Course Topics

The short course will illustrate how to use JMP in linear regression analysis. The three main topics will be:

  1. Exploratory data analysis, simple liner regression and polynomial regression
  2. How to fit a multiple regression model, how to fit a multiple regression model with interactions and how to generate and compare candidate models
  3. Regression diagnostics will focus on evaluating the assumptions of regression, and recommendations when assumptions have not been met.

Before you show up:

Complete the simple pre-course assignment:

Q1: The response variable in simple linear regression is _____?
A) categorical B) numeric C) binary D) ordinal

Q2: The predictor variable in simple linear regression is_____?
A) categorical B) numeric C) binary D) ordinal

Q3: What are the assumptions of linear regression models?

Q4: What is the meaning of the below equation:
Strength = -13.971 + 3.016 LBM