Woman teaching

Daily Camera: CU-Boulder wraps up work on $112M sustainability, environment complex

April 22, 2016

Andrea Sach, left, and Sylvia Michelle, both research scientists, look over atmospheric data for the University of Colorado's Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research in a new building called the SEEC complex (Sustainability, Energy and Environment Complex). (Cliff Grassmick / Staff Photographer) Faculty and graduate students are nearly all moved...


Presto! Harnessing the sun to make fertilizer

April 21, 2016

Here’s a new recipe that might be good for the planet: Add sunlight to a particular nitrogen molecule and out comes ammonia, the main ingredient of fertilizer used around the world. The eco-friendly method of producing ammonia is described in a new study led by the Department of Energy’s National...

Daily Camera: CU-Boulder fellowship seeks to tackle public issues with research

March 20, 2016

Researchers often feel like they're presented with a tough choice in their scholarly careers: work with the community and use research to help solve real-world problems or focus on publishing as much as possible in peer-reviewed journals. The University of Colorado is trying to make it possible to do both...
