Electrochemical Energy Lab
- Solartron 1286 potentiostat/galvanostat
- Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
- Sputtering system
- Hoshen's coin cell assembley system
- Spex 8000 high energy mechanical ball mills
- 2 Planetary ball mills
- High temperature furnaces
- High temperature tube furnace with controlled atmosphere
- Thermal evaporation
- Carver manual press
- Electrophoresis high voltage source
- 3 Vacuum Atmosphere's Inc. controlled atmosphere glove box system
- 4 Arbin computers controlled potentiostats/galvanostats (24 channels each)
Mechanical Engineering Department at CU-Boulder
- Small angle X-ray scattering
- Raman Spectroscopy
- UV-ozone substrate cleaner
- BET for measurement of surface area and porosity
- FTIR for characerization of bond arrangements
- NIKON T200 Inverted Biological Microscope with TIRF capability
- Enviromental scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
- Field Emission SEM
- ZYGO Optical interferometry with thermal annealing stage
- Auger electron spectroscopy
- Vapor HF release
- Polymer coating facilities
- Metallization facilities
- 2 MTS Nanoindentation instruments
- VEECO Nanoman II atomic force microscope with scanning conductance capability
- MEMS probe station equipped with computer control
- Video camera and power supply units