Frequently Asked Questions
iTOYS stands for Improving Treatment Outcomes for Young Speakers
Our goal is to make language therapy work better, faster, and for more children. Because we know that children learn through play (though not just with toys), we thought iTOYS was good name for what we do.
We are located in the Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) building on the CU Boulder Campus. 2501 Kittredge Loop Rd.
Please see the Location tab for our location and driving directions
We will provide free parking, compensation for travel costs, and a book for your child! Additionally, you will receive information about your child’s language development as well as some information that may help you encourage your child’s language development at home.
Our research program is designed to contribute to evidence needed for educators, especially speech-language pathologists, to help children who struggle with communication. We appreciate having your help to meet this goal!
No. Filling out forms on this site does not enroll you or your child. If you fill out our registry contact form, we will contact you when there are any studies that would be a good fit for your child.
See the For Parents tab to submit your contact information or click here for our registry. You can send us an email at or give us a call at (303) 735-4615.