Dr. Marder is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment at UC Boulder and within his group. The group draws people from diverse backgrounds in all senses of the word. Having such a diverse group is conducive to creative thinking and to ensuring that problems are viewed from many perspectives, which we believe is critical to making significant advances. The group fosters diversity from the standpoints of training, country of origin, disciplinary training (chemical, materials science, physics, chemical engineering, etc) as well as gender and ethnicity.
For female and under-represented minority researchers interested in pursuing a research career, links to information about various resources are provided below.
- Association for Women in Science (AWIS)
- Committee on the Status of Women in Physics
- Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)
- Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU)
- National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)
- National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO)
- National Center for Research Resources - Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI)
- National Organization for Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)
- National Postdoctoral Association
- Society for the Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
- The National GEM Consortium (Underrepresented groups in Science and Engineering)