Published: Dec. 6, 2016 By ,

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A Q+A from TechStars’ Nicole Glaros and David Slayden, TechStars

Nicole Glaros is Partner and Chief Product Officer at TechStars and David Slayden is associate professor at the University of Colorado Boulder’s College of Media, Communication and Information & executive director of IXDMA, a graduate degree program

When I am asked what qualities make for an amazing entrepreneur, a lot comes to mind. First I think about graduates of BDW who have started their own companies; and I also think about the students who have participated in the New Venture Challenge out of the Law School at CU. But I can’t think of anyone who is better suited to answer the qualities question than Nicole Glaros who through TechStars has made it her business to mentor and fund early-stage companies. The formula can be tricky to pin down but here’s where we landed.

December 6, 2016 Full Article