Meet the Sacred Stacks Cohort

In February, we announced an open call for Sacred Stacks, an invitation to "Bring Decentralized Tools to Your Community." We were astonished by the response. Around fifty communities applied for only three available slots. Clearly, there is a widespread need and curiosity for support in exploring emerging technologies in the context of community.
Thanks to support from the Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web, we were able to add to the initial grant from the Henry Luce Foundation and double the cohort to six communities. Additional help from Starling Lab meant that we could add one more. We are grateful for these partners. With their help, we are thrilled to be able to announce the Sacred Stacks cohort:
- Barreirinha (Guajajara) village (Barreirinha, Araribóia, Brazil)
- Iraqi Journalists Rights Association (Baghdad, Iraq)
- Kibilio Community & Farm (Western MA, USA)
- Sans Souci Cooperative (Boulder, CO, USA)
- Survivors Know (Chicago, IL, USA)
- Unheard Voices Outreach (Nashville, TN, USA)
- Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (San Francisco, CA, USA)
From now until December, this cohort will be learning from each other, from our collaborators at Hypha Worker Co-operative and the Tech Chaplaincy Institute, and from guests who join our meetings. At the end, we'll assemble resources based on our experience to inform other communities interested in greater self-governance in relationship to their technologies.