This certificate combines the study of Latinx communities in the United States with analysis of the history, politics, culture, art and societies of Latin America and the Caribbean. It trains future professionals to better serve the growing Latinx* population of the country and the state.
Certificate students:
- Examine historical, economic and political relationships between Latin America and the United States.
- Develop familiarity with social, cultural, political, and economic developments in their historical context.
- Learn about the commonalities and differences inside Latin America and between Latin American and Latinx cultures.
- Understand changing and contested identity constructions among diverse peoples of the region.
- Learn about Latinx history and culture.
- Analyze migration within countries in the Americas and other parts of the world.
Interested in the certificate? Join today:
1. Attend an online information session (15 minutes) if you wish to learn more about the program first.
2. Register for the certificate by filling out the online form. Email lalsc@colorado.edu with questions about curriculum and courses.
3. Plan to take LAMS 1000, the core course in Latin American Studies.
* The term Latinx is used to connote a commitment to be inclusive of gender non-conforming identities, to challenge the gender binaries inherent in the Spanish language, and to reflect the cutting edge of the fields traditionally called Chicano Studies and US Latino studies.