured artists include Guillermo Gomez-Peña and La Pocha Nostra, El Teatro Campesino, and many, many more. This is a great resource for teaching and performance practice research.

- HemiPress is the digital imprint of the Hemispheric Institute, featuring Duke/HemiPress digital books such as What is Performance Studies? and Dancing with the Zapatistas, the Gesture short works series, and emisférica Hemi's peer-reviewed, online, trilingual scholarly journals. Students and scholars from member institutions also receive support for creating content on the in-house Tome academic digital publishing platform. There is currently an open call for Gesture for "short, evocative digital works that combine multimedia and writing to make and original critical intervention in the fields of performance and politics.” emisférica is currently accepting proposals for multimedia presentations and reviews (May 15) and dossiers and essays (July 15) for its upcoming issue.

- The call for Convergence, the Hemi graduate conference, is out now. 

These are just a few of the many benefits of a Hemi membership, and I’ll send out more information as it becomes available, but I wanted to thank everyone involved and share this exciting news with you before we break for the summer.